
Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

author:Wang Da Fugui

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, Brother Coat's grandson Zhu Fashun has been 2 months. During this period, Chen Meng appeared once on the day of the child's full moon, and never appeared again.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

It is reported that Zhu Xiaowei returned to the city with his daughter-in-law and children, because Brother Dayi's house is full of people every day, which is too noisy and not conducive to the growth of the child, so Chen Meng has not returned.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

After giving birth, she became a full-time nanny

During Chen Meng's confinement, Brother Dayi found her the best local confinement center, and also hired a professional confinement lady for her and her eldest grandson to take care of her eldest grandson's life.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

After the full moon, Chen Meng took care of the children alone. After Zhu Xiaowei became a father, although he was more responsible than before, he could only help the child wash and feed at most, and Chen Meng had to do some careful work.

In fact, those who pay attention to Brother Dayi know that Chen Meng, the daughter-in-law, is not only low-key, but also very good at living. When the two first got married, she cooked for Zhu Xiaowei every day in different ways, and she was proficient in frying, cooking and frying.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

Now that she has a child and is busy every day, she still cooks and does housework as before. After all, Zhu Xiaowei is a big man, he used to be lazy to cook when he was at home, and even if he got married, he couldn't cook at all.

Now Chen Meng not only has to cook for Zhu Xiaowei, but also take care of the children. Anyone who has given birth to a baby knows that it is very hard for a mother, who has to get up several times every night to feed the child and coax the baby to sleep.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

Chen Meng can be said to be a "full-time nanny", and it is no wonder that she has no time to go back to Zhulou Village. After all, it is a person watching the child, and it is good that the child does not cry or make trouble, but it is terrible when he cries.

The relationship with her mother-in-law sparked controversy

Whether in the countryside or in the city, whether it is a public figure or an ordinary person, as long as a child is born, the mother-in-law will come to serve the confinement and take care of the daughter-in-law.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

However, the coat sister-in-law didn't do this, I don't know if it's because Chen Meng doesn't need her, or if she doesn't want to go at all?

In short, in the lens of netizens, the coat sister-in-law is either busy with farm work or cooking and cleaning up the yard every day, almost every day at home, as long as there is nothing to do, she doesn't even go out, let alone go to the city to see her grandson.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

Many people are curious about the relationship between sister-in-law and Chen Meng, the two are obviously mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and she should take care of her daughter-in-law when she gives birth to a child, why is she always at home?

And since Chen Meng married into the Zhu family, it seems that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have never been in the same frame. Could it be that there is a conflict between the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or is there something unpleasant?

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

Comparison of the current and the former

On the other hand, when Chen Yanan was in the Zhu family, he often took photos with his sister-in-law, and the two got along very well, and the sister-in-law also took great care of this daughter-in-law.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

Not only that, Chen Yanan often buys gifts and clothes for his sister-in-law, coaxing his mother-in-law very happy, and knows how to please others.

But Chen Meng wears a mask every time she appears, and she is very low-key. Even when she met a neighbor nearby, she basically didn't say hello and was not good at words.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

In this regard, netizens feel that she is too "wooden" and does not know how to please her mother-in-law. If the relationship with the sister-in-law is handled well, wouldn't it be much easier to see the child in the future?

The editor feels that this alone does not explain the relationship between Chen Meng and Sister-in-law. Because when Chen Yanan and Zhu Xiaowei were together, she lived in Zhulou Village, and she and her mother-in-law looked down and didn't look up, and they spent a lot of time together, so they were naturally more familiar.

Chen Meng became a nanny after giving birth to a baby, and had little contact with the coat sister-in-law, and was complained that she was not as likable as Chen Yanan

And Chen Meng, since she got married, she has lived in the city most of the time, and she usually only meets her sister-in-law during the New Year's holidays, so it is understandable that the relationship is not in place. What do you think?

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