
A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this star-studded entertainment circle, there is such a woman, she is like a touch of dew in the morning light, gentle and mysterious, she is Liu Yifei, a woman whose name hides fairy energy, but the story is full of fireworks in the world.

Today, let's talk about this 36-year-old "fairy sister", take a look at her ups and downs in those years, and how a recent drama made her the queen of topics.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

The little fairy of the House of Art

Born in an artistic family, Liu Yifei seems to have been born with the DNA of art.

mother Liu Xiaoli, a dancer who dances like a picturesque dancer; Dad An Shaokang, a professor at the film academy, the light of wisdom is hidden behind the glasses.

Such a family is like an art greenhouse customized for Xiao Yifei, who has been exposed to it since childhood, in addition to the lightness of dancing, there is also the fantasy of movies.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

The divorce of her parents was an earthquake in Xiao Yifei's heart.

But just like the phoenix nirvana, she went to the United States with her mother, not only learned the "new magic" of English, but also forged a tenacious heart in the collision of cultures.

She learns to move between worlds, like a little explorer who crosses borders.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

"Godfather" Chen Jinfei: It's Bole and a mystery

Speaking of Chen Jinfei, this name is always unavoidable in Liu Yifei's story.

The deep friendship between him and Liu's mother is like an indissoluble bond, laying the red carpet for Xiao Yifei's acting career.

From the high school attached to Beijing Film Academy to the sensational million-dollar birthday banquet, Chen Jinfei's support is not only a financial pile-up, but also a promise of "I want you to be the brightest star".

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

This feast is like dropping a bomb on the entertainment industry, and people have to pay attention to the "big hand" behind this girl.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

From the family of gold powder to the little dragon girl, the attack of acting skills

Bai Xiuzhu in "The Family of Gold Powder", the fledgling Liu Yifei, is like a thorny rose, both delicate and sharp.

This role has become a stepping stone to her acting career, and it also makes the audience remember this innocent and slightly stubborn face.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

And the little dragon girl in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has upgraded her fairy spirit, every time the light yarn flutters, every time her eyes flow, it makes people believe that there are really fairies in the world.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

Controversy is a compulsory course for Star Journey

"Background theory" and "resource theory", these labels are like invisible chains, trying to bind her wings.

Especially the transnational love with Song Chengxian, sweet and bitter are intertwined, and every step is stepped on the spotlight, which makes people sigh that it is not easy to be a star, and it is even more difficult to be a star in love.

But Liu Yifei, like every role she has played, can always find light in adversity, and fight back gracefully with silence or works.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

Breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly, she is growing

In the face of doubts, Liu Yifei chose the most powerful response - to speak with her works.

She began to try more diverse roles, and even stepped behind the scenes, and every time she turned around, it was eye-catching.

From the costume fairy to the modern cool girl, and then to the behind-the-scenes production exploration, Liu Yifei is like a magician, every time she changes a new trick, she can make the audience exclaim: "Ouch, is this still the fairy sister I know?" It was a pleasant surprise! ”

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

When it comes to the fashion circle, every time Liu Yifei appears, it is simply her own halo, and she will shine wherever she goes.

Her dressing is like saying: "Look at it, this is called 'Fei' general feeling!" "Don't follow the trend, don't blindly follow, it's a school of its own, and people have to be convinced.

This is a simple outfit, it is simply a walking fashion textbook, and people can't help but want to learn two tricks along with it.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

And the name Liu Yifei has long gone beyond the literal meaning, it has become a symbol, a signal, telling you: "Hey, there are infinite possibilities happening here!" She used her own story to tell everyone that life is to dare to try and dare to break through yourself.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

Just like us ordinary people, although we don't have the appearance and stage of the fairy sister, but everyone's life is also a big drama, as long as you have the courage to explore and dare to turn around, you can also live your own "Fei" fan!

So, don't underestimate any attempt, even a small step can make a big difference.

Liu Yifei used her experience to quietly give us a key to unlock our own infinite possibilities.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

Let's enjoy her gorgeous transformation, and at the same time, we are also in our own small world, and strive to live a more exciting life!

New drama, new starting point, new chapter

Recently, this drama that made our fairy sister Liu Yifei the queen of topics again is simply a "real me challenge" customized for her.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

In the play, every look and smile in her eyes and smile seems to be whispering to us: "Hey, look at it, after ups and downs, I am still the gentle and powerful young lady."

"At the age of 36, Liu Yifei is standing firmly on the tip of the pyramid in the grand view garden of the entertainment industry, and the position is very cold, but she is as calm as if she is walking in her own back garden.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

Why? Because our little fairy has a spectrum in her heart, she understands that in this place where newcomers and little fresh meat are emerging one after another, the real opponent is never those young faces outside, but herself in the mirror.

Every day, I am competing with myself yesterday, that is the real master's moves, the inner cultivation ground.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

And you see, whether it is acting or life, Liu Yifei is always so calm, as if the hustle and bustle of the outside world has nothing to do with her.

The secret behind this may be her calmness of "let the wind blow from east to west, north and south, I will not move".

In her dictionary, age is just a number, stress? That's just a pebble on the road to success, just kick it away.

How can such Liu Yifei not be loved?

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei

So, our fairy sister not only continues to shine on the screen, but also a living inspirational story in private.

In her, we see that no matter how the years pass, as long as there is a dream in the heart and a road under the feet, everyone can become the best protagonist on the stage of their own life.

A drama that reveals the "real situation" of 36-year-old Liu Yifei, after all, it is difficult to escape the "godfather" Chen Jinfei


Liu Yifei, a name, a legend.

In the rolling red dust of the entertainment industry, she danced her own melody at her own rhythm.

The road ahead may still be full of thorns, but as she once said: "What I want is to be the most authentic version of myself at the best age." ”

We have reason to believe that this "fairy sister", who never plays cards according to common sense, will continue to write her wonderful in the next journey, and conquer more stars and seas with strength and charm.

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