
Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

author:Bertie remembers facts
Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

"Enforcement Judge" is based on the rule of law case, and through the rotation experience of Judge Qi Lin of the Criminal Division in the Executive Bureau, it depicts the completely different case-handling style and growth process between him and Chu Yun, the president of the Executive Bureau.

Chu Yun, the president of the Second Division of the Executive Board, often becomes the focus of discussion among colleagues and those subject to execution because of her strictness and sense of justice. According to people familiar with the matter, she has enforced the law mercilessly in every case, regardless of the status of those involved, without favoritism. This attitude stems from her rich educational background and privileged family environment, and she has a meticulous understanding of the letter of the law and the enforcement procedures. Some netizens commented: "President Chu is iron-faced and selfless, what he implements is the law, and he will not be swayed by anyone's background." Another netizen ridiculed: "I heard that President Chu can even recite his passport number, even if he is a member of the royal family, he can't escape her eyes." ”

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

Chu Yun's indifference and lack of understanding of human feelings often caused her to conflict with Qi Lin when executing cases. According to an insider, in one case, Qi Lin advocated considering the family situation and social impact of the person subject to execution, and put forward a proposal to reduce the punishment, but Chu Yun insisted on judging in accordance with the law, believing that it was her duty and principle to enforce the law. "This controversy has stirred up the entire office, and President Chu adheres to his principles and will never give in." An eyewitness recalled.

On the Internet, netizens also had a heated discussion about the different views between Chu Yun and Qi Lin. Some people support President Chu's strictness and justice: "Everyone is equal before the law, this is what a judge should be." Others think she is too rigid: "President Chu is so iron-faced and selfless, isn't that human touch flattened by her?" Some netizens questioned her law enforcement methods: "It is right to enforce the law, but we can't lose our understanding of human feelings, after all, the law is for social services." ”

At the same time, Qi Lin's supporters believe that he pays attention to the balance between humanistic care and law enforcement: "The law is not a cold article, and the actual situation of the person subject to enforcement should be taken into account. Some netizens agreed with his opinion: "Justice Qi has humanity, which is the quality that a modern judge should have." And some dissenting people think he is too partial: "Is Qi Lin making excuses for crimes?" The law cannot be changed at will. ”

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

In this seemingly game between law and human feelings, the differences between Chu Yun and Qi Lin are not only differences in personal positions, but also reflect the different expectations and understandings of modern society for the role of judges. With the passage of time and the deepening of his work, Chu Yun gradually realized the importance of human touch in the enforcement of the law, and began to add more warmth and care to his law enforcement process. This change not only affected her work attitude, but also changed her relationship with her colleagues, the person subject to execution, and even the general public.

Qi Lin, as a judge, has sparked widespread discussion and praise for his unique style in law enforcement. According to a person familiar with the matter, he not only pays attention to the implementation of the provisions of the law, but also understands the human feelings behind the law, and attaches importance to the fairness of the outcome of the case and the feelings of the people. In a trial involving a civil case, he insisted on taking into account the family situation and social influence of the person subject to enforcement, and put forward a judgment proposal that could not only uphold legal justice but also take into account human factors. An eyewitness recalled: "Justice Qi's trial not only focused on the letter of the law, but also on the actual situation and social impact of the case, which is a rare balance. ”

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

On the Internet, netizens actively discussed and commented on Qi Lin's law enforcement style that focuses on human feelings. Some praised him as a true "people's judge" because he was willing to spend more time and energy to understand the stories behind the cases and the real feelings of the people. A netizen commented: "Justice Qi is not just hearing cases, but more like a spokesman for the people, and his trial takes into account the factors that ultimately satisfy the people." Another netizen sighed: "It's really admirable to see Justice Qi's unremitting efforts to safeguard legal justice." ”

There are also some critics who believe that Qi Lin's approach may deviate from the original intent of the law to a certain extent, and some even worry that his leniency will excuse criminal behavior. "The law is a hard and fast rule and cannot be relaxed because of individual circumstances." A netizen questioned Qi Lin's position. Another questioned his verdict: "Will such lenient trials have a negative impact on the legal system?" ”

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

The first encounter between the two was full of friction and contradictions, and Chu Yun was dismissive of Qi Lin's way of handling the case, and even openly challenged his authority. In the process of getting along, Chu Yun gradually realized the importance of human touch in the enforcement of the law, and began to integrate more warmth and care into his work.

In this plot, the opposition between Chu Yun and Qi Lin reflects two different styles and ideas in modern law enforcement. Netizens had different opinions on this plot and had a heated discussion.

Some netizens supported Chu Yun's strict enforcement, believing that the law is the basis of fairness and should be enforced mercilessly, regardless of anyone's identity or status. A netizen commented: "President Chu is really vigorous and resolute, this is the demeanor that a judge should have, everyone is equal before the law." Another netizen added: "She is impartial and treats every case equally, so that a judge can be convincing." ”

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

There are also many netizens who question Chu Yun's approach. They believe that although the law is important, the human factor and the social impact behind the case should also be taken into account in the implementation process. A netizen expressed his opinion: "Although President Chu has strict laws, sometimes he must also take into account the human touch, after all, the law is to serve the society. ”

Regarding Qi Lin's law enforcement style, some netizens agreed. They believe that he pays attention to the human care in the case and strives to find the most appropriate solution within the framework of the law. A netizen said: "Justice Qi not only hears cases, but also serves the people, and his trial takes into account the factors that ultimately satisfy the people." ”

There were also criticisms of Qi Lin's approach. They feared that his leniency might justify criminal behaviour, believing that the law was a rigid rule that could not be relaxed on a case-by-case basis. A netizen bluntly said: "Justice Qi's approach deviates a bit from the original intent of the law, will this tolerance have a negative impact on the legal system?" ”

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

In the discussion of netizens, there were also specific cases of conflicts between Chu Yun and Qi Lin. Some netizens recalled: "They almost got into the office because of different ways of handling a case. President Chu insisted on enforcing the law, while Justice Qi advocated considering the actual situation of the person subject to enforcement. ”

As the plot develops, Chu Yun and Qi Lin gradually understand each other and respect each other's positions in the process of getting along. An eyewitness described: "They began to slowly find a balance in their work, and President Chu began to add more warmth and care to his law enforcement process. ”

In the end, with the in-depth communication and mutual influence with Qi Lin, Chu Yun not only grew into a highly respected and loved executive, but also found his own happy home. Through the story of this rule of law couple, "The Executive Judge" vividly demonstrates the profound connotation of growth and understanding in a world where law and humanity are intertwined.

Executive Judge: Until Chu's father's identity is exposed! Only then did I understand why Chu Yun dared to argue with Qi Lin!

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