
Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!



A new chapter of the national football team: break the wind and move forward to reshape the glory

On the green field, every team carries the glory and dream of the country.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

And Chinese football, a group that is often swept by the storm of public opinion, is standing at a new starting point and preparing to write a new chapter of its own.

In recent years, every trip of the national football team has been accompanied by the expectations and doubts of countless fans.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

But in this land of hope, the national football team is quietly changing, and they are trying to play their own style, face up to the gaps, correct the mentality, and vow to show unprecedented spirit at home.

When it comes to the national football team, a long-standing stereotype is "rough ball style".

This impression is like a heavy stone monument, pressing on the shoulders of the national football team.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

In recent matches, the national football team is trying to change that image.

They are no longer the team that only relies on physical confrontation and rough fighting, but has begun to focus on technical delicacy and civility and efficiency of the game.

A senior football commentator sighed after watching the game: "The national football team is gradually getting rid of the label of 'barbaric', their passing is more accurate, and the cooperation is more tacit, which is undoubtedly a positive sign." ”

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

This change did not happen overnight.

The coaching team of the national football team knows that in order to gain a firm foothold in Asian and even world football, it must have excellent technical and tactical support.

Therefore, they have stepped up the technical training of the players, starting from the basics, and improving the overall strength of the team bit by bit.

On the training ground, you can see the players repeatedly practicing the basics of passing, receiving, shooting, etc., and their eyes reveal determination and determination.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

With this, the national football team is also facing up to its own gap.

They are no longer blindly optimistic, but soberly aware of the gap between themselves and the world's strongest teams in terms of technique and tactics, physical fitness, and psychological quality.

At an intra-team meeting, the head coach said earnestly: "We can't always live in the glory of the past, we must dare to face the reality, learn from the advanced experience of strong teams such as Japan and Australia, and learn from each other's strengths." ”

This pragmatic attitude has injected new vitality into the national football team.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Learning from advanced experience is not empty talk.

The national football team began to actively play warm-up matches with strong teams such as Japan and Australia, testing their level and looking for deficiencies through actual combat.

In a match with Japan, although the national football team finally lost by a narrow margin, the players' performance on the field won the respect of their opponents.

The head coach of the Japanese team said after the game: "The Chinese team has shown a tenacious fighting spirit, and their progress is obvious. ”

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Home advantage is a major "weapon" of the national football team.

In the Asian qualifiers, home advantage is often a key factor in the outcome of the game.

After losing the home advantage of the last 12 matches due to the epidemic, the combat effectiveness of the national football team has been greatly reduced.

But this time, they will face every opponent to the cheers of the home fans.

During a home game, tens of thousands of fans poured into the stadium, and their shouts and cheers poured into every corner of the stadium.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Inspired by this force, the players of the national football team showed unprecedented fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

An old fan said excitedly: "This is the national football team we want!"

They gave their all on the pitch and gave us hope and passion. ”

The Japanese and Australian media's "different eyes" on the Chinese team also reflect the changes in the national football team.

They no longer saw the Chinese team as an opponent that could be easily defeated, but began to seriously study the tactics and player characteristics of the Chinese team.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

In a report, Australian media wrote: "The Chinese team is our fierce rival on the road to qualification, they have excellent players and a maturing tactical system, and we must be fully prepared. ”

This image of a "terrible opponent" is undoubtedly an alternative praise for the national football team, which reflects the opponent's respect and importance for the national football team.

For the national football team, the most important thing is to practice hard and improve their own strength.

In the competition with strong teams such as Japan and Australia, the national football team knows that only strength is the last word.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

In a post-training interview, one of the national football players said firmly: "We don't speculate too much about the opponent's mind, but focus on improving our technical and tactical skills."

Only when we are strong enough can we gain a foothold in Asian and world football. ”

The changes in the national football team are not only reflected in the playing field, but also in their mental outlook.

They began to focus more on teamwork and collective pride, and were willing to give everything for the team's victory.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

In a crucial game, a national football player insisted on getting up and playing after falling to the ground injured, and his fighting spirit infected everyone on the field.

In the end, the national football team won the game with this indomitable spirit.

Of course, the change of the national football team has not been smooth sailing.

In the pursuit of technical delicacy and civilized efficiency, they also experienced many setbacks and failures.

But it was these setbacks and failures that strengthened their resolve to change.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

A national football coach summed up the game and said: "We are not afraid of failure, we are afraid of losing the courage and determination to change.

As long as we can persevere, we will definitely be able to find a path of our own. ”

Now, the national football team is standing at a new starting point, and they have embarked on a new journey with hopes and dreams.

They know that there is still a long way to go and that the challenges are daunting.

But they also believe that as long as they can maintain this positive attitude and fighting spirit, they will be able to reshape the glory of Chinese football.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

On this green field full of hope, every effort of the national football team deserves our attention and support.

They are not only fighting for the glory of their country, but also bringing hope and passion to everyone who loves football.

Let us witness the national football team moving forward together, and look forward to their more brilliant achievements in future competitions!

The change of the national football team is not only to win the game, but also to win respect and recognition.

They know that only through their own efforts and hard work can they break down those stereotypes and prejudices that have been formed for a long time.

And this kind of change also requires time and patience, and it requires the joint efforts and dedication of every footballer.

Are Japan and Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

In the days to come, we have reason to believe that the national football team will continue to move forward and write a new chapter of its own on the green field.

No matter what challenges and difficulties they face, they will persevere because they have a love for football and loyalty to their country in their hearts.

This love and loyalty will inspire them to keep moving forward until they realize the glorious dream of Chinese football!

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