
The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

author:I'm here

Everyone's growth may be a momentary thing, and it may be in a certain opportunity.

Jan Weiler, a well-known German author and novelist, has created touching stories with a warm brushstroke, which has healed the souls of countless modern people. This "The Man Who Sold the Awning" is an excellent work of his novels. In this novel, the author uses the story of a rebellious girl on vacation as an opportunity to see her start her growing life after witnessing the life story of her biological father.

The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

Kim, who had never seen her biological father since she was a child, had no impression of her father, and in her life, such a person was completely hidden. She lives with her mother, her stepfather, and her younger brother, but she seems to be isolated from such a family atmosphere, and gradually shows some violent tendencies. During a party, she threw a bottle of wine at her brother, who was playing with fire. She was punished for this bad behavior, and when the family was preparing to go on vacation, she was forced to isolate herself from her brother, and she was sent to her biological father, who spent six weeks together.

The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

Her father was a man who sold awnings, and he had a huge warehouse and a lot of awnings, but when Kim arrived, he found that his father had not sold a few awnings. But with the girl's personal involvement, her father's awning business has changed dramatically, and sales have steadily increased every week.

The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

And her relationship with her father has gradually become harmonious, and she has learned stories about the past from her father's mouth, about the love and hate of the trio of father, stepfather and mother. In this story, there is betrayal, hurt, and irresolvable remorse.

The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

These awnings of the stepfather were actually given to the father by the stepfather, and in exchange the father could never see his mother again. However, there is a great hidden danger behind these awnings, that is, they are made of a special screw, which is very easy to break, and there is no replacement, so all the awnings sold by my father have a lifetime warranty.

The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

The six-week vacation was soon over, and Kim, who understood everything, had a more correct understanding of life, so she made the right decision for herself, and she proposed a measure with her business acumen to free her father from the awning business.

The only thing that traps people is the emotion of responsibility, love and regret, and understanding this emotion grows up

When the novel ends, we really see that it is not only economic interests that bind a person to one thing, but also commitment, responsibility, and love, and this novel will inevitably become an excellent text that warmly heals countless readers.

Then let's experience the rich emotions and witness the wonderful life through the reading of this touching and profound novel! #小说##文学##阅读#

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