
Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station

On the evening of June 28

"Singer 2024" in the eighth phase

Na Ying covered half of her face on the stage with a veil

After the poll ends

He Jiong revealed that Na Ying was infected with shingles

Not only on the face

It even grew into the eyes

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful
Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

on this

Many netizens expressed their distress that Na Ying came to power with illness

It was also expressed

I've had it myself

It hurts so much that I can't think about it

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful
Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful


Singer Cai Guoqing also posted

In the process of recording a variety show

Suffering from acute shingles

endured severe pain and persevered to complete the shooting task

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

herpes zoster

It is known as one of the "most painful skin diseases".

herpes zoster

Folks call it "loincloth snake"

It is a common dermatological condition

It is in addition to skin lesions

Often accompanied by neuropathic pain

This pain is associated with cancer, childbirth contractions

Pain levels equal to or higher than those of kidney stones

The seizure makes it difficult for the patient to sleep and eat

As one of the "most painful skin diseases".

Herpes zoster has been a cause for concern on several occasions

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

Herpes zoster is an acute infectious skin disease caused by varicella-zoster virus, which is commonly found in the waist and abdomen, and is caused by unilateral nerve destruction after the activation of varicella-zoster virus, so there is unilateral neuralgia and unilateral rash.

The rash is characterized by blisters on the basis of erythema, which may be like a pinprick sensation in some people or a burning or dull ache in others.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

Liu Yumei, the leader and chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of the Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology, introduced that most adults have chickenpox-zoster virus (VZV) latent in their bodies, "chickenpox often occurs when the initial infection occurs, and then the virus is latent in the body, when the body's resistance is low, VZV atopic cell immunity decreases, the latent virus is reactivated, a large number of replication, through the sensory nerve axons to the skin, in the corresponding dermatomes appear herpes zoster." ”

Shingles can lead to serious and long-lasting complications, the most common of which is postherpetic neuralgia, severe pain that causes sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, etc.

This pain can be likened to more painful than giving birth, or it can be described as painful as a knife cut. Some patients may have less severe pain, but the daily and persistent pain can greatly affect the quality of life. Liu Yumei shared that when she was out of the clinic, she suddenly heard a man crying outside, and it turned out that he was a patient with postherpetic neuralgia.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

Up to now, the treatment of herpes zoster includes antiviral, analgesic, glucocorticoids, etc., but the efficacy of postherpetic neuralgia is limited.

The doctor reminds that if you notice that you are infected with shingles, you should go to the dermatology department of the hospital within 72 hours for diagnosis and treatment, and use antiviral drugs as soon as possible. The better the pain control in the acute phase, the faster the recovery from shingles and the lower the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

Herpes zoster is a common skin disease in middle-aged and elderly people, as long as the immunity becomes low, it may occur, and there is a high probability of sequelae. There are 3 groups of people who are susceptible to shingles:

People over 50 years of age

People with underlying chronic diseases

People with weakened immunity

Zhang Li, director of the second comprehensive area of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital and Guangdong Institute of Geriatrics, said that compared with the general population, patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have an increased risk of herpes zoster by 24%~41%, and patients with autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus) have a 2.3~4 times higher risk of developing herpes zoster than the general population.

In addition, doctors also remind that the onset of shingles is not seasonal and can occur in any season. Incidence and severity increase with age, especially after age 50. This is related to the decay of immune function in age-related cells.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

1. Get vaccinated

Vaccination can effectively improve the body's immunity and prevent the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus.

Note: After herpes zoster is cured, it is not lifelong immunity, there is still a 1%~6% probability of recurrence, and the elderly with old age and low immunity, especially women, are more likely to recur. Therefore, regardless of whether there is a history of chickenpox or shingles, it is recommended that people aged 50 and over get vaccinated against shingles.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! Netizen: This disease sounds painful

2. Avoid infection and trauma

Infection is one of the causes of herpes zoster, and middle-aged and elderly people should prevent the infection of various diseases and reduce the risk of disease. Trauma can easily reduce the body's ability to resist disease, and middle-aged and elderly people should avoid trauma and avoid contact with chemicals and toxic substances.

3. Improve self-immunity

Improving your own immunity is also crucial, so sleep well, eat a balanced diet, and exercise consistently to keep the virus out of the way.

Forward to remind friends and relatives to pay attention!

Source: Red Star News, Jimu News, @歌手微博, Healthy Guangdong

Editor-in-charge: Li Jiani

Editor: Anne Xu

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