
Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

Recently, the hit TV series "Executive Judge" has sparked a wide range of discussions, however, the focus of this discussion is overwhelming negative reviews. The audience almost unanimously pointed the finger at Chu Yun, a female judge played by Yang Zishan, and found her performance and character setting extremely disappointing. From her vicious eyes when she looked at the male judge played by Luo Jin, to her exaggerated facial expressions, the audience thought that her performance was not only too contrived, but even made people feel hideous and hysterical.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

The audience questioned how a female judge who was a colleague could hate the male judge played by Luo Jin to such an extent? Not only that, Chu Yun's image was also criticized for being impersonal and feminine, and seemed too ruthless.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

In the play, Chu Yun, as the executive director, has a stiff face every time he appears, and he is cold to everyone. Especially when executing the case of Qi Runyu's house, her hostile posture and cold performance were even more unbearable. Even though Qi Runyu explained in every possible way that the house had not been transferred and that she had not signed, Chu Yun was still unaccommodating, and even threatened that if it were not for her own signature, her son Fang Qiang would be arrested and imprisoned. This plot not only makes the audience feel that Chu Yun is too ruthless, but also seems to lack human treatment.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

In another scene, Qi Lin applied for a legal visit because he was worried about his aunt's body, but Chu Yun refused to let him live, not only to Qi Lin's yin and yang weirdness, but also to the boss who approved Qi Lin's request, and refused to carry it out. This kind of performance makes the audience feel that Chu Yun seems to think that only she is the embodiment of justice, and everyone else is a person who bends the law for personal gain.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

The audience has said that such an image is too vicious, the reality is ruthless enough, and it is really unacceptable to make it into a TV series and add blockage to people.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

The heroine's distorted, cold, and ruthless face, in terms of acting skills, has become a nightmare for the audience; As for the characters, it is a nightmare for all debtors. The audience has appealed, hoping that this TV series will be stopped and taken off the shelves as soon as possible. Experts also said that TV dramas with the main theme need to create more realistic and humane character images, so that the audience can better understand and accept them.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

Netizens expressed their opinions on major forums and social platforms: "Yang Zishan's acting skills are really disappointing, her role does not resonate with people at all, but makes people disgusted. Another netizen said: "Will such an image of an executive judge deepen the audience's negative impression of this group?" Should TV production teams think more carefully about character design? ”

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

Experts suggest that the character creation of TV dramas should be closer to reality, focusing on the multi-faceted and humanized treatment of the characters to avoid triggering negative emotions from the audience. At the same time, the production team should also listen to the audience's feedback and adjust and improve the character image in a timely manner.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

To sum up, the image of female judge Chu Yun in the TV series "Executive Judge" has aroused unanimous negative comments from the audience, not only because of Yang Zishan's performance problems, but also because of the lack of humanity and reality in the character setting. I hope that the TV drama production team can learn from this and create excellent works that are closer to the hearts of the audience in the future.

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

Readers, what do you think of the image of Chu Yun in the TV series "Executive Judge"? Do you think her performance is too exaggerated and unforgiving? Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section!

Yang Zishan, overturned! "Executive Judge" played a female judge, Chu Yun, and was criticized for having an exaggerated expression!

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