
Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

author:Extraordinary little art


Recently, a well-known Harvard expert made a startling claim in an interview that he believed that aliens may have lived beneath the Earth's surface.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

This statement immediately caused a global shock, and for a while, people were very excited about this statement, and they joined in the heated discussion about extraterrestrial life.

However, when the news was forwarded to major platforms, the reaction in the comment section made people laugh out loud, and netizens treated this conjecture of alien existence in a humorous way.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

Faced with the claim that aliens may already be living under the earth's surface, how will netizens react?

How did the Harvard expert come up with this claim?

Do aliens exist or don't exist?

1. Harvard expert: Aliens may live beneath the earth's surface.

Recently, Harvard expert Avi Lobb said in an interview that he believes that aliens may have been hidden under the surface of the earth.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

This statement immediately caused a global shock, and the famous scientist Stephen Hawking once believed that the possibility of aliens living on the surface of the earth is very small, after all, the environment on the surface of the earth is very bad for aliens.

However, it is very possible for aliens to live under the earth, because the environment on the surface of the earth is not friendly to aliens, but the underground of the earth is a good environment for aliens to live.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

Loeb also said that he thinks that aliens may have come to Earth through spaceships, and then chose to live underground on Earth, and that the Earth's underground environment may still be integrated with aliens.

So under the earth, aliens are likely to have been hidden for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, and humans simply don't know that there are so many aliens under their feet.

Lobb also gave evidence, saying that there were 510 cases of unidentified anomalous phenomena in the United States, and that these phenomena were most likely traces left by alien activity on Earth.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

It is reported that Lobu also gave some evidence of possible alien hiding places, which were investigated and researched by a team of experts.

Chief among them is in Antarctica, where experts have found some very unusual fissures that are exactly where aliens might be hiding.

Lob also said that although they did not find any traces of aliens, these very abnormal cracks are the best proof that aliens may be hiding.

The experts also studied these very abnormal cracks, and they found that these cracks were the passages to the earth's underground, and these passages were so deep that humans could not reach the depths of these passages.

Loeb also said that it is likely that the aliens came to Earth through these passages, and that they have also built an alien home at the depths of these passages.

The experts also went down to these passages several times, and they finally found that the depths of these passages are very deep, so it is very likely that aliens live at the depths of these passages.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

Aliens live at the depths of these passages, and humans simply can't detect them, so experts have no way to confirm this claim.

However, experts have given another explanation, aliens may have come to Earth through a time machine, they may have been on Earth for hundreds of years, but we humans have not found their traces at all.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

Experts also said that the current level of science and technology of human beings has not yet reached the point where they can find aliens, so aliens may be hidden around us humans, and we will not be able to find their traces at all.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

2. The United States reports: 510 cases of unidentified anomalies every year.

Recently, a report from the United States showed that there are 510 cases of unidentified anomalies in the United States every year, and experts believe that these unidentified anomalies are very likely to be traces of alien activity on Earth.

One of the 510 reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena was the discovery of very abnormal fissures in Antarctica, which experts studied and found to be very likely traces of extraterrestrial activity on Earth.

And the depth of these cracks is very deep, so humans can't reach the depth of these cracks at all, and only aliens have the possibility to reach the depth of these cracks.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

Therefore, American experts speculate that the aliens are likely to hide at the depths of these cracks, and the depths of these cracks are very wide, and the aliens may have built a city here.

The depth of these cracks is very wide, so the environment in which aliens live here is also very good, and these passages lead directly to the earth's underground, so aliens live here, and humans can't find their traces at all.

Experts have also confirmed this claim many times, and they finally found no trace of aliens, so it is still an unsolved mystery that aliens live under the earth.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

3. Netizen comments: Aliens have been living on Earth for hundreds of years.

However, as soon as this statement was published, it immediately caused a global shock, and many netizens joined in the heated discussion of extraterrestrial life, and they were very excited about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

However, when the news was forwarded to major platforms, the reaction in the comment section made people laugh, and the content of these comments was so humorous that people couldn't help but laugh.

A netizen commented: "Aliens have been living on Earth for hundreds of years, and they may be at our feet, and humans will not be able to find their traces at all."

And another netizen's comment: "Aliens may have come to Earth through a time machine, they may have lived on Earth for thousands of years, and humans will not be able to find their traces at all."

Another netizen commented: "Aliens may have come to Earth through spaceships, and they may have built an alien home under the earth, and this home is very wide."

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

Another netizen commented: "Aliens may have come to Earth through a portal, they may be right next to us humans, and humans will not be able to find their traces at all."

Faced with the theory of aliens' life under the earth, netizens have treated it in a humorous way, and the content of their comments is very interesting.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

4. Discussion of the existence or absence of aliens.

So do aliens exist or don't exist?

In fact, people have different views on the existence of aliens, this is because everyone's beliefs, scientific knowledge, and imagination are different, so the views on the existence of aliens are also different.

So is there evidence of the existence of aliens?

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

In fact, as early as 1947, American experts found the wreckage of alien spacecraft, as well as some alien corpses, which were very small, only about 12 centimeters.

And the bodies were made by aliens, and it is reported that the wreckage of the aliens' spacecraft was also brought back to the United States by experts for study, and eventually the aliens' spacecraft came to Earth through a time machine.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

And the alien's corpse is still frozen, so the alien's corpse is still very intact.

However, in order to prevent the lives of aliens from being destroyed by human technology, the bodies of aliens have never been seen by humans in the outside world.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

5. The possibility of aliens.

Aliens may have come to Earth, this statement immediately caused heated discussions around the world, and many netizens said: "Aliens may be hiding at our feet, and humans will not be able to find their traces at all."

However, as soon as this statement was published, it immediately caused a global shock, and people were speculating: "How could aliens have come to Earth?"

In fact, the existence of aliens is a very interesting topic, and this topic is also very mysterious, which may arouse many people's curiosity and desire to explore.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

In this topic, some people will always explore the existence of aliens, some will question the existence of aliens, and some will belittle the existence of aliens.

However, whether aliens exist or not, this topic is very interesting and it will trigger a curious side and an exploratory side.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section


The existence of aliens has always been an unsolved mystery, and this topic is also very hot on social media, whenever someone discusses the existence of aliens, it often arouses a lot of attention and discussion.

So this topic is also very interesting, it will arouse a lot of people's curiosity and desire to explore, whether there are aliens or not, it is a very interesting topic.

Astonished? Harvard expert: Aliens are already living on Earth. But I laughed out loud in the comments section

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