
The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

author:Frontiers of Plant Science

When it comes to the bitterness of writing a paper, most of the teachers or students here have a deep experience, and some authors often bluntly say that "writing a paper is the most painful thing in my life, and there is no one"

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

When I checked the background messages, I once saw a doctoral teacher who was still "pouring bitter water" in the middle of the night.

said that he worked day and night on topic selection, experiments, and submission over and over again, staying up all night until he was bald... But after three years of postponement, I still haven't been able to get published, and my mood is very broken.

In the same research group, someone has published more than a dozen SCI papers in three years! I secretly inquired, but there was no academic misconduct, saying that it was just because I would select journals and submit articles, and I would be successful in the first vote

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

, the impact factor is not low.

Nowadays, publishing SCI has become a mandatory requirement for completing studies, studying in prestigious universities, and promoting professional titles.

If your "original accumulation" is not good enough, not to mention the current bleak situation, the follow-up "good prospects" such as good units, projects, awards and funds, salary increases, and fund reimbursement have nothing to do with you.

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

A colleague in my unit has been unsuccessful in applying for National Nature before, and after publishing a second-zone SCI, he won National Nature that year, with a bonus of 50w.

Therefore, no matter how good the article is, the most important thing is to be accepted by the journal, and the timeliness is also very important!

The SCI review cycle is usually about 3-10 months, and if the innovation is preempted, all efforts will be zeroed, and it may even be saddled with plagiarism...

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

I don't know how to select journals, I don't understand the rules of submission, I don't understand the layout requirements of journals, I don't know the charts, I don't know the submission materials, I don't know the language polishing, and even the repair process can't be passed...

As long as the above items are met, no matter how good the article is, it will not have a chance to be successfully published!

According to a survey, 50% of domestic scientific research authors are rejected for SCI publication in selected journals.

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

However, in fact, this can't be blamed, there is a specialization in the art industry.

If you write a good article, you are already a great skill, and now you are required to be able to select journals and submit papers, which means that you must at least have the ability and vision of a "journal reviewer".

However, most of SCI journals are deeply cultivated abroad, and few people have this "journal reviewer" ability in China.

But you don't have to be anxious, there is a shortcut (non-academic misconduct), since you have a need, I think you can also make a sharing, if you are interested, you can listen to it.

My own real experience is that I encountered a lot of problems when I submitted my manuscript for the first time, and the first SCI was tossed until I was about to graduate, and I asked my senior brother about an institution.

I invited an academic expert in the same field with 30 SCI articles, and a senior native reviewer to help me select journals, polish, typeset, submit, and rework throughout the process, which can be called a nanny for the whole process!

Even the review and polishing of the reply letter for minor repairs, and the details of the charts and pictures were all handled by me, so that I could see the hope of graduation.

Before two months had passed, the article was notified

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

And more importantly: I originally wanted to invest in the third district for publication, but the experts of the institution recommended me to the second district journal, saying that my content is enough to be submitted to the second district, don't waste it!

Finally, I was pleasantly surprised by the second district of the magazine, and I am very grateful to this expert until now, who is much more attentive than me...

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

If you are not only unprofessional, but also have no confidence in the content of your article, but want to publish it, it's fine.

It can be said that behind each SCI article, there are several senior experts other than the author who are providing opinions or personally involved.

If the content is not good, you can just ask senior professors and experts in the same field in the institution, and experts with rich SCI publishing experience to personally revise and promote your manuscript point-to-point, both Chinese and English papers, and after the experts have completed the revision, you can ask the senior submission experts/senior reviewers of native journals to submit and publish the whole process.

In this way, it is not a problem for an article with mediocre qualifications to be published in the first and second districts, and with a high-score SCI foundation, the road ahead will not be hard!

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

In the whole process of editing, selection, submission, and rework, all services are multi-round and unlimited.

I don't need to deal with some cumbersome details in the middle, and the article is repaired until the second area is received, and the experts are helping me keep an eye on it, which is very responsible.

Everyone may have heard of the name of the institution, called Edexcel, which is a relatively senior scientific research service organization in the industry, the quality is very good, and the equipment of highly qualified experts has also penetrated into various small fields

Considering that the issue of publication has been bothering the authors for a long time, I also asked my old club about the recent activities today, and learned that at least 10% off can be given, and teachers or students want to publish SCI, and it is a good choice to find them.

▼ Full-process nanny-style submission and publication package

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

After I told my colleagues in our research group about my experience last year, a total of 3 people chose this package.

Two of the papers were successfully published within 2 months, and one was successfully published in 6 months due to the high grade of the journal and the long review cycle

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!
The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

Edexcel publishes the case after the whole process of worry-free submission package service

(It has been authorized by the author for display) can be received in 4 weeks at the earliest!

I have a lot of authors who have issued SCI and cooperated with many scientific research institutions, and in a comprehensive comparison, Edexcel, as an academic support organization, can provide comprehensive and high-quality services for researchers, which is still very good:

1. High publication rate: the average publication rate over the years is 97%;

2. The impact factor of published journals is higher: 37% of papers are published in the first and second regions;

3. The whole process of submission is fast-tracked: the whole worry-free package can be delivered in 4 weeks;

4. High expert qualifications and strong background: native professors and reviewers of top journals in the same field, all of whom have published 30 SCI papers or above, with many high scores;

5. High customer satisfaction: 24-hour exclusive academic consultants answer all day, can consult experts for academic questions answering, and the average service satisfaction is 99.8%;

Consult now for a worry-free submission package for paper publication

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By the way, because Edexcel's experts are highly qualified, they have a good understanding of journals in the discipline, and even exceed the level of most master's and doctoral supervisors, and they are more patient than supervisors

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

, so some authors use experts as mentors to ask questions while doing services, and they have gained a lot~

It originated in Boston, a major scientific research center in the United States

After 13 years of dedicated construction

There are 3000+ native English speakers who have been editing scientific papers for a long time

Reviewers of top journals or academic experts working in top research institutes in Europe and the United States

It can provide one-stop SCI paper publication support services

▼Some of the real-name cases published by Edexcel assisted SCI▼

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!
The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

Founded in 2012 by Dr. Yang in Boston, a major research city in the United States, EditSprings is an internationally renowned academic publication support brand and a designated service organization for the publication of SCI/SSCI/EI journal papers.

It covers a series of services such as worry-free submission and publication, paper editing/translation, paper revision/paper counseling, and fund bidding at all levels, aiming to solve the publication problems for the majority of scientific research authors one by one;

So far, it has provided services for 300,000 authors in more than 150 countries around the world, and has completed more than 1 million manuscripts, according to statistics, the acceptance rate of manuscripts after Edexcel service has increased by 67% on average compared with the journal.

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

The founder, Dr. Yang, received his Ph.D. in 2008, and during his tenure as a lecturer at Harvard University, he met many PhDs, postdoctoral fellows and professors in Europe and the United States, and established good cooperative relations. Here are a few of the experts:

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

There are 3000+ editors of 100% native English speakers, working in European and American universities and research institutes, and long-term editing of scientific and technological papers, senior TOP journal reviewers, and 1000+ domestic 985/211 university professors.

The research direction covers 18 university disciplines such as medicine, pharmacy, biology, chemistry, materials science, computer, environment, agriculture, engineering technology, humanities and social sciences, etc., and can refine the manuscripts of 238 secondary disciplines and 1200+ subdivided research fields.

The experts have an average of more than 20 years of scientific research experience, more than 10 years of SCI paper writing and review experience, and more than 30 SCI paper publication experience, and at least 10 SCI journals have been published.

Consult now for a worry-free submission package for paper publication

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▲Long press and scan the code to add academic advisor consultation▲

★ Edexcel's extremely strict quality control

Unlike other organizations, Edexcel is very strict about the quality control of manuscripts, and they will ask customers to make detailed evaluations for each service.

Based on these true evaluations, a strict survival of the fittest mechanism is implemented for the native language editorial team, and if a manuscript is rejected due to negligence in service, it will be immediately disqualified from working with Edexcel.

Strictly ensure that only editors and experts with serious attitude, high service quality and high publication rate can serve Edexcel's customers.

After the service over the years, 37% of the manuscripts were published in the journals of the first and second districts, and we can receive good news from customers every day.

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

Some of Edexcel's SCI publication cases in various fields (author's authorization has been obtained)

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

Acknowledgment of 2000+ examples of Edexcel in the paper

If you are currently or preparing to submit a paper in the future and need to publish a paper, scan the QR code below to get your dedicated academic advisor 👇 at Edexcel

Consult now for a worry-free submission package for paper publication

Lock in a 9% discount campaign

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▼ Full submission service, real user evaluation

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

When I first came into contact with Edexcel, I thought it would be better for them to just do editing, but later I found out that it is really a treasure-level scientific research institution, and it can help far more than just editing translations.

Including the whole worry-free submission package I chose, as well as one-on-one thesis tutoring, national & provincial fund book polishing, revision, book editing and other major items, they are also fully competent, and the service experience is really nothing to say 👇

The nanny-level SCI full submission and publication service is here! Full text translation, editing, selection, submission, revision, up to the Chinese journal!

All Edexcel staff are bound by strict confidentiality agreements, and all documents uploaded to the system are protected by the latest ISO (ISO 27001:2013) information security management system.

The industry officially issued three quality certifications

Consult Edexcel for a variety of service preferential policies now


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Finally, I wish you all an early publication and an early publication!

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