
In 2024, the city's health industry clinical inspection "three basics" skills competition was successfully held

author:Nine Pai Health

[Source: Zhangye Municipal Health Commission_Work News]

In 2024, the city's health industry clinical inspection "three basics" skills competition was successfully held

On June 28, sponsored by the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and undertaken by the Zhangye People's Hospital affiliated to Hexi University, the city's health industry technician "three basics" skills competition was successfully held in Zhangye People's Hospital affiliated to Hexi University, and 14 teams from various medical institutions at all levels in the city A total of 56 players participated in the competition.

In 2024, the city's health industry clinical inspection "three basics" skills competition was successfully held

The purpose of this competition is to promote the organic combination of theoretical and practical skills teaching, focus on cultivating the clinical thinking ability, practical operation ability, teamwork spirit and humanistic care awareness of medical staff, further consolidate the construction of medical laboratory and comprehensive technical talent echelon, and effectively promote the high-quality and sustainable development of medical institutions' testing technical capabilities. At the competition site, the contestants devoted themselves to the competition with full enthusiasm and rigorous attitude, and the contestants showed high comprehensive quality through the operation of various practical skills such as cell map identification, blood smear preparation, microbial and bacterial inoculation, and the operation process was standardized and meticulous, skilled and orderly, and was well received by the judges.

In 2024, the city's health industry clinical inspection "three basics" skills competition was successfully held

This competition adheres to the principle of being based on the post, combining learning and training, promoting training by learning, and increasing energy by training, and achieves the purpose of promoting training by comparison and promoting training by competition, which fully demonstrates the spirit of the city's medical staff who are striving for progress and working hard, not only improving the professional quality and practical skills of grassroots medical personnel, but also firmly establishing the concept of "people first, life first", and providing strong support for effectively playing the role of the "gatekeeper" of mass health and accelerating the high-quality development of medical institutions in the city.

In 2024, the city's health industry clinical inspection "three basics" skills competition was successfully held

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