
21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

author:Xiao Nuan said life

In China in 2003, the gaokao was still the only hope for many poor children to change their fate. Our protagonist is such a teenager from a poor family. From an early age, he knew the importance of learning.

His parents often told him, "Study hard to make a difference in the future." This sentence was deeply rooted in the young man's heart and became the motivation for his efforts. The boy's family was not wealthy.

In order to provide for his education, his parents saved money and even borrowed money from relatives. Looking at the figure of his parents working hard, the teenager worked harder. Since elementary school, he has been at the top of his ranks.

After each exam, he would eagerly take his report card home and show it to his parents, hoping to make them feel reassured. However, as the school progresses, so does the pressure.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

Before each exam, teenagers would revise without sleep or food, for fear of disappointing their parents' expectations. This pressure became even heavier with the arrival of high school. Especially in the last mock test before the college entrance examination, his grades dropped significantly.

This defeat completely shattered his self-confidence and made him begin to doubt whether he could really do well in the college entrance examination. Facing the upcoming college entrance examination, the teenager's heart is full of fear and uneasiness.

He couldn't imagine how he would face his expected parents and relatives if he didn't do well in the exam. Every day, he struggles under tremendous pressure. I have nightmares when I sleep and I wake up in a cold sweat.

He began to become restless and even tired of school. It was under this tremendous pressure that a crazy idea sprouted in his mind - if he could know the exam questions in advance, would he be able to ensure the success of the college entrance examination? Once this thought came to mind, it grew like a weed in his heart.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

He was told by his wisdom that he was wrong, but the fear of the future and the pressure of his parents' expectations led him to make a decision that would change his life. Late one night on the eve of the 2003 college entrance examination, the teenager made a decision that would change his life.

He slipped out of the house quietly, his heart beating like a drum, and felt his way towards the school he attended. The campus was quiet at night, with only the occasional sound of insects. The teenager cautiously avoided the patrolling security guards and arrived at the academic office where the exam papers were kept.

After all this was done, the teenager put the test paper back as it was, carefully wiping away any traces that might have been left behind. As he left, his heart was still beating fast as if it was about to jump out of his chest. Along the way, he kept looking back, for fear that someone would follow him.

It wasn't until he was safely home that he breathed a sigh of relief. In the days that followed, the teenager began to frantically memorize the contents of the test papers. He dictated over and over again until every word was deeply ingrained in his mind.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

In the process, he was filled with contradictions. On the one hand, he felt proud of his "cleverness" and felt that he had finally found a shortcut to success; On the other hand, his conscience constantly condemns his actions.

But whenever he thought of his parents' expectant eyes, he convinced himself that it was worth it. However, fate always likes to joke. On the day of the college entrance examination, when the teenager opened the test paper with confidence, he was completely dumbfounded.

The topic in front of him is completely different from what he memorized so well! It turned out that the education department changed the test papers at the last minute in order to prevent leakage of questions. This accident sent the teenager into a huge panic.

He sat in the examination room, sweating coldly, and his mind went blank. At that moment, he deeply regretted it, but it was too late. After the exam, the teenager's heart was like ashes, and he knew that his dream of the college entrance examination was completely shattered.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

After the college entrance examination, the teenager thought that his illegal behavior had turned over and could start again. However, fate dealt him a heavy blow again. On the day he was about to receive his college entrance examination transcript, the police came to the door.

It turned out that when he stole the test papers, although he was lucky, he still left a faint fingerprint. These fingerprints became ironclad evidence of his crimes. When the police presented the evidence, the teenager was completely devastated.

He fell to his knees and wept bitterly, confessing everything to his parents. The parents' faces were filled with disappointment and grief, which made him feel worse than any punishment. In the police station, the teenager bowed his head and answered every question, his heart full of remorse and despair.

Recalling the night of the crime, the teenager was full of remorse. He remembered that he had smeared his fingertips with glue so as not to leave fingerprints. But he didn't expect that this rudimentary method would not stop the fingerprints from being retained at all.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

The police compared the fingerprints collected at the scene with the fingerprints left when registering for the college entrance examination, and finally confirmed that he was the one who stole the test papers. In the face of evidence, the teenager could not quibble.

He confessed his guilt and confessed the whole process. The police also searched his home with a camera that took the test papers and a notebook that recorded the answers, which became strong evidence against him.

In court, the juvenile was sentenced to seven years in prison for theft. When the judge read out the verdict, countless images flashed through his mind: the expectant eyes of his parents, the envious eyes of his classmates, and the bright future he had hoped for.

All of these have come to naught because of a momentary confusion. On the way to prison, the teenager truly understood the meaning of the phrase "one misstep becomes a thousand hatreds" for the first time.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

Not only did he lose his precious seven years of freedom, but he also lost the bright future he might have had. This price is far beyond what he imagined. In the escort car, the boy burst into tears, deeply regretting his stupid actions.

The moment he stepped into prison, the teenager felt that his life had hit rock bottom. In the early days, he often blamed himself for his stupid behavior, often lost sleep at night, recalled the nervousness when he stole the test papers, and the fear when he was arrested.

More than once, he asked himself, "If I hadn't done this, what would I do now?" This remorse and self-reproach kept him alive. However, over time, the juveniles began to gradually adapt to prison life.

He realized that instead of dwelling on regret, he could use this time to improve himself. As a result, he began to actively participate in various study and labor activities in prison. He studied hard in prison, took various skills training, and even learned some practical techniques.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

While serving his sentence, the teenager got to know a number of people who had been in prison for various reasons. Through his interactions with them, he became more aware of the importance of abiding by the law. He often wonders if he had been able to face failure calmly, would his life path be completely different now? These reflections made him start to re-examine his values.

Gradually, the teenager began to understand that true knowledge and abilities cannot be obtained through shortcuts. He began to reflect on his actions and to think about the importance of honesty and hard work.

He realized that his actions had not only hurt him, but also failed to live up to his parents' expectations and the trust of society. Although the days in prison are difficult, it also gives the teenager enough time to think and grow.

He began to read a lot of books, learn new things, and even finish his studies in prison. This experience taught him to maintain a positive mindset even in the face of adversity.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

Seven years have changed a lot for the teenager. When he finally regained his freedom, he was no longer the impulsive teenager he was back then. He has become more mature and cherishes his hard-won freedom.

The moment he walked out of prison, he took a deep breath and secretly vowed to start his life all over again. This experience of serving a prison sentence is both a punishment and an opportunity for rebirth for the teenager.

He understands that although he has made mistakes, as long as he sincerely repents and strives to be a new person, there is still hope for the future. With this awareness, the teenager embarked on the road of reintegration into society.

In 2010, the juvenile was finally freed after serving a seven-year sentence. The moment he stepped out of the prison gate, he took a deep breath and felt the air of freedom. However, the cruelty of reality soon made him realize that his previous convictions had a much greater impact on him than he imagined.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

Finding a job became a huge challenge. Many companies turned him down when they knew he had a criminal record. Every time he was rejected, he felt frustrated and helpless. Sometimes, he even wonders if he will be able to reintegrate into society.

However, the teenager did not give up. He understands that it is only through his own efforts that he can truly earn the trust and respect of others. He began to work at the grassroots level, not afraid of hardship or tiredness.

Despite the hard work and the meagre salary, he still maintains a positive attitude. He believed that as long as he worked honestly, someone would eventually see his worth. In the process, he met a lot of well-meaning people, and their encouragement and support gave him the motivation to keep going.

At the same time, teenagers also began to take the initiative to tell their experiences to those around them, especially young people. Through his lessons, he hopes to warn others not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Whenever he sees someone having crooked thoughts due to stress, he shares his story, telling them that shortcuts are often traps and that only being grounded is the only way to succeed.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

Despite the hardships of life, the teenager never regretted his decision to confess his guilt. He knows that only by being honest about his mistakes can he truly be reborn. He often told himself, "I've lost seven years, and I can't afford to waste the rest of my life."

Slowly, through his own efforts and honesty, the teenager began to earn the trust of those around him. Although life is still not easy, he has been able to face each day with his head held high.

He understands that rebuilding trust is a long process, but he is willing to prove through his actions that even if a person makes a mistake, he still has a chance to start over if he truly repents.

Looking back, the former teenager is now an adult. Twenty-one years have passed, and the impulsive decision to steal the college entrance examination papers has completely changed the trajectory of his life.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

He often sighed, if he hadn't made that wrong decision, what would his life have been like? But he also understands that it was that painful experience that made him truly understand the value of honesty.

He now often says to young people: "Don't be blinded by the pressure of the moment, and don't take risks for the sake of temporary success." True success is always based on honesty and hard work.

Whenever he sees a student with crooked thoughts due to study pressure, he will share his own story, reminding them that shortcuts are often traps, and that only being down-to-earth is the only way to succeed.

This experience also taught him that life is more than just test scores. He began to focus on the overall development of his child, rather than simply chasing scores. He believes that only in this way can the next generation be cultivated with true ability and moral character.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

Through his own personal experience, he deeply realized that a person's character is more important than talent. He often said: "Being honest and doing things in a down-to-earth manner is the real shortcut to life."

This is not only his advice to others, but also his own motto in life. Now, the teenager who stole the college entrance examination papers has regained social recognition through his own efforts.

His story has become a living teaching material, warning every young person facing pressure. He believes that with good intentions and hard work, it is possible for anyone to overturn past mistakes and regain respect and trust.

21 years ago, he stole the college entrance examination papers, memorized them and went to take the exam, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the exam questions

On the road of life, it is inevitable to encounter setbacks and temptations, but he always firmly believes that honesty and perseverance are the most reliable compass in life.

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