
He hired a nanny, and every week when his wife was on a business trip, the nanny would make a request that he couldn't accept

author:Entertainment analysis
He hired a nanny, and every week when his wife was on a business trip, the nanny would make a request that he couldn't accept


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


As the saying goes: "There is no filial son in front of the bed of a long illness." "When things happen to a family and life is in trouble, people tend to make some unexpected moves.

Zhang Yanjun looked at the 40-year-old nanny in front of him suspiciously, since his wife Chen Xiaomei was promoted to vice president of the company, they invited Sister Wang to take care of the housework.

This Sister Wang is very strange, she always finds Zhang Yanjun when his wife is on a business trip, and makes a request to Zhang Yanjun that he can't accept.

He was really puzzled, so he asked Sister Wang the question he had always been curious about: "Sister Wang, why have you been looking for me lately?" Your request is really not something I can do, Lord. ”

Sister Wang said while busy working: "Mr. Zhang, let's not hide it, my wife has been sick recently and needs money. Can you give me a raise? ”

Zhang Yanjun was speechless for a while. He can't call the shots when it comes to salary increases.

It all started six months ago. Chen Xiaomei is a strong woman, who has worked hard in the company for many years and finally rose to the position of vice president.

But it also means that she has to put in more time and energy. Gradually, this originally warm home became a little deserted.

Although Zhang Yanjun also has a job, he cares more about his family. Seeing that his wife was getting busier, he decided to find a nanny to share the housework.

It was at this time that Sister Wang came to their house.

At first, everything went well. Sister Wang is quick and diligent, and the couple are very satisfied with her.

But unexpectedly, in just a few months, Sister Wang repeatedly asked Zhang Yanjun for a salary increase.

"I have to discuss this with my wife." Zhang Yanjun made a difficulty.

He understands the difficulties of Sister Wang's family; But he is also afraid that his wife will be unhappy, after all, a salary increase is not a trivial matter.

Later, Zhang Yanjun told his wife Chen Xiaomei of Sister Wang's request. Unexpectedly, instead of being unhappy, Chen Xiaomei quickly agreed to a salary increase.

"Sister Wang usually works so seriously, we should also understand her difficulties." Chen Xiaomei said.

Zhang Yanjun was a little surprised, he didn't expect his wife, who had always been resolute, to be so reasonable in this matter.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this was very in line with his wife's character, although Chen Xiaomei was strong at work, she was a very sympathetic person in private.

He hired a nanny, and every week when his wife was on a business trip, the nanny would make a request that he couldn't accept

The next day, Zhang Yanjun told Sister Wang the good news of the salary increase. After hearing this, Sister Wang was so excited that she thanked her again and again, and her eyes even flashed with tears.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, thank you, Ms. Chen, you are really my nobleman!" Sister Wang said, "With this money, I can see a doctor for my wife." ”

It turned out that Sister Wang's husband was injured at work in his early years and fell ill.

Recently, his condition worsened, and doctors recommended surgery as soon as possible, but the high medical bills made the family's already poor situation even worse.

In order to treat her husband's illness, Sister Wang borrowed money from everywhere, but she was never able to make up enough for the operation. In desperation, she thought of asking her employer for a raise.

The reason why she didn't look for Chen Xiaomei directly was because she knew that Chen Xiaomei was busy with work and didn't want to trouble her.

Zhang Yanjun listened to Sister Wang's story, and his heart was mixed, he was glad that he and his wife had made the right decision, and at the same time felt sad for what happened to Sister Wang.

"Sister Wang, don't worry, Xiaomei and I will do our best to help you." Zhang Yanjun comforted.

In the days that followed, Zhang Yanjun and Chen Xiaomei not only raised Sister Wang's salary, but also took the initiative to raise medical expenses for her husband.

With their help, Sister Wang's husband was finally able to undergo surgery.

After the operation, Sister Wang's husband recovered well. Sister Wang's gratitude to the Zhang family and his wife has reached its peak.

She secretly resolved that she must repay their kindness with more hard work.

That's when something unexpected happened......

On the day that Sister Wang's husband recovered and was discharged from the hospital, Zhang Yanjun received a phone call. On the other end of the phone, it was Li Qiang, a college classmate he hadn't seen for many years.

"Lao Zhang, long time no see! I've been on a business trip in your city recently, do you have time for the evening? Let's have a meal together and catch up. Li Qiang's hearty voice came over the phone.

Zhang Yanjun hesitated for a moment and agreed. He thought, why not have a chance to get together with old friends?

In the evening, Zhang Yanjun and Li Qiang met at a restaurant. The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and the topic quickly turned to work and life.

Li Qiang is an executive of a large company with a successful career and a happy family. He gushes about his life with a satisfied smile on his face.

Zhang Yanjun listened, but there was something wrong in his heart. He thought about his job, which was stable, but never had a chance to shine.

He thought of his wife again, a strong woman who worked hard for her career, but often neglected her family because she was busy.

He hired a nanny, and every week when his wife was on a business trip, the nanny would make a request that he couldn't accept

"By the way, Lao Zhang, I heard that your family hired a nanny? How's that, is it easy to use? Li Qiang asked suddenly.

Zhang Yanjun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It's not bad, it's a very diligent person." ”

"That's good." Li Qiang nodded, "Actually, I've always wanted to hire a nanny, but my daughter-in-law doesn't agree." She said that hiring a nanny is to shift the family responsibilities to others, and she is too incompetent. ”

Zhang Yanjun "chuckled" in his heart. Li Qiang's words seemed to poke at his heart.

After dinner, Zhang Yanjun returned home with a heavy heart. He saw that Sister Wang was busy in the kitchen, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Sister Wang, you go back and rest, I'll do the rest." Zhang Yanjun said.

Sister Wang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'll clean it up right away." ”

Zhang Yanjun smiled reluctantly and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Zhang Yanjun hurriedly went to open the door.

There was a middle-aged man standing outside the door, it was Sister Wang's husband Li Guoqiang. He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a grateful smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, Ms. Chen, I have come to thank you." Li Guoqiang walked into the house and handed the flowers to Chen Xiaomei.

"During this time, you not only gave my wife a raise, but also paid a large part of the cost of my surgery. I don't know what I would have done without your help. ”

Chen Xiaomei was stunned. She took the flowers, she stepped forward, took Sister Wang's hand, and said sincerely:

"Sister Wang, you are so polite, in fact, I have always been very grateful for your efforts for this family. Zhang Yanjun and I can help you, and we should do it. ”

Sister Wang's eyes were red, and she thanked her again and again. Li Guoqiang also expressed his gratitude again.

This scene made Zhang Yanjun's heart surge with a warm current. He looked at his wife with relief and love in his eyes.

He knows that his wife is not only a strong woman with a strong sense of dedication, but also a good wife with love and responsibility.

The next day, Zhang Yanjun received a call from his wife's company.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. Our company recently had an important project that required sending someone on a business trip abroad for three months. ”

Director Chen was the most suitable person, but she seemed a little hesitant. Can you help us persuade her? ”

Zhang Yanjun was stunned. He knew that the project was crucial to his wife's career development, but the three-month business trip meant that the family would not be able to see her for some time.

Zhang Yanjun was caught in a dilemma. He wanted to support his wife's career, but he was reluctant to lose his wife's company again.

Just when Zhang Yanjun was entangled, Sister Wang keenly noticed his strangeness......

Sister Wang saw Zhang Yanjun's hesitation, she sighed softly, walked up to Zhang Yanjun, and said earnestly:

"Mr. Zhang, I know what you're worried about. However, you can't hinder Ms. Chen's career development just because she is reluctant to do so. ”

Zhang Yanjun was stunned. He didn't expect that Sister Wang, who has always been taciturn, would say such a thing.

He hired a nanny, and every week when his wife was on a business trip, the nanny would make a request that he couldn't accept

"You and Ms. Chen have been so kind to me, I really don't know how to repay them."

"However, I think the best way to repay is for you to pursue your dreams and live the life you want." Sister Wang continued, her eyes firm and sincere.

Zhang Yanjun was silent for a long time, and finally made up his mind and said to Sister Wang: "Thank you, Sister Wang." You're right, I can't hinder Xiaomei's development because of my own selfishness. ”

"I will support her on a business trip, and I believe that with you, our family will have no problems." Sister Wang smiled and nodded to express her gratitude and trust.

When Zhang Yanjun told Chen Xiaomei about this decision, Chen Xiaomei was so moved that she almost cried.

She hugged her husband tightly and whispered in his ear, "Thank you, husband." With your support, I will definitely go further in my career. ”

Three months passed in a flash. During this period, Zhang Yanjun and Sister Wang took care of the family together, and their relationship became deeper and deeper.

Sister Wang is not just a nanny, but more like a member of this family, bringing endless warmth to this family.

The day has come when Chen Xiaomei returns from a business trip. When she opened the door, she saw a clean and tidy home full of laughter.

Her husband and son are healthy and happy, and Sister Wang is also busy in the kitchen, preparing a sumptuous dinner.

Chen Xiaomei's eyes moistened. She realized that the integrity and happiness of the family not only requires the success of her career, but also the understanding and support of her family.

She is glad that she has such a warm harbor, and no matter how hard she struggles in the outside world, there is a place where she can come back with peace of mind.

At dinner, the family was happy and laughing. Sister Wang also sat at the table, with a happy smile on her face.

She felt the warmth of this family, and also felt her own value and meaning.

"By the way, Sister Wang, our company has recently been recruiting housekeeping trainers, and I think you are very suitable for this position."

Chen Xiaomei suddenly said, "With your experience and ability, you are fully qualified for this job, and the salary is also very good." What do you think? ”

Sister Wang was stunned. She never imagined that she would have such an opportunity.

"But I've never been a trainer before." Sister Wang hesitated, "Moreover, I am reluctant to leave you." ”

"Sister Wang, you don't have to worry." Zhang Yanjun said with a smile, "We will always be a family. No matter where you work, you will always be welcome in this home. ”

Sister Wang's tears finally fell. She felt the warmth and strength that this family gave her, and she also saw her new possibilities in life.

He hired a nanny, and every week when his wife was on a business trip, the nanny would make a request that he couldn't accept

Sister Wang cried with joy. She never imagined that her life would take such a turn. She looked at Zhang Yanjun and Chen Xiaomei gratefully, and her heart was full of reluctance to this family.

"Sister Wang, you don't have to feel that you owe us anything." Zhang Yanjun seemed to see her thoughts.

"In the past few months, you have brought far more to our family than we have given you. Your hard work, kindness, and wisdom have taught each of us a lot. ”

"Yes, Sister Wang." Chen Xiaomei also smiled and said, "You will always be a member of our family." Whether you become a trainer in the future or start a business with Mr. Li, we will always support you. ”

Sister Wang couldn't control her tears anymore. She hugged Zhang Yanjun and Chen Xiaomei tightly, feeling the endless warmth that this family gave her.

Sister Wang not only found her own direction in life, but also gained a home that she could rely on forever. Zhang Yanjun and Chen Xiaomei's families have also become stronger and warmer because of this experience.

Understanding and support for the family is the foundation for individuals to pursue their dreams.

It is precisely because of the mutual understanding and support of Zhang Yanjun and Chen Xiaomei that they can strike a balance between career and family and achieve a win-win situation.

This story also shows us the power of kindness and love. It was precisely because of the kindness and help of the Zhang family and her family that Sister Wang and her family got out of the predicament and started a new life.

And Sister Wang's dedication and contribution to this family has also taught the Zhang family to be grateful and grow.

No matter what difficulties and challenges we face now, as long as we have good intentions and help each other, we will be able to create a better future.

Let's take this heartwarming and uplifting story as a lesson and use love and kindness to brighten up others in our own lives, and to build each other up with understanding and support.

I believe that as long as each of us can do this, the world will definitely become a better place.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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