
Outburst! Israel sounded the air defense siren on a wide scale

author:Smart pineapple 6


On the afternoon of the 28th, a group of photos of Israel's mass air defense sirens aroused heated discussions among netizens on social media, arousing the attention of major media around the world to this incident.

In this set of photos, you can see that a city in Israel is almost covered by black pressure anti-aircraft missiles, and the dramatic thing is that although it is already full of missiles, and there are even people who have temporarily installed many missiles on the site, it is still not enough, so new missiles are constantly being shipped and stacked in the city.

It is precisely such a posture and dramatic scene of "the whole city mobilizing and going into battle" that has attracted people's attention and aroused people's curiosity, why is there such a large number of anti-aircraft missiles?

Then some media reported that the reason was that at about 0:00 a.m. that day, southern Lebanon was attacked by the Israeli Air Force, which greatly weakened Lebanon's air defense capability, which triggered Lebanon to open fire on Israel, and at the same time, the northern part of Israel was also on high alert, which led to this dramatic scene.

So what's going on?

How did tensions between Israel and Lebanon develop?

Causes: Israeli summit visit to the United States + Israeli air strikes on Lebanese air defense systems.

The Israeli head of state visited the United States on the 22nd, during which he had just met with US President Joe Biden and made a "tough anti-Iranian statement" on a US trip, which made Iran can't help but make a voice that "the United States should not be Israel's little follower", believing that the United States is now playing the role of coordinating the "economic terrorism" launched by various countries against Iran.

The US statement also aroused the anger of the Lebanese Allah Party, and it happened that the Israeli Air Force launched an air raid on southern Lebanon in the early morning of the 22nd, and the target of the attack was near the city of Beirut, where the commander-in-chief of the Lebanese Allah Party, Hassanra University, is located, and some cities in southern Lebanon that are also inhabited by the Lebanese Allah Party.

Israel believes that the invasion and threats to its territory are from Lebanese Allah, and Hassanla University is the base camp of Lebanese Allah, and the city of Beirut is considered to be the location of Lebanese Allah's ammunition storage point and military factory, so in the air attack launched in the early morning of the 22nd, Israel launched a total of 12 missiles, the goal of which is to attack and destroy the Lebanese Allah air defense system in Hassanla University, so as to pave the way for a larger military operation and so on.

Iran warned Israel to "start and be ready to finish."

However, Israel's action was immediately met with a response from Allah in Lebanon, and less than a day later, the Israeli border was on fire.

On the night of the 23rd, their response to Israel had already begun: Allah Lebanon began to drop rockets on the security of northern Israel, triggering a brief atmosphere of panic in northern Israel.

On the 24th, Iran's Deputy Minister of Defense and Foreign Policy at the Ministry of International Affairs issued a statement warning Israel about the tensions triggered by the Israeli air strikes in Lebanon.

"Israel's hostile actions seek to provoke all members of this Lebanese resistance front in order to seek a war for itself," Alagochi said in a statement.

However, the possible consequences of Israel's move would be a devastating war, not a threat, but a resolute position.

The involvement of all political or military forces in all Lebanese resistance fronts could be considered.

If Israel were to go to war, it would have to be ready to finish it. ”

Aragechi's statement clearly directed his dissatisfaction and warning against Israel, but in addition to his warning that Israel must be ready to finish if it is going to fight, a more severe warning has been circulated.

Outburst! Israel sounded the air defense siren on a wide scale

According to this statement, in addition to the Lebanese Allah Party, the United States, Israel and other countries responsible for Soleimani's death are on the list, and the resisters also have full support for this, believing that if the other side does not attack Iran first and is beating gongs and drums and waiting for Iran to fight, no one in Iran wants to attack the other side in a crowd, so it is nothing remarkable to beat the other side into such an embarrassment.

Outburst! Israel sounded the air defense siren on a wide scale

Iran warns Israel about what it means to show its sword.

In this statement, the warning to Israel can be summed up in one sentence: "If Bistan is cut down, we don't mind cutting it all together!"

This is the meaning of the word "bright sword".

The stalk of this sentence comes from a movie, that is, Yuan Guoguo, who played the leader of the "Antique Bureau in the Bureau" organization in the same film, played the suspect in it, who has been fighting back in self-defense while firmly believing that there will be an accomplice to save him in the end, so when the plainclothes police came in, he muttered "If the master is cut, we don't mind cutting it together".

This phrase also became popular in the Chinese Internet, and soon after, some people used it in superhero comics to ridicule superheroes.

This movie may not have been seen by everyone, but the original meaning of these two sentences is clear to most people: against Israeli warplanes and drones in the sky, Iran, which directly started the war, not only dares to fight, but also has a very good chance of winning.

The consequences of the death of its governor, Khamini Soleimani, were very complex both inside and outside Iran, but in a way, Soleimani's death showed the way forward for Iran, and gave Iran the confidence to rise up in the future struggle and confrontation with the outside world.

On the 24th, Moscow time, Russian President Vladimir Putin received a congratulatory message from former Iranian President Rashani in the Kremlin, in which Rashani first congratulated Iran's new President Lahouni on his election and hoped that during his tenure, Iran would be able to gain more development in domestic and foreign affairs.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, this statement is Russia's important support for Iran, which is equivalent to a resounding slap in the face to the sanctions policies of the United States and Israel against Iran.


Although Israel is also gambling: Israeli Defense Minister Berndt said on the 28th that Israel is in a state of readiness for war, but does not seek war, and at the same time, Israel is preparing troops to prepare a political plan to replace military action.

More importantly, Israeli Defense Minister Berndt apologized on the evening of the 28th for the placement of the alarm in which the Israeli people vented their emotions, saying that the alarm was caused by a system failure.

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