
The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media

Weifang Radio and Television New Media News On June 28, the CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the Weifang Radio and Television Station's financial media gold-enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow". Build a bridge between private enterprises and financial institutions, promote the positive interaction between private enterprises and financial institutions, and promote the high-quality development of the private economy with financial strength.

The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media
The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media
The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media

The program invited the general manager of Shandong Aoxin Medical Technology Co., Ltd., the chairman of Shandong Dashi Automation Technology Co., Ltd., and the person in charge of Shandong Global Software Co., Ltd. to walk into the studio to conduct a financing roadshow, interact with representatives of 6 financial institutions, and have wonderful comments from guests. The two sides of the gold and enterprise have wonderful interaction, two-way running, and win-win cooperation.

The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media
The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media
The CCTV platform broadcast the fifth episode of the financial enterprise docking column "Private Enterprise Roadshow" of our financial media

Weifang Radio and Television Station

Editor: Zhang Chunyu

Review: Ma Yanhui, Jia Chunyi, Wang Xiaolong, Li Huachun

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