
Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

author:Preferred Consumer Reports
Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

Summer is coming, all kinds of fruits are on the market, just ask if you can eat it, happy or not!

But we also received some messages in the background, saying that we saw some reports that those sweet fruits were actually "cyclamate"? But some experts say it's impossible!

What is the truth?

Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

(Image generated by AI)

Let's start with a piece of news.

From 2023 to March 2024, front-line reporters from Guangdong TV have repeatedly conducted unannounced investigations on several agricultural cooperatives in Yunluo Town, Puning, Jieyang.

During the unannounced visit, the reporter found that at least four local agricultural cooperatives sprayed unknown liquids for the purchased mandarins and olives, and then manually mixed them and packaged them for sending to other places. And this kind of "added" mandarin orange is also sold in the Guangzhou Tianpingjia fruit wholesale market.

Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

After the reporter sent a number of "added" mandarins to a third-party testing agency for testing, it was found that the "glucose" and "fructose" contained in the samples for testing exceeded the standard. And these ingredients are not available in normal citrus.

After receiving the report, the local market supervision department conducted a temporary inspection of the company involved, and according to the staff told reporters, "some food additives were found, including cyclamate." At present, our law enforcement department has sealed the additives involved, as well as the orange orange. ”

We know that according to the mainland's food safety standards, cyclamate is strictly forbidden to be used in fruits.

Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

However, some experts have a negative attitude towards the above statement.

Because cyclamate is water-soluble and insoluble in oil, cyclamate cannot enter the fruit even if cyclamate is sprayed during the growth process or on the surface of the fruit; If the fruit is sweetened by injecting cyclamate, it is necessary to inject a full range of the fruit, which will cause the destruction of the plant cell wall, and the fruit will rot and deteriorate in a short time, which is harmful to the business, so it is unlikely to add cyclamate to sweeten the fruit.

The well-known popular science self-media "Rumor Crusher" once did an experiment of injecting cyclamate into watermelon, and sure enough, the injected watermelon quickly rotted and deteriorated.

Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

The public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is reasonable, and the consumer is at a loss.

In fact, the solution to the problem is very simple, that is, to clarify the definition of cyclamate.

The cyclamate in food additives is called cyclohexyl sulfamic acid, and the "cyclamate" in the mouth of fruit farmers is a chemical agent containing arsenate, mainly including lead arsenate, sodium arsenite and other components, its effect is to reduce the activity of citrate synthase, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of citric acid, thereby reducing the acidity of the fruit (so called an acid reducer), and at the same time can promote the early ripening of the fruit.

Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

This so-called "cyclamate" is mainly used in fruits that are not high in sugar, such as the aforementioned oranges and olives. After using acid-reducing agents for these fruits, because of the low acidity, the sugar-acid ratio is high, and they feel that there is no sour taste and a pure sweet feeling, which is liked by many consumers. But this fruit contains more or less heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, etc., which are harmful to human health.

Just when you thought that this misunderstanding caused by "chickens and ducks talking" justified cyclamate, the reversal came again.

According to the data disclosed by the Hangzhou Market Supervision Bureau in June 2022, it conducted special sampling tests on sweeteners on fruits, and found that 6 batches of bayberry used sweeteners from 10 batches of mulberries and 20 batches of bayberry from a total of 30 batches of fresh fruits in the season, of which cyclamate was detected in 3 batches, sodium saccharin was detected in 2 batches, and sucralose was detected in 1 batch, and the problem detection rate of illegal use of additives in bayberry reached 30%.

Is the fruit "cyclamate" or not? A "chicken and duck talk" controversy!

It seems that each village has its own high moves, and it is always one foot high and one foot high!

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