
TRUMP: I didn't want to see him make America like this as a result of the campaign, and Biden laughed when he heard that

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The 90-minute debate between the US presidential candidates was hilarious, with sparks flying between Biden and Trump, making it hard to ignore the whole debate. And the media also has a clear evaluation of their performance. CNN, CNN headline described Biden's poor performance, while Trump frequently interrupted. What's going on?


First, let's take a look at Biden's performance. His answers were rather rambling and often deviated from the point, leaving viewers confused at one point. This pattern of responses casts doubt on whether he really understands the gist of the question or whether there are enough substantive answers. Biden's performance during the debate disappointed many, and his rhetoric appeared incoherent and lacked clear logic. Viewers expected a strong, methodical answer, but Biden didn't quite meet that expectation.

TRUMP: I didn't want to see him make America like this as a result of the campaign, and Biden laughed when he heard that

At the same time, Trump's frequent interruptions were also a bright spot in the debate. He seems to be unable to stand the statements of his opponents, inserting his own opinions and comments from time to time. Not only did this interruption appear rude, but it also interrupted Biden's speech and made the debate chaotic. Trump's interruption is not only due to dissatisfaction with the opponent's speech, but more likely to change the topic and grasp the right to speak. Whatever his intentions, this interfering adds a certain tension to the debate.

TRUMP: I didn't want to see him make America like this as a result of the campaign, and Biden laughed when he heard that

However, we need to look beyond Biden's performance and Trump's distraction, as well as at the debate itself. As a platform for the two candidates to present their views, the debate should focus more on giving the audience an understanding of the candidates' policy propositions, leadership skills, and ability to respond to crises. But the debate seems more like a wrestling contest, with the candidates' attacks and arguments in the spotlight and key questions not adequately answered. Audiences, eager to see genuine dialogue and constructive debate, are caught in a war of words between the candidates.

TRUMP: I didn't want to see him make America like this as a result of the campaign, and Biden laughed when he heard that

To sum up, Biden's performance was not good, and Trump's frequent interruptions also added a lot of gunpowder to the debate. However, we need to focus beyond their individual performances, but also consider the value and significance of the debate itself. Debates, as a way for candidates to reach out to voters, should focus more on genuine dialogue and constructive discussion, rather than strife and attacks. It is hoped that future debates will be more focused on the issues themselves and truly answer the questions and concerns of voters.

TRUMP: I didn't want to see him make America like this as a result of the campaign, and Biden laughed when he heard that

That's it for the debate about Biden's poor performance and Trump's frequent interruptions. Whether it is Biden's rambling answer or Trump's interrupting behavior, it has attracted widespread attention and discussion. The debate left a deep impression on voters and made them more wary of the two candidates. We look forward to a more high-quality, constructive and genuine showcase of candidates' talents and policy advocacy in the future.

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