
Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "Long face and even in eyes", some patients will have lifelong pain

author:Han News

Source: Jinguan News

On the evening of June 28, the results of the eighth phase of the "Singer 2024" Ultimate Chart Competition were announced: first place Tan Weiwei, second place Faouzia Fanxia, third place Na Ying, fourth place Chante Moore, fifth place Sun Nan, sixth place Wang Sulong, seventh place TIA Yuan Yawei, eighth place YELLOW Huang Xuan.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "Long face and even in eyes", some patients will have lifelong pain

Na Ying was revealed to have shingles

In this competition, Na Ying sang "The Night of a Star" and won the third place steadily. During the game, the topic "Na Ying cried" appeared on Weibo hot search.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "Long face and even in eyes", some patients will have lifelong pain

During the competition, Na Ying covered half of her face on the stage with a veil, and then many netizens asked about makeup, and then learned that Na Ying was actually singing on stage with illness, and the host He Jiong explained: "That sister (Na Ying) was infected with shingles two days ago, this is very painful, she knows, it was fine yesterday, but this morning it was a little serious, so she called me and said, 'It's annoying, it doesn't grow on the back and arms, it grows on the face and in my eyes'." ”

When He Jiong mentioned that Na Ying was sick, his heart was overflowing, and he choked with tears in his eyes.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "Long face and even in eyes", some patients will have lifelong pain

According to the doctor, there are indeed many acute attacks of herpes zoster in the face and eyes, which generally invade the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, which may be accompanied by conjunctivitis and keratitis.

Netizen: Pay attention to your body and not work too hard

Many netizens expressed their distress that Na Ying came to power with illness.

Garden in the Mirror 1314: As long as you have shingles, it means that there is a problem with the immune system, and I hope that Na Ying should retire and rest for her own health, after all, age is not forgiving.

Miss Man Jin: Yingzi, this is definitely stressful, on fire.

Ria Man: I feel sorry for my Yingzi, this part hurts.

Is it good enough: I feel sorry for that sister, it may be an immunity problem caused by too much pressure, alas, it is better to pay attention to your body and not work too hard.

Some people also said that they had also had it.

Xiaole doesn't know how to play soy sauce: This shingles is really uncomfortable, I got things last year, I have to apply medicine every day, and I have to take Chinese medicine, and it takes several weeks to get better.

Isn't Ott slow: With the same temples and eyes as that sister, half of the head nerve hurts for half a month, thinking that he is going blind.

Wild Boar Forest Man: It's very dangerous in the eyes, I grow on my waist, and it hurts me really.

Three-dog life: It is also close to the eyes...... It hurt so much that I couldn't sleep, I couldn't cry, I thought I might be blind or disfigured, and I didn't dare to think about it.

Previously, Cai Guoqing revealed that he had shingles

Just half a month ago, singer Cai Guoqing posted that he suffered from acute herpes zoster during the recording of a variety show, and insisted on completing the filming task despite severe pain, which caused many netizens to worry.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "Long face and even in eyes", some patients will have lifelong pain

What is shingles?

Herpes zoster is a common skin disease caused by varicella-zoster virus infection and can be transmitted through direct contact with clothing, utensils, etc., contaminated with blister fluid. When children are infected with the virus, chickenpox is common. If you have a latent infection or have had chickenpox, even after you have recovered, there will be viruses hidden in the neurons that multiply and attack you when your resistance is low, and at this time, it will manifest as shingles.

What are the manifestations of shingles?

Herpes zoster is intensely painful and is one of the more painful diseases in skin diseases. Shingles can cause erythema or clusters of blisters that usually occur on one side of the body and line up along a peripheral nerve area. In addition to causing skin damage, shingles can also affect the nerves, which can cause severe pain, such as burning, electric shock, knife stabbing in the acute stage, and some patients may even last for months or even life, which is unbearable, leading to a series of problems such as anxiety, depression, poor concentration, sleep disorders, etc.

Patients with chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, etc.) who get shingles feel more pain. Compared with the general population, people aged 50 and above are more likely to develop the disease. Antiviral drugs are started within 24 to 72 hours of the onset of the rash for the best results, and aherpes zoster is easily misdiagnosed.

Can shingles come back?

People who have had shingles have antibodies in their bodies produce antibodies, but this does not mean that they are 100% immune for life. According to the People's Daily, doctors said that clinically, people who have had shingles will also be infected for a second or even a third time.

Chickenpox and shingles, although one virus, are two types of diseases. Therefore, having been vaccinated against chickenpox does not protect against shingles, and likewise, having been vaccinated against zoster does not protect against chickenpox.

However, it should be noted that if shingles occurs for the second time, patients need to consider whether they have other diseases that cause low immunity, and go to the hospital in time for relevant examinations of the immune system to rule out the possibility of other diseases.

How to prevent shingles?

  • Pay attention to your diet and exercise regularly

Regular exercise is good for strengthening physical fitness. Eating more legumes and nutritious foods such as fish and lean meat is very important to strengthen your immune system.

  • Get a good night's sleep and boost your immunity

To prevent shingles, you should strengthen your physique and improve your ability to resist the disease, so that the virus has no chance, and the easiest way is to get a good night's sleep.

  • vaccination

Age is an important factor in the disease, and almost everyone over the age of 50 is exposed to the risk of developing shingles.

For those over 50 years old, the shingles vaccine is recommended. For people over the age of 50 who have had chickenpox and have low immunity, vaccination is more recommended.

Vaccination prevents the occurrence of shingles, reduces the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia, and shortens the duration of shingles.

  • Once discovered, go for treatment, don't delay

72 hours is the golden time for blistering control. During this period, the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia can be greatly reduced by timely use of antiviral drugs to standardize treatment, inhibit viral replication, and minimize nerve damage.

Remind parents that if you feel inexplicable burning pain in your ribs, lower back, head and face, pain when accidentally rubbed against clothes or quilts, or red spots and blisters appear, you should be highly vigilant and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Comprehensive China News Service, Metropolis Express, Orange Persimmon Interactive, Peninsula Metropolis Daily, 21st Century Business Herald, Weibo netizen comments

Editor: Xiang Yanhong

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