
Guidelines for the conservation and management of orchids in July


In July, with the end of the rainy season, most parts of the mainland officially entered the scorching summer and high temperature period, which means that orchid farming has entered the most severe test stage of the year. At this stage, orchids not only face extreme heat challenges, but also need to be protected from pests and diseases to ensure their healthy growth. The following is a comprehensive guidance plan for orchid conservation and management in July, which aims to help orchid friends cope with this difficult time.

Guidelines for the conservation and management of orchids in July

1. Ventilation and cooling: ensure that the orchid room "breathes smoothly"

Key Measures:

1. Enhance ventilation: use natural wind combined with artificial facilities, such as electric fans, exhaust fans, water curtains, etc., to ensure air circulation in the orchid room. Especially in hot and sultry weather, it is necessary to turn on the ventilation 24 hours a day to prevent the occurrence of soft rot and stem rot.

2. Flexible shading: use double-layer sunshade net, covering from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., not only to avoid direct sunlight, but also to retain moderate light (not less than 3000lx) to ensure the normal progress of photosynthesis.

3. Physical cooling: increase evaporation and heat dissipation through water spraying on the ground and around, and use air conditioning and other equipment if necessary, with the goal of controlling the temperature below 30 degrees.

2. Water management: the way to balance lies in "suitability"

Management Essentials:

1. Flexible watering: follow the principle of "see dry and wet", adjust the watering frequency according to the weather and planting materials, and avoid the potting soil being too wet for a long time. The best time for watering is at night, when the water is thoroughly watered and carried out in batches to ensure that the heat is washed away.

2. Regulate humidity: keep the humidity of the orchid room between 50%-70%, too high is easy to cause diseases, and too low will inhibit growth. Humidity is regulated by timely water spraying and ventilation.

Guidelines for the conservation and management of orchids in July

3. Careful fertilization: nutritional supply needs to be "refined"

Fertilization Strategy:

1. Foliar spray: It is recommended to use a concentration of 1/1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which should be applied once every 15 days or so, and be carried out in the evening to avoid high temperature periods.

2. Root fertilization is suspended: avoid applying organic or inorganic fertilizers to the roots in the high temperature season to prevent root burning.

Fourth, pest control: prevention and precise strikes

Key points of prevention and control:

1. Regular sterilization: use carbendazim, methyl tobuzin, chlorothalonil, etc. for rotational application, select appropriate drugs for different diseases, find black spots on the leaves, use them immediately, spray once every 7-10 days, pay attention to rotating drugs, and prevent drug resistance.

2. Pest monitoring: closely observe and deal with common insect pests such as scale insects and snails in a timely manner, scale insects are trapped with small white medicine, imidacloprid, snails are trapped, and the number of pots is small, and cucumber slices are trapped.

3. Emergency treatment: Once stem rot and soft rot are found, the diseased plants need to be quickly isolated, repotted, the diseased seedlings are removed, and they are disinfected and dried before being re-potted.

Guidelines for the conservation and management of orchids in July

5. Special precautions:

1. Strengthen shading: increase the number of shading layers according to the actual situation to ensure that the sunlight does not shine too directly on the orchid pot.

2. Deal with extreme weather: prevent typhoons and heavy rains, ensure that the blue frame is stable, the sunshade net is strong, and avoid losses.

3. Environmental adaptation: avoid dividing, changing materials, turning pots and other operations in July, unless the diseased plants are treated.

4. Psychological preparation: maintain patience and carefulness, conduct daily inspections, and adjust management strategies in a timely manner to ensure that orchids spend the summer safely.

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