
Li County, Li County: Go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

author:New fingertips

At 18:30 on June 22, Li County launched the flood control level IV response, and since June 26, Li County has suffered heavy rainfall, the rainfall has lasted for a long time, the cumulative rainfall is large, and the flood control water level has gradually risen. In the face of the severe flood control situation, the party committee and government of Linan Town attach great importance to it, act quickly, take flood prevention and disaster relief as the top priority of the current work, make every effort to prevent and respond to all kinds of sudden disasters, go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Li County, Li County: Go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

Rapid deployment should be made to firmly shoulder the main responsibility for flood control

On June 26, the town of Yunnan held an emergency dispatch meeting to deal with heavy rainfall and deploy a new round of heavy rainfall prevention and response work. The meeting stressed that in the face of the flood situation, it is necessary to firmly shoulder the main responsibility, be particularly sober-minded, make special adequate preparations, and take particularly decisive actions.

On June 28, the water level continued to rise, and the town of Li Nan held a flood meeting. The meeting called for further increasing the patrol team and material reserves, and clarified the focus of work according to the actual situation of the town: first, do a good job in checking and eliminating risks; the second is to clarify the functions of each reservoir according to the situation of the reservoir and make a plan; The third is to issue instructions for specific work according to the rising water level.

Li County, Li County: Go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control
Li County, Li County: Go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

All the staff sank and guarded a solid line of defense for flood control

Since the start of the flood control emergency response, the leadership team of Linan Town has taken the lead in going to the village, and all the battalion and company cadres have patrolled the embankment to carry out risk and hidden danger investigation and disposal in all key areas of the town, and set up safety warning signs and cordons in dangerous areas such as roads and landslide points in a timely manner, and carry out safety persuasion to the passers-by.

In order to ensure the smooth development of flood control work, Li Nan Town has coordinated the deployment of flood control materials, and up to now, a total of 50 sets of emergency rescue commodity equipment, 12 emergency motor vehicles, 6 sets of machinery and equipment, 300 square meters of wood and other flood control materials have been reserved. At the same time, the main leaders of the town took the lead in arranging professionals in water conservancy and geological disasters to be on call 24 hours a day to ensure timely emergency response, rapid professional command, and material support in place.

Li County, Li County: Go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

Walk towards the water and build a "red dike" for flood control

"A party member is a banner". Yunnan Town strictly implements the 24-hour duty system of "on-the-job, on-the-job, and on-the-job". More than 100 party members rushed to the front, took the initiative to carry out hidden danger investigation in dangerous positions, ensured that there were no dead ends, no loopholes, no blind spots, and through WeChat groups, village sounds, household visits and other "online + offline" methods, to ensure that the masses grasped the rain, water, and flood conditions in the first time, and made every effort to protect the safety of the lives and property of the people in the town.

Source: Li County, Li Nan Town

Author: Sun Yueyue

Li County, Li County: Go all out to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

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