
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

author:Lao Pan had broken thoughts

Wen Lao Pan broke his thoughts

As expected, Mr. Tan Weiwei blew up the field with her song "Orchid Flowers" this time and won the championship of the competition in one fell swoop.

However, this competition is not only Tan Weiwei's one-man show, but also a high-profile contestant - Fan Xiya, who was expected to win the first place, but unfortunately only won the second place this time.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

As soon as the news of "Tan Weiwei No. 1" came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the whole network, and I was even laughed at by the comments of netizens.

First of all, let's talk about Teacher Tan Weiwei, she is a leader in our Chinese music scene, and she can surprise the audience every time she appears.

As soon as she sang "Orchid Flowers" this time, it was like a blooming orchid blooming in our hearts, and the fresh melody and affectionate singing directly brought people into the melodious melody.

To be honest, Mr. Tan Weiwei's strength really doesn't have to be said, she sits firmly in the position of champion.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

However, there will always be some accidents and regrets in this competition. In this competition, everyone thought that Fan Xiya would win the championship with her strength and popularity, but they didn't expect Teacher Tan Weiwei to play so well, so she was directly suppressed.

This Fan Xia is also a very powerful singer, her voice is unique, and her song style is changeable, which can bring different feelings to the audience every time. It's a pity that this time I encountered a strong enemy like Mr. Tan Weiwei, and I could only settle for second.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

But then again, although the result of this competition was somewhat unexpected, the comments from netizens were even more exciting.

Some people said: "Teacher Tan Weiwei's strength is really no one, and the champion deserves it!" ”

Others joked: "Did Fanxia forget to bring the 'protagonist halo' this time?" You'll have to pay attention next time! ”

Some people even joked directly: "Teacher Tan Weiwei sang "Orchid Flowers" as "Champion Flower"!" ”

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Of course, in addition to these funny comments, some netizens have conducted in-depth analysis and discussion of this competition.

Someone said: "The reason why Mr. Tan Weiwei's song can stand out is not only because she sings well, but also because the song itself has high artistic value." ”

Another person pointed out: "Although Vanhia failed to win the championship this time, her performance was also very good, I hope she will not be discouraged and continue to work hard." ”

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Seeing these comments, I couldn't help but feel emotional. Yes, this competition is not only a feast of music, but also an artistic contest.

On this stage, every contestant has put in great effort and sweat, and they have presented us with wonderful performances with their singing voices and talents.

The audience and netizens also cheered for these contestants with their enthusiasm and attention, and witnessed this musical feast together.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" won the championship! sparked heated discussions on the whole network, but I died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

But then again, although the result of "Tan Weiwei No. 1" is surprising, it is also well deserved. After all, on this stage, strength is the last word.

And Teacher Tan Weiwei was able to rely on her strength and talent to pass all the way and finally win the championship, which is also the best reward for her years of hard work and dedication.

Finally, I would like to say that although this competition is over, the road to music is never-ending.

I hope that Mr. Tan Weiwei and Fan Xiya and all the contestants can continue to maintain their love and pursuit of music, and use their singing voices and talents to bring us more wonderful performances.

And we, as the audience and netizens, will always accompany them and witness every wonderful moment on their music path!

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