
Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

author:Extraordinary little art


On the evening of June 28th, the "Magnolia Award" of the 29th Shanghai TV Festival was announced, because of the impact of Shanghai's layers of epidemic prevention measures, the award ceremony of the TV Festival can only be recorded and broadcast, and it will be broadcast live on the Shanghai Metropolitan Channel at 22:00 pm on June 28, as well as live broadcast on the Internet, so many viewers are waiting for the announcement of the Magnolia Award of the TV Festival.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

In the end, Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award for "Flowers" starring him, while Zhou Xun won the Best Actress Award for "Imperfect Victim", and in the work "Flowers", which is also the two of them, in addition to Hu Ge, Zhou Xun's role also won the Best Supporting Actress Award, and in addition, the play also won four awards.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

At the same time as the Magnolia Award was announced, the award-winning members of "Flowers" also came to the stage to give speeches, telling the audience that the reason why they won this award was because of the support of an excellent team, and in addition, this award is not only a recognition, but also an affirmation and encouragement for the development of the industry.

1. Hu Ge won the Best Actor.

When the Microsoft Emperor and Hu Ge and the main creator of "Flowers" walked on the stage together, the whole scene suddenly burst into warm applause, and at the same time, Qu Zimo played by Hu Ge and Guan Guan played by Zhou Xun also appeared on the screen, not only these two, the entire "Flowers" crew is also cheering for Hu Ge and Zhou Xun's awards, when Zhou Xun presents the awards, Hu Ge will also continue to applaud Zhou Xun at the bottom, and support Zhou Xun to win the best actress after taking the stage.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

After awarding the trophy and giving the trophy to Hu Ge, Microsoft also praised Hu Ge, praising him as the fourth most beautiful woman in the mountain village, and praising his acting skills are very good, so I also hope that he will continue to go on the road of acting in the future, and I also hope that our TV series will get better and better in the future.

After receiving the Magnolia Trophy, Hu Ge said that this was his first Magnolia Award, and he was very excited and happy, and also thanked the TV Festival for organizing this grand event and award.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

After Hu Ge's speech, he also praised Microsoft Emperor for being very eye-catching in this TV show, and at the same time very dedicated, and hoped that he could continue to make progress with Microsoft Emperor on the road of acting skills in the future.

Then, after Hu Ge's testimonial, he also said that he won the award for Best Actor this time, and the whole process was under the mutual influence of everyone, and because of a very good crew and the cooperation of the crew, he was able to deduce the character that fits the character.

And just during the filming of "Flowers", I also encountered the time node of the Huashan incident, so it also had a great impact on the production of the whole show, but I am very grateful to every staff member of the crew, because they are all very good, and they also withstood this pressure and completed the entire production work together.

And because the time of the shooting, it is close to the time to pay tribute, so he shared one of the things he did when he was young, that is, the scarf knitted by his mother, so after his testimonial, he expressed his blessings to his mother, and also shared with everyone what stories this scarf woven by his mother contains.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

In the following sharing, the mother also treats each scarf with heart, and strives to weave the scarf more exquisitely, this scarf represents the mother's mind, and also hopes that Hu Ge can go all out no matter what he does outside, and can do better, and I also hope that he can be happy.

When we finished announcing Magnolia, in addition, Zhou Xun also won the Best Actress, in addition, Ning Li and Jiang Yan won the Best Supporting Actor and Actress respectively, and at the "Best Director Award", Xin Shuang also won the award, and also won the award for the interesting work "The Long Season".

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

At the same time, in addition to the Magnolia Award, this year's TV Festival also proposed the category of the Convergence Media Innovation Award, and the list of awards announced at this TV Festival is not all focused on the award ceremony, but also non-TV unit awards, such as documentaries, cartoons and other works, which are also affirmed by the TV Festival.

And the works selected this time, whether it is "Imperfect Victim" or "The Long Season" and other works, are very dramatic TV series, and it is worth mentioning that they are all very powerful works.

In this year's Magnolia Awards, the works at the TV festival attach great importance to the industry as a whole, which is representative, presumably the award-winning works themselves are very good, and they are also performed by excellent directors and cast members, and they are also excellent works.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

After Ning Li received the award, he was also very interested, because in the previous award ceremony, there were also people who won the award and made a speech, especially mentioning that he had won the Magnolia Award thirty years ago, just like them, so he was very excited.

In addition, he also thanked the people who nominated him before, the Magnolia Award, and the many judges and teachers, so he also thanked everyone around him with great excitement, and also thanked the TV drama industry and the many people who worked with him.

In addition, after Jiang Yan made an acceptance speech, she said that she was very happy to win a trophy, and also thanked every character in the play, as well as the screenwriter, and also praised the crew of "Flowers", and interpreted the supporting actress she played.

After Xin Shuang made an award acceptance speech, she showed her humorous side, and showed an artistic performance on the stage, after giving a speech, she also sang, not only affirming the director's award, but also showing her creative process and thanking her for winning the trophy.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

Second, the testimonial exaggerates great feelings.

After the turbulent environment of the TV festival, it is not to be underestimated that it can be recorded and broadcast normally this time, and I am also grateful to the many cast and crew who participated in the TV series.

Behind each award, it represents the recognition of the entire industry for excellent works and individuals, which is also the recognition and encouragement of the entire TV drama production, and every actor not only thanked the teamwork when he made his acceptance speech, but also expressed his deep understanding of the role and love for the profession.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

In their acceptance speeches, the actors portrayed the starring roles and their understanding of the roles, and some of the actors also brought the audience into the crew through behind-the-scenes footage and touching stories, so that the audience had a deeper understanding of the bonds between the crew and their efforts.

In addition, not only in the TV festival, there are many excellent works, but also the excellent works recognized by the "Magnolia Award", and it is also the result of the hard work of the actors.

Therefore, there is a story behind each winner, and the feelings rendered by the testimonials are also huge, and the works watched by the audience, the hard work behind them, and the hardships along the way, are also a thank you to the audience, for them.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

The honors won by the actors have also become the motivation for their better efforts, and they are constantly moving forward in this industry, and there are many actors who have not yet won the Magnolia Award trophy, but their works have been recognized as excellent, and I hope they can go better in the future.

3. Diversification of TV Festival Awards.

Shanghai TV Festival, officially established in 1986, has since become an important TV program in China, and it is also an affirmation of TV drama producers, the works they create, and the affirmation of emerging forces.

Therefore, the diversification of TV festival awards also reflects the continuous development and innovation of TV dramas from another aspect, whether it is the TV drama industry or the domestic film and television drama market, it is also constantly making positive progress, focusing on the "Magnolia Award" awards, with TV drama awards, documentary awards, animation awards and other awards, but also reflects the development and innovation of different types of programs such as TV dramas, documentaries, and cartoons.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards

Therefore, the awards at the TV festival are not only for the works on the TV series, but also for the many works, but also for the contributions made by the cast and crew, as well as the recognition of their hard work and many creative essences.

Magnolia revealed! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads, and "Flowers" won 5 awards


Behind each award, there are different stories, and each winner's testimonial, every award-winning experience, in the eyes of the audience, is also refreshing, and finally, once again congratulations to the cast and crew who won the award.

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