
"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

Southern Metropolis Daily

2024-06-29 11:04Southern Metropolis Daily official account

On the evening of June 28, actor Chen Sisi revealed on social platforms that jazz singer Wang Yunyi died of illness at the age of 38. "I'm the best one in the world, I love you forever!! We are good friends in this life, and in the next life, please continue to be friends with me. There is no sickness in heaven, you won't hurt anymore, go all the way...... I love you......"

Actor Chen Sisi revealed the news of Wang Yunyi's death on social platforms.

Wang Yunyi, formerly known as Wang Hui, was born on June 5, 1986 in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, in 2012, participated in Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Voice of China Season 1", and appeared with Cai Qin's "Forgotten Time". Because of her bald head style that maintains her personality all year round, she is called "Mrs. Shi" by netizens.

"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

When Wang Yunyi was young, her parents left one after another, and she became an orphan at a young age. In 2012, Nandu Entertainment had a dialogue with Wang Yunyi and wrote: It is difficult for you to associate the girl in front of you who "can laugh even in her dreams, and have no worries about food and clothing, food and drink", with the image of an orphan who lost her parents at a young age.

"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

Facing Nandu Entertainment's question, "I'm curious about what kind of life experience you have to be as optimistic as you are today?" Wang Yunyi replied: "I haven't wanted to talk about this, because everyone has their own story, and there are always happy and unhappy in life, but recently there has been a lot of speculation about whether I am the rich second generation, whether the parents from Shanxi are coal bosses and the like, so I will talk about it." Actually, my parents died when I was very young, and I was an orphan, but this is all over...... At the age of 15, I began to want to earn some money to support myself, and when I was most miserable and lonely, music accompanied me, allowing me to see hope and happiness. That's one of the reasons why I like jazz, it's the most inclusive and free-flowing music I know about music, without religious or ethnic distinctions, rejecting all worldly ideas, blending South American passion, European court music classical, French chanson romance, free in music, exactly the kind of person I want to be. ”

"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

In October last year, Wang Yunyi wrote about her life on Weibo.

In December last year, Wang Yunyi accidentally fell from a chair due to excessive drinking, suffered a serious head injury, and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. According to media reports at the time, Wang Yunyi's agent said that because Wang Yunyi had been silent for many years and was under great pressure to make a comeback, he accidentally drank too much alcohol during a recent gathering with a music producer, and had more than 10 stitches in his ear.

"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

Wang Yunyi's last Weibo post stayed on June 2 this year.

Wang Yunyi's last Weibo post stayed on June 2 this year, she shared that she participated in the "Diamond Tournament" on a language learning tool software and won: "Although my eyes are almost blind, I finally have a liver." My friend asked, 'Do you get anything out of winning?' I said, 'Dignity...' Whenever I decide on something, I want to see what the end is..."

"The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

Go all the way.

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  • "The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38
  • "The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38
  • "The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38
  • "The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38
  • "The Voice" bald jazz singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38

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