
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!


Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!

Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!
Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared!

"Oh my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared! My friend Xiao Li said to me excitedly.

I leaned over curiously: "Really? I've always been interested in the 24 solar terms, but every time I look up the information, I feel that it's too fragmentary. ”

Xiao Li handed me a thick piece of information: "Look at it, this is a detailed version that has been sorted out, and the meaning of each solar term is clearly written. ”

I turned to the first page and saw the two big characters "立春", with pinyin phonetic and detailed explanations below: [lì chūn]. The explanation reads: "The beginning of spring is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, marking the beginning of spring. At this time, the temperature began to rise, everything recovered, and farmers began to prepare for spring ploughing. ”

"It turns out that the beginning of spring came in this way, marking the beginning of spring." I sighed.

Xiao Li nodded: "Yes, keep looking down, each solar term has its own unique meaning." ”

I then flipped through it and saw "rain": [yǔ shuǐ]. The explanation is: "Rain is the second of the 24 solar terms, when the rainfall gradually increases and the humidity in the air increases, which is conducive to the growth of crops. ”

"After the rain, the spring rain starts to increase, and it really makes sense." I kept reading.

Then there is "surprise": [jīng zhé]. The explanation is: "The sting refers to the sound of spring thunder, which wakes up hibernating animals, marking the beginning of warmer weather and the beginning of insect activity." ”

I smiled: "It turns out that this is what the sting means, as soon as the spring thunder sounds, the insect wakes up." ”

Xiao Li continued: "Look at Qingming and Gu Yu again. ”

"清明": [qīng míng]. The explanation is: "Qingming is not only a solar term, but also one of the important traditional festivals in the mainland. At this time, the spring is bright and bright, which is suitable for outings, and it is also a day to worship ancestors and sweep tombs. ”

"谷雨": [gǔ yǔ]. The explanation is: "The grain rain is the last of the 24 solar terms, when the rainfall increases, which is conducive to the growth of grains, and the farmers start to work in the fields. ”

I nodded: "It turns out that each solar term has such a deep meaning, which is really a long knowledge." ”

Xiao Li said with a smile: "Yes, the 24 solar terms are not only the time node of the lunar calendar, but also an important part of Chinese culture. They reflect the observation and wisdom of the ancients about the laws of nature. ”

When I got home in the evening, I showed it to my family. As she watched, her mother sighed, "These solar terms are truly our precious cultural heritage, and each solar term has its own unique significance. ”

The father also nodded in agreement: "Yes, understanding these solar terms can not only increase knowledge, but also better understand the essence of our traditional culture." ”

As a result, our family began to gradually learn and understand the meaning of each solar term. Every time a solar term arrives, we will read the relevant content in advance to understand the origin and meaning of this solar term.

Through this period of study, I found myself with a deeper understanding of nature and farming culture. Each solar term is not only a sign of time, but also a manifestation of the wisdom of human beings living in harmony with nature.

"The meanings of the 24 solar terms are really colorful." I lamented, "Understanding these solar terms not only allows us to better understand the changes of the seasons, but also to better cherish and use natural resources." ”

Xiao Li said with a smile: "Yes, by learning these solar terms, we can better plan our life and work, and make our life rhythm more in sync with nature." ”

Through this study, I deeply felt the profundity and wisdom of Chinese culture. I hope that everyone can gain knowledge and inspiration from it, just like me, to enrich our lives.

Oh, my God! Finally, someone sorted out the meaning of the 24 solar terms, and after reading it, the knowledge soared! I hope that everyone will cherish and pass on this precious cultural heritage.

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