
Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor Alert!

author:Healthy Beijing

On the evening of the 28th, in the "Singer 2024" competition, #那英 cried# on the hot search, Na Ying covered half of her face on stage during the competition, and many netizens asked about makeup at that time, and later learned that Na Ying was actually singing with illness, and the host He Jiong also explained: "Na Ying had shingles two days ago, around the eyes. ”

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor Alert!
Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor Alert!

The news quickly attracted attention on social platforms, making the disease herpes zoster once again in the public spotlight.

In fact, in the past few days, many people have been exposed to shingles:

On the 14th, singer Cai Guoqing posted on Weibo, revealing that he suffered from acute shingles due to decreased immunity, and claimed that he "endured severe pain and persevered to complete the last task on the island".

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor Alert!

Before this year's college entrance examination, teacher Zhang Guimei also suffered from shingles, she said: "When it hurts the most, it is a little spinning, it hurts everywhere, as if the intestines are hurting......"

Herpes zoster, also known as "loincloth", is an infectious skin disease caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus. Herpes zoster can cause severe pain and complications and is a common infectious skin disease in middle-aged and older adults.

In the onset of herpes zoster, the nerve runs along the nerve and involves the nerve and skin of the corresponding segment. When herpes zoster affects a unilateral intercostal nerve, herpes zoster does not turn in a circle because the unilateral intercostal nerve innervates only the semiannular area of the corresponding intercostal space on that side from posterior to anterior (not across the midline of the body). Rarely, there is a disseminated form, in which small sporadic blisters may appear elsewhere, but this is very rare.

10 facts about shingles

More than 90% of adults have the varicella-zoster virus in their bodies, and about 1 in 3 people will develop shingles in their lifetime.

People with "50+", chronic diseases, and immune diseases are at high risk of herpes zoster.

Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have a 24-41% increased risk of developing shingles, and patients with autoimmune diseases have a 2.3-4 times higher risk of developing shingles than the general population.

There are two misconceptions about the causes of shingles, namely "if you get shingles once, you won't get it again" and "if you get chickenpox, you won't get shingles".

Contagious. Infection in young children usually manifests as chickenpox, which is mainly transmitted through droplets through the respiratory tract or contact infection. When shingles occurs in adults, it is mainly spread through close contact because of the presence of a large amount of virus in the blistering fluid and exudate of herpes on the skin.

Herpes zoster is a self-limiting disease, and some patients with strong resistance will recover spontaneously in 2~3 weeks. The goal of treatment for shingles is to prevent postherpetic neuralgia.

Postherpetic neuralgia is the most important complication of herpes zoster, occurring in about 1/3 of patients and up to 2/3 in the elderly.

30%~50% of postherpetic neuralgia patients have pain that can last for more than 1 year, and some of the disease can last for more than 10 years. Many patients say that this kind of pain can make people scratch their hearts and livers, be irritable, roll on the floor, and even have thoughts of not wanting to live, which greatly affects the quality of life of patients.

At present, there is no specific medicine for shingles, and vaccination is the most effective means of prevention.

3 prevention methods: (1) moderate exercise; (2) Regular work and rest: such as going to bed early and getting up early, maintaining a good emotional state, and avoiding the decline of immunity due to stress and fatigue; (3) Make sure you have enough protein in your diet to strengthen your body's resistance.

Source: Beijing News Official Account, Comprehensive China News Network, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, News Morning Post, @CCTV Life Circle Weibo

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