
The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

author:Xiaoxian accompanies you in the story

Text/Xiaoxian accompanies you with the story

This drama in the entertainment industry is really more exciting than the bloody drama of our people. Recently, the scene between Gu Junye and Da S is really shocking.

I originally thought that this "loving couple" could continue to act, but I didn't expect that halfway through this play, the boiled egg Gu Junye was ready to run away, which was really lonely!

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

Gu Junye, this buddy, is going to open an exhibition in South Korea, and the exhibition will be two months! I wondered, why is this exhibition so long? Is there so many of his works that he can't finish the exhibition?

But then again, as soon as this exhibition opens, it means that Gu Junye will have to stay in South Korea for a while. What about him and Big S? Isn't this couple going to get along for a long time? I feel sorry for them just thinking about it!

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

Gu Junye is leaving, and Big S has to stay alone in the empty room. Thinking about her former scenery, she has now become a "left-behind woman". In her heart, she must have mixed tastes, maybe she has to count the days and wait for her husband to come back.

Gu Junye, although he said that he was going to open an exhibition, who knows what he was thinking. Maybe it's taking this opportunity to go to South Korea to find novelty, and catch up with those Korean girls by the way. After all, this long-distance relationship is the most problematic.

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

Having said that, the couple's marriage was incomprehensible from the beginning. One moment to show affection, and another moment to make contradictions, it is like a farce. Now that Gu Junye is gone, this play will be even more exciting!

It is said that this boiled egg Gu Junye is also a figure with a head and face in South Korea, but since he married Da S, his popularity has been declining, and it is simply a roller coaster.

originally thought that they could rely on the fame of Big S to become popular, but I didn't expect that the reputation of Big S is getting worse and worse, and the couple's bundled marketing is simply hurting each other.

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

I remember when I first got married, Gu Junye swore that he would grow old with Big S, and now it seems that this vow is like a joke.

Some time ago, he also posted the news of an exhibition on his personal social platform, saying that he would hold an exhibition of his personal works in South Korea for more than two months. As soon as the news came out, netizens were stunned, wondering if this boiled egg was in the water?

Don't you have a point in your own mind? Your popularity in Korea has long been much worse than before, and you still have a solo exhibition, do you want to prove how many fans you still have?

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

As expected, after the news of this exhibition was released, the number of likes was less than 600, and this popularity is simply miserable. Some netizens said, your exhibition is so deserted, do you want to take this opportunity to escape from Big S?

After all, now you are also thriving in Taiwan, no one is invited to variety shows, the price of nightclub performances has dropped again and again, and you have to serve a wife who can't go out all day long, who can stand it these days?

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

In fact, the marriage between this boiled egg Gu Junye and Da S was full of controversy from the beginning. When the two got married, some people said that it was a marriage of interests, and now it seems that this statement is really reasonable.

After the marriage between Big S and Wang Xiaofei broke down, Gu Junye, the braised egg, took advantage of the situation and gave Big S a lot of support. But behind this support, how much is the exchange of interests?

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

Let's talk about Big S, the former goddess of the entertainment industry, but now she has also become the target of public criticism. Since divorcing Wang Xiaofei, her image has been declining. originally thought that he could renew the front edge with the boiled egg Gu Junye, but I didn't expect this fate to be very short-lived.

The current big S is not only scolded by netizens as a "soft rice girl", but also questioned as a representative of "relying on men to take the position". Her marriage not only did not bring her happiness, but it caused her career and image to be hit hard.

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

As for Big S's family, that's not to mention. The mother and son of the Wang family originally wanted to rely on the fame of Big S to make some benefits, but now it seems that the bamboo basket is empty.

This entertainment industry is so realistic, when you are popular, everyone comes to slap you, and when you are down, everyone wants to step on you.

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

But then again, if this boiled egg Gu Junye really ran away, how long could the big S family be able to jump?

It's an unknown. After all, the renewal of the entertainment industry is very fast, there are no works, no popularity, and no topics, then you can only be forgotten in the corner.

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

So, although the drama in the entertainment industry is exciting, it also depends on how you act. The marriage between this boiled egg Gu Junye and Da S is like a farce, and the performance is lively but no one pays for it.

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

In the end, it still had to end up in a dismal end. This big S family, let's think about how to improve ourselves, don't think about relying on others all day long. After all, in this entertainment industry, you still have to rely on strength to speak!

The drama can't go on, the boiled egg Gu Junye is about to run away, how long can the big S family jump?

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