
I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

author:One entertainment and three points


Recently, the CCTV workplace drama "Executive Judge", directed by the Information Bureau of the Supreme People's Court, was released with great fanfare!

Luo Jin and Yang Zishan, wearing handsome judges' uniforms and holding executive judges' cards, immediately aroused the vigilance of the audience!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

But on the second day of the broadcast, when I looked at the real-time popularity list of ratings, it turned out to be the first from the bottom and the sixth in the positive ranking.

can't even surpass the popularity of "Chenghuan Ji" after 81 days of launch, which is embarrassing.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Such an explosive promotional poster, such a strong guidance team, and such a guaranteed starring lineup.

Why didn't the popularity rise after it was launched? With curiosity, I clicked on this "Executive Judge".

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

I don't know if I don't watch this, I was really shocked when I watched it, the plot of this drama can be said to be invincible "rotten"!

In the first two episodes, President Chu, the female judge played by Yang Zishan, is like eating gunpowder, and whoever is caught will be sprayed, with a black face throughout the whole process, and no one will give a good face.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

As a popular law workplace court drama, in order to cater to the story background of the court, a series of intensive conflicts are arranged in the play, which is too deliberate!

Utopia's "Executive Judge", coupled with Yang Zishan's explosive acting skills with "silicone plastic surgery face", made netizens exclaim: "I want to vomit after watching two episodes!" ”。

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

What kind of drama is it, it is supported by the national radio and television station, and it is full of slots and thunderous people.

Next, let's follow this "Executive Judge" and take a look at it together!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

All the staff are crazy to criticize, and the whole drama is crazy!

It can be said that at the beginning of this drama, in order to attract the audience's attention, a "ruthless character" was released!

That's right, she is President Chu Yunchu played by Yang Zishan who executes the second game, and her "aura" is full as soon as she comes up, as if she has been beaten with chicken blood

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

The reason is that the owner of the case that the Executive Bureau will go to execute in a while is the aunt of Qi Lin (played by Luo Jin), a judge of the Criminal Division of the same department.

Since Qi Lin is an orphan and was raised by his aunt since he was a child, he is better than his own mother if he is not his own mother, so before the execution of his subordinates, he saw Qi Lin's face and was reporting the situation to Chu Yun.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

It's okay not to remind it, as soon as it is reminded, Chu Yun's selfless, iron-faced, and unyielding strength suddenly came up.

didn't care about Judge Qi's face at all, reprimanded his subordinates on the spot for hesitation, executing the judge, there is reason and law, what he does is to enforce it, what do you have to worry about.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

After these remarks, I don't think this President Chu has any iron-faced and selfless ability.

I feel that her style of acting like she has eaten gunpowder, how she got to the position of president step by step, is really incredible.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Not only that, but when I saw Yang Zishan's "medical face" with wrinkles, tendons, and silicone chin, I really couldn't appreciate it at all.

With this look, let alone iron-faced selflessness, I think it's more suitable to be the biggest vicious female villain.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

After that, Chu Yun took his group of people and horses to "surround" Aunt Qi Lin's restaurant!

And, with the enforcement order, she still put on that iron-faced and selfless "dead fish face", saying that she would close her shop anyway!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

At this time, as soon as the camera turned, Qi Lin (played by Luo Jin), who was impartially enforcing the law in the court, appeared!

But because Qi Lin has done well in closing cases in the past three years, on the other hand, he is being transferred to Chu Yun's Executive Bureau by the bureau to rotate and support!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Qi Lin was about to be transferred to the Executive Board, and at this time, Chu Yun was enforcing Qi Lin's aunt.

Is the circle of this drama really so small? Anything can be pulled together, and forcibly creating contradictions is too deliberate!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Let's get down to business and see how Aunt Qi Lin and the old couple "handle" President Chu!

That's right, this time, the "vicious in-laws" combination of the nursery rhymes in "Little Day" appeared in "Executive Judge" again!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

It can be said that if there is no performance of two people in this drama, this explosive plot will be a little less interesting.

In the face of the judge's enforcement, Qi Lin's aunt Qi Runyu picked up the broom on the spot, wanting to resist law enforcement and die together!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Let's not talk about whether the judge's family aunt doesn't understand the law or not, just this behavior of treating death as if it were home and fighting the law to the end is not something that ordinary "legal blindness" can do!

No, as soon as the broom was raised above his head, he was forcibly brought back to the bureau by the Executive Directorate! forcibly ended this farce of chickens flying and dogs.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

On the other hand, the director who got Qi Lin's "treasure" was about to blossom.

This flattery, inclination, and groveling look doesn't look like a leader should behave.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Let's just say how good Qi Lin can be, because a transfer can make a leader like a treasure, and he can't put it down!

On this point, it is very incomprehensible to the audience, a judge, the whole is the same as the sales crown of the sales department, can't it be real?

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Let's get down to business, and after learning that his aunt was arrested by someone from his own department, Qi Lin had mixed feelings.

immediately reported to the superior leader to intercede, hoping to open the net and let himself see if his aunt with heart disease was okay!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

What I didn't expect was that Dean Ma, the supreme leader, sent a message to Chu Yun over there, and he could visit him.

But when Qi Lin found Chu Yun in the past, Chu Yun immediately turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, and turned on the wild spray mode again!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Chu Yun directly argued with reason, saying that it was impossible for him to let you visit just because you were a judge and she was your aunt.

Qi Lin is also an understanding person, he heard her yin and yang weirdness, and proposed that he wanted to meet his aunt through the identity of a normal person.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

But Chu Yun has always been iron-faced, selfless, tough, and unrelenting, but her performance like this will not make the audience think how fair she is, but only how noisy she is.

In this way, the two judges who knew the law and understood the law quarreled viciously, and finally broke up unhappily!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

The two had just been arguing for a long time, and before Qi Lin could walk out of the door, they learned that they could visit their aunt.

It turned out that after the two of them quarreled, Chu Yun couldn't bear it, and on the basis of not violating the principles, he was allowed to visit!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

We don't know, since we can visit without violating the principle, why did Chu Yun choke on Qi Lin before relenting?

The director forcibly established this Chu Yun as a selfless and good judge, but the effect of filming is like this, it really makes people laugh and cry!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

In short, after watching the plot of the first two episodes, there are only two words in my heart, that is, "dog blood"!

Originally, in people's minds, the image of a sacred and iron-faced and selfless judge made the two of them act like this, and I really don't know what to say!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

The characters in the play are all flaws!

Next, let's talk specifically about the character flaws of the characters in the play!

The first is Qi Lin, the "strongest judge with the best performance in three years" played by Luo Jin.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Just because Qi Lin is the strongest person in the court, the entire court can't be transferred without him.

The superiors didn't want to give Qi Lin to the Executive Board, and the Executive Board wanted Qi Lin to come, so they were low-minded and cheating, which was very against their will.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

There is also the male and female protagonists, who are also judicial workers, and they quarrel when they meet, which is really immoral.

Could it be that if you don't quarrel a few words, you can't show the heroine's iron-faced selflessness, and if you don't quarrel for two sentences, you can't show the heroine's selflessness?

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

It's really puzzling to be forcibly set up by the heroine, and then establish an iron-faced and selfless image of the judge.

A good judge is stunned to be shaped like this, no wonder he will be attacked by netizens and decisively abandon the drama, there are really traces to follow!

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Not only that, but just rushing to this poster, in fact, everyone can think of it with their eyes closed.

With the development of the plot, Qi Lin and Chu Yun may fall in love for a long time, and eventually move towards the finale of the family carnival.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

Let's put aside the character of the two of them, let's just rush to the two of them, I really don't know what to say.

Luo Jin, who has a wrinkled face, and Yang Zishan, who has a silicone medical beauty face, can be scared to wake up after watching the drama and dreaming at night.

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?


I don't know, what unique feelings do you have after watching this CCTV judge's workplace drama "Executive Judge"?

Who do you think has more explosive acting skills between Luo Jin and Yang Zishan in the play?

I thought it was a hit drama out of the circle, but after the broadcast, there was a lot of scolding, and CCTV workplace dramas were bad again?

After watching this explosive plot, will you choose to continue chasing this drama?

Welcome to type your views in the comment area and discuss it with your friends!

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