
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.

author:Look up under the stars
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.
The article "My cousin knocked over the bun shop" is so exciting, I laughed after reading it, and it was humorous and funny.

Yun Feiyang and Hua Rumeng went deep into the cave, only to see that the light in the cave gradually brightened, and it turned out that the cave walls were covered with a plant called "glow-in-the-dark vine", which emitted a faint blue light in the dark, providing a faint light for the young explorers. As the two of them went deeper, the space in the cave gradually opened up, and it turned out to be a spacious natural stone room.

In the center of the stone room, there is a pedestal paved with jade, on which is placed a simple sword book, with four big characters written on the cover, and a long sword that looks ordinary next to it lies quietly. Yun Feiyang and Hua Rumeng glanced at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Yun Feiyang stepped forward and reached out to pick up the long sword, only to see that the body of the sword flowed with an indescribable luster, as if it had a life of its own. And Hua Rumeng carefully opened the sword book, and the pages of sword patterns and mantras made both of them addicted.

"This swordsmanship is so subtle, it's very different from what I've learned." Yun Feiyang couldn't help but sigh.

Hua Rumeng chuckled softly: "Perhaps, this is where our fate lies." Let's study here and see if we can understand something. ”

So, the two of them began to practice separately in the stone room, Yun Feiyang cultivated the sword, and Hua Rumeng practiced boxing. Time passed imperceptibly, and the stone room was filled with the atmosphere of hard work.

One day, when Yun Feiyang was practicing his newly learned swordsmanship, he inadvertently swung a sword, and the sword qi actually cut off a corner of the stone room, revealing a hidden stone door. The two of them were surprised and excited, perhaps this was the deeper part of the cave.

Yun Feiyang pushed the stone door open with force, and a passage appeared in front of them, and there seemed to be a light coming from the end of the passage. The two decided to embark on a new journey again and bravely walked along the passage.

Walking through the passage, they came to a stone room that was wider than before, in the stone room there was a huge sword array composed of countless swords, in the center of the sword array, there was a stone platform, on the stone platform was placed a golden sword, which looked extremely extraordinary.

Yun Feiyang and Hua Rumeng were about to step forward to check, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the stone room. When I turned my head, it turned out to be several people in the martial arts, their eyes were full of greed and desire, obviously attracted by the sword on the stone platform.

"Two little friends, this sword is extraordinary, I'm afraid it is not something you can control. It is better to leave it to us, so as not to hurt the peace. A middle-aged martial artist led by him said in a strange manner.

Yun Feiyang smiled indifferently and responded: "The treasure of martial arts, there are capable people who live in it." Since you are so confident, why not give it a try? ”

After that, Yun Feiyang and Hua Rumeng stood side by side, ready to fight. A battle to protect the mysterious sword is about to begin, and the sword aura in the stone room is rampant and the atmosphere is tense.

At this moment, the golden sword suddenly shone with a dazzling light, and a powerful force poured out from the sword, shaking everyone back a few steps. Yun Feiyang and Hua Rumeng felt a warm power surging into their bodies, and their martial arts actually broke through at this moment.

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