
Traffic restrictions, no driving!

author:Ginkgo biloba
Traffic restrictions, no driving!
Traffic restrictions, no driving!

Notice of traffic restrictions on Prefectural Road 203

In order to ensure road traffic safety during the construction period, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Pizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau decided:

From July 1 to July 24, 2024, traffic restrictions will be imposed on Prefectural Road 203 Bojeonghe Bridge (K4+650-K4+850), prohibiting all vehicles and pedestrians. The general public is requested to plan their travel in advance, and non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians should detour according to the traffic signs to ensure traffic safety.

Please abide by traffic rules, travel in a civilized manner, and pay attention to safety.

Notice is hereby given.

Pizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau

June 28, 2024

Attached: Closed road section bypass map

Traffic restrictions, no driving!

Source | Pizhou traffic police

Edit | Bu Feifei Editor-in-charge | Zhu Yu

Editor | Huang Yang Producer | Peng Yan

Traffic restrictions, no driving!

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Traffic restrictions, no driving!


Traffic restrictions, no driving!

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