
The deterioration of the international economic situation has determined that the domestic economic situation is very difficult

author:Shandong Chishan lawyer

Written by Wang Houlong, a lawyer at Shandong Chishan Law Firm, on June 29, 2024

In fact, there has already been an economic crisis in the world, around 2008. It's just that we haven't felt it clearly yet. We're feeling it now. After more than 40 years of rapid development of reform and opening up, our country has reached a period when we have no choice but to make adjustments. The twin economic crises are superimposed, so the economic situation will be even more difficult in the future. We've felt like we've had a tough year in every industry! I always feel like it's going to pass quickly. Actually, this is a false feeling. I think it's going to get harder and harder. This difficult situation will become the new normal and will continue for a long time. That kind of lying flat mentality is unacceptable. We must adjust our thinking and forge ahead in the midst of difficulties. The economic crisis on a global scale will gradually turn into a political crisis, and eventually a large-scale military conflict will occur. The Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Middle East conflict are clear examples, and the scope of such military conflicts is likely to continue to spread. Can we be left alone?

I have more than two acres of farmland in the village, and I have paid great attention to agricultural cultivation in recent years, and all the more than 2,000 catties of wheat harvested this year are used for storage. Prepare for war and prepare for famine for their own food security. People have no foresight, but they must have near-term worries.

The deterioration of the international economic situation has determined that the domestic economic situation is very difficult
The deterioration of the international economic situation has determined that the domestic economic situation is very difficult
The deterioration of the international economic situation has determined that the domestic economic situation is very difficult

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