
Big S recently made a will: all property will be left to the children and S's mother Gu Junye: Love will eventually be wrongly paid

author:Come on Chubby

The recent news about Da S's will, it can be said that it is not small, and I don't know what is going on, such news will suddenly come out, which also makes netizens feel very surprised, after all, Da S's behavior is also very rare, and what is the reason for her doing this, it must also make everyone very curious, so what do you think about this matter? Let's take a look.

1. Big S makes a will, and the property is distributed to S's mother and two children:

Big S recently made a will: all property will be left to the children and S's mother Gu Junye: Love will eventually be wrongly paid

Recently, there was a news about Big S, which can be said to have surprised netizens very much, and I don't know what is going on, such news will suddenly come out, and the credibility of this news is also very curious, I want to know what the details are, but it is reported that Big S seems to have posted some photos of himself on his social platform, and the theme of these photos seems to be about the will, so it will cause netizens to speculate.

Big S recently made a will: all property will be left to the children and S's mother Gu Junye: Love will eventually be wrongly paid

It turns out that Big S seems to have posted a photo of himself on his social platform, and the theme of this photo seems to be about the will, and the text on it also says: "Some things, once they change, will have an impact on our lives, so we must prepare well, and I hope that my family can be happy." Such a sentence also made netizens very surprised, and it also made people feel very worried, I don't know what happened to Big S.

After all, the sudden posting of the will, such a move is also very sudden for fans, and it is easy to make people feel very scared, I don't know why, and when Da S posted the photo, he also deliberately used some very blurry filters, so it also made people unable to see what her expression was, which was also easy to cause many people to speculate, and also made people feel very worried about her condition.

However, although the photos posted by Da S were treated as blurry by her, some netizens still saw some clues through some details, and also guessed some reasons, and also felt that Da S would suddenly post a will, probably because her recent condition was not very good, so she would have such a move.

Big S recently made a will: all property will be left to the children and S's mother Gu Junye: Love will eventually be wrongly paid

Moreover, in addition to posting this photo, some people have seen some other details, which are also very surprising, thinking that Big S may really have something to happen to make such a move, and such details are that there seem to be some very professional lawyers in Big S's home, and there are some legal documents, such things are also very surprising, and it also makes people feel that Big S may have been planning for his estate.

Moreover, Da S's move also made many netizens very moved, feeling that Da S is a person who knows how to be grateful and filial piety, and she is also very timely and responsible, because in a person's life, there will indeed be many accidents, and it is possible to leave this world at any time, so it is also very important to make a will in time.

Moreover, Da S has also given many people a very good example by doing this, and it is also very moving, I feel that she is a person who knows how to cherish and cherish the people around her, and she also tells others through her own actions what kind of life is meaningful, and it is also a kind of respect for life, which makes people feel very moved.

However, in fact, the matter of Da S's will is also very curious, and I also want to know what her will is like and what kind of people will her property be distributed to? And Big S's family is also very complicated, so among them, there must be a lot of speculation and conjecture.

Big S recently made a will: all property will be left to the children and S's mother Gu Junye: Love will eventually be wrongly paid

It is reported that in his will, Da S seems to have left most of his property to his mother and two children, and this also includes two sets of very luxurious real estate, one of which was purchased by Da S before marriage and is very expensive, and another set was purchased when he married Wang Xiaofei, which belongs to the joint property of the husband and wife and is of very high value.

And now, the relationship between Da S and Wang Xiaofei is indeed very tricky, and there has been no divorce between the two of them, but there has been no reconciliation, so there is no division of property, if Da S does this, will it cause Wang Xiaofei's disgust? There are also some people who feel that Da S is not doing this to arrange his own property, but to put some pressure on Wang Xiaofei, which is also an indirect provocation.

2. Zhang Lan wants to return the property, and Da S's will is invalid:

Big S recently made a will: all property will be left to the children and S's mother Gu Junye: Love will eventually be wrongly paid

Moreover, in addition to these, there are some people who feel that Da S's act of making a will actually has a very deep meaning, and she is not simply planning her own inheritance, but has a very profound intention, and it is also a kind of protection for her family, because in her will, she did not give Gu Junye any property, but left all of it to her mother and two children.

And Da S's doing this may also cause some people's misunderstandings and speculations, and it may also make Gu Junye have some very bad thoughts about her, feeling that Da S is putting pressure on him and indirectly provoking him, so Da S is also very risky in doing this, and it may also bring some very big impact and changes to his married life, and it may also make his marriage relationship more tense.

Moreover, in addition to Gu Junye, there is another one who may have some very big impact on Da S's will, and may also make her will invalid, that is, Zhang Lan, because in Da S's will, she does not seem to have given her and Wang Xiaofei's real estate, but all of them were left to S's mother and two children, if Zhang Lan really wants to get this property back, then Da S's will will become invalid, and the inheritance and distribution of property will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law.

And in this way, it is also very unfavorable for Big S's family, so Big S actually has some very big risks in doing this, and it may also make his original intention unrealized, and it may also make his last wish unrealized.

3. The intention of Big S to make a will:

However, no matter what others think, and no matter what kind of speculation and misunderstanding others have, it is not easy for Big S to have such a move, and she also has her own very profound intentions in doing so, and she must have made such a decision after very mature thinking.

As for the intention of Da S to make a will, in fact, there are many people who speculate, and many people have put forward their own opinions, and some people feel that Da S is not doing this to make trouble for anyone, nor is it provoking and testing others, but to the people around him, conveying a very deep emotion, a very warm feeling, and an expression of the most sincere love for his family.

And some people feel that Da S may be giving others some inspiration and warning through her will, and also letting others know what kind of life is meaningful, how to treat and cherish the people around her, and how to look at money and property, and through her behavior, she also gave others a very good negative teaching material, and let others know what kind of person is the person who really knows how to cherish and be grateful.


I have to say that Da S can have such a move, which is indeed a very big touch to many people, and it also makes people have a very big affirmation and recognition of her, I feel that she is a very courageous person, and she is also a person who knows how to live a lot, and she also gave others a very good inspiration through everything she did, which made people feel very moved and warm, and also gave others a very good example, letting people know what kind of life is meaningful.

For Da S, I hope that she can always be such a strong and brave person, and I also hope that she can always be such a kind and warm person, and her will will definitely give great help and encouragement to the people around her, and it will definitely become a very important lesson in other people's lives, and it will also let others understand what kind of person is a truly valuable person.

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