
One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

author:Ningning chats and entertains
One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

CCTV's military drama "Haitian Eagle" has recently become a hot topic, and the show has not only achieved great success in ratings, but also successfully spread the heroic image of the Chinese Navy to the whole country and even overseas. When the audience enjoyed this drama, they found an unacceptable role, that is, Xia Chu played by the female number one Wang Luodan.

Wang Luodan's appearance is elegant and exquisite, coupled with her slender figure, which makes her look very suitable for becoming a star in appearance. Her facial features are clear, her skin is smooth and delicate, and she exudes an innate star temperament, whether in front of the camera or on the red carpet. Netizens have shared their comments on her appearance on social platforms, and some commented: "Wang Luodan's appearance is really online, her facial features are super exquisite, looking at her photos is like looking at a cover model in a fashion magazine." This compliment to her appearance reflects the audience's general recognition and appreciation for her appearance.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

Some netizens also pointed out that Wang Luodan's slight studentishness may be the result of her just leaving school and entering the professional entertainment industry. A netizen commented: "Her temperament does have a bit of a 'small jasper' feeling, and this fresh breath makes her more personal in the rebellious role." This view believes that although Wang Luodan has tried some rebellious or traditional roles, her natural pure temperament cannot be completely concealed, but has become her unique charm to attract audiences.

In the broadcast of "Haitian Eagle", Wang Luodan's role in Xia Chu, although her acting skills were controversial, her appearance and temperament became a hot topic of discussion. Some netizens believe that it is precisely because of her naïve atmosphere that she has both a star style and a little newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, that the audience has more emotional resonance and resonance when looking at her role. A viewer wrote on Weibo: "Wang Luodan's appearance and appearance design in the play are very attractive, and her girlish freshness makes people feel that she is the girl next door around us." This view reveals the audience's intimacy and acceptance of her persona.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

But Wang Luodan's performance in "Haitian Eagle" has sparked widespread doubts and discussions. Audiences expressed unusual criticism of her acting skills, believing that she failed to truly present the emotions of the characters, especially in the opposite scenes against other powerful actors.

In the play, Wang Luodan plays the role of Xia Chu as an important female lead, but the audience feels that her performance lacks realism. In the rivalry with powerful actors such as Li Youbin and Zhu Yawen, her acting skills failed to meet the audience's expectations. For example, in an emotional scene, when she faces the reality of her boyfriend's cheating, the audience expects to see emotional outbursts and inner struggles, but Wang Luodan's performance seems bland and fails to profoundly show the psychological conflicts and emotional changes of the characters.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

The audience began to discuss that if Xia Chu was played by an actor with more emotional expression, it might bring different dramatic tension and emotional depth to the character. They compare Wang Luodan with other actors, such as Tang Yan or Yang Zi, who have a more prominent performance in emotional expression and character emotional display. In contrast, Wang Luodan's performance seems relatively bland and lacks depth, failing to match the wonderful performances of the other actors in the play, and failing to make full use of the dramatic tension and emotional conflict points in the script.

The audience can't help but think that the choice of actors has a crucial impact on the overall effect of a drama. No matter how exciting the plot is, if the actors are not able to vividly interpret the characters, it will be difficult for the audience to immerse themselves in the plot. In a drama like "Haitian Eagle", which focuses on military warfare and human conflicts, the emotional expression and inner world of each character are crucial, which requires the actor to have the ability to impress the audience through delicate expressions and emotional ups and downs, making the characters more three-dimensional and real.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

The audience began to discuss and discuss Wang Luodan's performance in "Haitian Eagle". Some netizens pointed out that Wang Luodan's acting skills do not seem to be able to fully interpret the complex heart of the character Xia Chu. A netizen wrote on social media: "After watching the latest episode, "Haitian Eagle", I think Wang Luodan's acting skills are a little out of rhythm. Especially in the scene with Li Youbin, I felt that her emotions were not fully expressed, and I was a little disappointed. This netizen clearly expressed his doubts about Wang Luodan's emotional expression ability, believing that she failed to penetrate into the inner world of the character, which made the audience lack emotional resonance.

Another netizen put forward a comparative angle: "If Tang Yan or Yang Zi performed the beginning of summer, there may be richer emotional expressions." Their acting performance in other episodes is impressive, and they are able to show the inner conflicts of the characters vividly through subtle expressions and emotional changes. This contrast makes the audience think that the choice of actors has a significant impact on the depth and dramatic tension of the characters.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

On Weibo, a discussion on the selection of actors has attracted widespread attention and participation. A netizen commented: "No matter how exciting the plot is, the actor's acting skills determine the audience's viewing experience." If the actors can't realistically interpret the complex emotions in the characters' hearts, then the whole series will lose some of its persuasive power. ”

This view has been recognized and further discussed by other netizens, and it is generally believed that the actor's performance is not only an interpretation of the script, but also a key factor in whether the audience can immerse themselves in the plot.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

On the other hand, some netizens questioned Wang Luodan's role setting: "The role of Xia Chu seems to be a bit 'chicken ribs', not only the actor's problem. Her plot design is not brilliant enough, and it seems a little thin compared to other characters. This view believes that it is not only the actor's problem, but also the design and plot arrangement of the character itself should be able to give the actor more room for expression and emotional conflict.

To sum up, the success of "The Eagle of the Sky" and the criticism it received go hand in hand. In the future, it is hoped that the producers will be more cautious in the selection of actors to ensure that each actor can perfectly interpret the role, so as to improve the quality of the whole drama and the audience's viewing experience.

One person ruined the whole show! The "chicken ribs" female number one in "Haitian Eagle"! It's uncomfortable to look at

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