
Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds

author:Hangzhou traffic 91.8

On the evening of the 28th, in the "Singer 2024" competition, #那英 cried# on the hot search, Na Ying covered half of her face on stage during the competition, and many netizens asked about makeup at that time, and later learned that Na Ying was actually singing with illness, and the host He Jiong also explained: "Na Ying had shingles two days ago, around the eyes. ”

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds
Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds

The news quickly attracted attention on social platforms, making the disease herpes zoster once again in the public spotlight.

In fact, in the past few days, many people have been exposed to shingles:

On the 14th, singer Cai Guoqing posted on Weibo, revealing that he suffered from acute shingles due to decreased immunity, and claimed that he "endured severe pain and persevered to complete the last task on the island".

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds

Before this year's college entrance examination, teacher Zhang Guimei also suffered from shingles, she said: "When it hurts the most, it is a little spinning, it hurts everywhere, as if the intestines are hurting......"


Grade 10 neuralgia that grows on the skin

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds

Herpes zoster is an acute infectious skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, and there are more than 2,000 skin diseases, and herpes zoster is one of the most painful diseases. For some patients, shingles is more painful than childbirth, and patients may also have long-term neuralgia after recovery, which can seriously affect the patient's quality of life.

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds

In fact, in addition to the eyes and waist, in medical practice, shingles may have lesions all over the body. More seriously, the disease may cause postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which can cause great pain and burden.

In addition, the pain caused by shingles is uncertain, the location of the pain is not fixed, and it can be long-lasting, and it can become persistent post-neuralgia. The older you get, the longer and more severe the pain, which can last for weeks, months, or even years.


40 years old is the dividing line for the onset of shingles

According to authoritative data, the number of new cases of shingles in the mainland every year is staggering, reaching a peak of about 6 million cases. Moreover, the incidence of this disease has shown a clear upward trend since the age of 40, which has exceeded the average of the whole population. Recently, we can often hear from the news that celebrities have shingles, which also reflects to some extent that the risk of shingles is gradually increasing in this age group, and people over the age of 40 are facing the challenge of health risks.

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all recruited! The pain is like burning... Doctor reminds

Herpes zoster also has a distinctive feature, that is, it likes to "take advantage of the weakness" when the body's immunity is declining. The decline in immunity caused by modern lifestyle is an important reason for the frequent occurrence of herpes zoster, which is also closely related to factors such as low immunity, mental anxiety, and irregular work and rest. For people in their 40s, they tend to have a fast-paced life and high levels of mental stress, all of which make them more susceptible to the virus, which increases the risk of shingles. Therefore, people with weakened immunity, people with underlying diseases, and people aged 40+ need to pay special attention to prevention


Experts call for: early vaccination and early prevention of herpes zoster vaccine

Herpes zoster, once diseased, carries almost for life. Zheng Yue, director of the Department of Dermatology of Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University, said that at present, there is no specific drug for shingles, and vaccination is the most effective means of prevention. Some experts also pointed out that people over the age of 40 should be vaccinated against herpes zoster as soon as possible for prevention.

At present, the domestic herpes zoster vaccine has been expanded to over 40 years old, pushing the protection cycle forward by 10 years, and only one shot is required. This herpes zoster vaccine has also become the preferred choice for people over 40 years old because of its safety, effectiveness, small side effects and simple vaccination procedure. In addition to preventing the occurrence of shingles, timely vaccination with this one-dose of herpes zoster vaccine can also reduce the probability of recurrence, reduce symptoms, and improve the body's resistance to the virus.

People over the age of 40 should pay attention to creating a healthier and better living environment for themselves and their families through a combination of vaccination and strengthening daily health management. The experience of celebrities such as Na Ying has undoubtedly sounded the health alarm for us, early vaccination, early prevention, so that shingles no longer becomes a hidden danger that threatens our quality of life.

Source: China News Network, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, News Morning Post, @CCTV Life Circle Weibo, Beijing News

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