
A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

author:Love dreams come back

In the world of sports, every game is not only a contest between players, but also a comprehensive competition of tactics, psychology and state. Recently, the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team in the face of the Belgian women's basketball team in the training trip to Europe has attracted widespread attention and discussion. This game is not only a simple sports event, but also a mirror, reflecting the current technical and tactical situation of the Chinese women's basketball team.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese women's basketball team showed a good competitive state. The team took the lead in the first quarter with efficient pick-and-rolls and quick transmission. Accurate shooting by players such as Han Xu and Yang Liwei helped the team establish a narrow two-point advantage in the first quarter. This kind of smooth offense and compact defense once made people see the potential and prospects of the Chinese women's basketball team.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

From the second session, however, the situation took a dramatic turn. The Chinese women's basketball team's offense suddenly became monotonous and inefficient, and the team's scoring dropped significantly, scoring only 7 points in a single quarter, a performance that was very different from previous games. Coach Zheng Wei's lineup rotation did not seem to work, the main player Han Xu was limited by the opponent, and other players also struggled to break through the opponent's defense. The Belgian women's basketball team used fast offense and accurate mid-to-long range shooting to quickly widen the difference.

Entering the third quarter, the problems of the Chinese women's basketball team have still not been solved. The Belgian women's basketball team's offensive and defensive transitions were fast and efficient, and consecutive scores further widened the score gap. The Chinese women's basketball team tried to find its form through interior breakthroughs, but the offensive efficiency was still not high, and there were frequent loopholes on the defensive end. This makes people reflect on the team's resilience in the face of tactical adjustments and opposition pressure.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

In the final quarter of the game, although the Chinese women's basketball team rebounded, Han Xu and Luo Xinqi and others tried to find some points through long-range shots and fast breaks, but overall, there was not much suspense about the outcome of the game. In the end, the Chinese women's basketball team lost by 15 points, which was in stark contrast to the previous big win over Belgium in the Women's Basketball World Cup.

This game exposed some shortcomings of the Chinese women's basketball team at the technical and tactical levels. Especially when encountering fierce defense and quick counter-attacks by opponents, the team's coping strategy seems to be immature and effective. In addition, the mental and physical preparation of the team also seems to need to be strengthened, and these issues need to be taken seriously and improved in future training and games.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

Overall, although this game was a loss, it also provided valuable experience and lessons for the Chinese women's basketball team. Through such international competitions, teams are able to recognise their shortcomings more clearly and make targeted improvements in future training and competitions. Every failure is a step towards success, and the key is how to learn from it and adjust the state.

In the end, although the experience of the Chinese women's basketball team was a setback, it was also part of growth. Through continuous international training, I believe that the Chinese women's basketball team can gradually solve existing problems, improve the overall competitive level, and finally achieve better results in the international arena.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

For the Chinese women's basketball team, every international game is not only a contest of skill and physical fitness, but also a test of tactical wisdom and psychological endurance. Although the matchup with the Belgian women's basketball team ended in defeat, it provided a wealth of examples for the coaching staff and players to identify problems and find solutions accordingly.

The team's performance in the game revealed several key problem points. The first is the issue of dependency. At key moments in the game, the team relied too much on Han Xu's singles ability, which was especially prominent after the opponent carefully deployed the defense. When Han Xu was restricted, the team lacked other effective means of scoring, which directly led to the exhaustion of scores. In this case, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to cultivate more players who can play stably under pressure, and improve the team's tactical diversity and adaptability.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

Secondly, holes on the defensive end are also a big factor in the loss. In the game, the Chinese women's basketball team was hesitant and ineffective in dealing with Belgium's rapid counterattack, especially when the opponent quickly switched defense to offense, the Chinese team's return speed was slow and did not form an effective block. This will need to be particularly reinforced in future training sessions to improve the team's efficiency and accuracy when transitioning defensively.

In addition, psychological factors should not be ignored either. In the case of falling behind by a large score, the team's overall psychological resilience is insufficient, which affects the players' performance on the field to a certain extent. Sports competitions are not just physical competitions, and the quality of mental state can often directly affect the outcome of the game. Therefore, strengthening the mental construction of players, especially how to stay calm and focused in the face of adversity, is another key point to improve the competitiveness of the team.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

In response to these problems, the Chinese women's basketball team can consider paying more attention to the diversification of tactics and the cultivation of players' psychological endurance in future training and competitions. By simulating the high-intensity and high-pressure game environment, players can find breakthroughs in their non-comfort zones and gradually improve their ability to deal with emergencies. At the same time, the coaching team should also flexibly adjust the tactics according to the actual situation of the game, not only the application of conventional tactics.

Ultimately, every setback is a stepping stone forward. Although the experience of the Chinese women's basketball team is a loss, the lessons and enlightenment contained in it are precious. Only through continuous combat testing can we truly test and improve the strength of the team and the cohesion of the team. In the future, I hope that the Chinese women's basketball team can learn the lessons of this experience, continue to improve, and finally show a stronger competitive state and spirit in the international arena.

A big win of 26 points to 15 points! The women's basketball team fell off a cliff, and 7 points in a single quarter were tragically beaten by Belgium

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