
Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

author:Wang Guagua

The recent new dramas are one after another, from "The Story of the Rose" to "Between the Ink Rain Clouds", from "Yan Xinji" to "The Year of China", the lineup of each one is very strong and interesting.

And today, we are going to talk about another hit drama, although it has only been on the air for a few days, but there are a lot of controversies.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

That's right, it is the rule of law drama "Executive Judge" performed by Luo Jin, Yang Zishan, Sarina, Zhao Jun, Ding Jiali and others.

Yang Zishan's mouth is crooked, and the CCTV filter is too real

Speaking of Yang Zishan, in fact, everyone is already very familiar with this actor. She has debuted for many years and has created many roles, all of which have left a deep impression on everyone.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

Let's not mention the works of many years ago, let's just say that in this year's New Year's drama "Riding the Wind and Waves", her acting skills as the female number one are still good, and it is quite interesting to cooperate with a comedian like Qiao Shan.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

In the play, she deduced the growth process from a student to a girl and then to a wife, even if she was 37 years old, she played a student, but she did not have the slightest sense of disobedience, but played the pure and innocent appearance of the student period just right.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

However, in the current "Executive Judge", she is also the female number one, but the script is different and the roles are different, but she plays a judge with an "embarrassing" feeling.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

You must know that the profession of judge is sacred, and the common people respect this profession very much. But the judge played by Yang Zishan went his own way, either rolling his eyes or frowning, and refused to cooperate with his colleagues, but played selfishness to the fullest.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

In addition, many netizens have discovered that in addition to Yang Zishan's acting skills, there is also a gap between the changes in her facial features and the character of a judge.

The first thing that can be seen at a glance is her eyes, the two eyes don't seem to be at the same height, and the double eyelids are also wide and narrow, which looks a little awkward;

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

The second is the nose, the nose wings on both sides are large and small, and the nostrils are one high and one low, giving people the feeling that it is "crooked";

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

and her mouth, in this era of "smiling lips" everywhere, she is diametrically opposed, the problem of lip curvature looks a little fierce, a "bitter face", not so natural.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

Luo Jin's facial features flew wildly, and he used too much force

Luo Jin, who is also the leading actor, is also a little unlikable in this work this time.

Perhaps under the influence of Yang Zishan, when Luo Jin played against her, the expression on his face flew wildly, and his expression was hideous, which made the audience very uncomfortable, and he used too much force.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

His character in the play is a young judge, but he does not show the enthusiasm of the young judge for his work at all, but argues with his colleagues.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

In addition, as an executive judge, in addition to being tall, the image should be spiritual and energetic, but the judge performed by Luo Jin is haggard and vicissitudes.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

From the lens, it can be seen that not only Luo Jin's face has traces of time, but also eye bags and acne marks can be seen clearly.

I have to say that the "perfect male god" in everyone's hearts at the beginning has now grown old with the passage of time.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

Even if he wears a judge's uniform, he looks old-fashioned, without the aura of a judge at all.

"Executive Judge" should stop spicy the audience's eyes

I have to say that it is not without reason that this drama has received bad reviews. The first thing everyone sees in a drama is the cast, especially the performance of the male and female protagonists, but in this drama, the performance of the two is too thunderous.

Yang Zishan with a crooked mouth, Luo Jin with flying facial features, stop "Executive Judge", don't be spicy

is not only Yang Zishan's "distorted facial features", but also Luo Jin's overly violent performance, he can't act hard, it's too fake.

I don't know if you have followed this drama? What do you think of the acting skills of the two leading actors?

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