
In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

author:I can't do it
In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Do you dare to believe that there are still places on the map of the continent that cannot be searched?

In the great northwest region of the mainland, there is a mysterious military base, which has been erased from the map, and the exact location cannot be found at all.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

In 1992, at the "August 1st" party, singer Mao Amin sang a new song that caused a national sensation.

And this song is also the first time that China has opened up the mainland's top-secret military base to the world.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

But such a mysterious town, there were once no less than 100,000 special people stationed, and its existence is the only evidence of China's rapid development.

What kind of place is the mysterious base?

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

A song to unlock the city of secrecy

"Malan blossoms twenty-one, two eight two five six, two eight two five seven".

This popular nursery rhyme, in the era when communication was not developed at that time, spread all over the country, and almost all children across the country could sing two sentences.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

But perhaps in the past, we didn't know what the real meaning of this nursery rhyme was.

And what is Maran? Why is the flowering twenty-one?

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Information source: Guangming Network, link at the end of the attached article

However, when we delved into the creation of this song and the story behind it, we found that this popular nursery rhyme was actually a hidden code, and he hid the password of a mysterious base in the mainland.

On October 16, 1964, a huge mushroom cloud rose in the Lop Nur Desert in Xinjiang, and the first atomic bomb independently developed by the mainland was successfully exploded.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

This also means that the people of the mainland have mastered the atomic bomb technology by relying on their own strength, breaking the nuclear monopoly of other major powers.

A "loud bang from the East" shocked the whole world, which meant that the mainland had made a major breakthrough in national defense and science and technology.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Since then, countries around the world have begun to research on atomic bombs.

It is no exaggeration to say that at that time, whichever country mastered the atomic bomb technology had the right to speak in the international arena.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Against this background, the mainland must build its own atomic bomb no matter what.

But such a thing as building the atomic bomb must not be made public, which means that the people involved in the atomic bomb work will remain unknown for the rest of their lives.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

If you want to build a good atomic bomb, you must choose a top-secret place, and the deserted northwest is the best choice.

In order to break the nuclear monopoly and nuclear threat, groups of scientific and technological elites such as Deng Jiaxian, Qian Xuesen, and Lu Min from the mainland gathered together.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

In the deserted and barren Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture in southern Xinjiang, they built a city of their own -- the Malan Nuclear Forces Base.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Information source: Lanzhou Internet Police, the link has been attached at the end of the article

The reason why this place was named "Ma Lan" is that the troops found that although there were no people here, only Ma Lan flowers grew tenaciously and bloomed brilliantly in the desert.

The tenacious Ma Lanhua symbolizes China's tenacity and rebirth in the face of various obstacles.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Mysterious base

How mysterious is Maran?

You must know that his location cannot be found on any published map before 1966, and even now, only "Malan Martyrs Cemetery" can be searched on the map.

On June 13, 1959, the mainland's only nuclear test base was formally established in Malan, which is located at the western end of Lop Nur, and the entire Malan nuclear weapons test site covers an area of nearly 100,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of Jiangsu Province today.

A few months later, Malan troops moved into Heshuo County and began a large-scale defense build, which also became the cradle of China's nuclear weapons.

In just two years, Malan has grown rapidly from a little-known small village to tens of thousands of soldiers, and as the military ranks have gradually grown, a large number of families and children of scientific research workers have also settled down again.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Since then, this barren and desolate desert has a new name -- "Malan Village", and according to limited data, no less than 100,000 officers and soldiers and technicians participated in the nuclear test in this Gobi desert.

At that time, the state set the goal of the nuclear test task as "five guarantees": sound protection, testing protection, recovery protection, sample protection, and confidentiality.
In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Source: Beijing Daily, link attached at the end of the article

At this point, all the workers at the Malan test site, they have a task that can never be stopped - to build an atomic bomb and keep it secret, from enlistment to death.

The word "confidentiality" will accompany everyone in the Malan base through the rest of their long lives.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Behind the glory is always accompanied by suffering, and what we see is the development and high-speed progress of the mainland's great nuclear test undertaking.

But for scientists, they are faced with a difficult environment.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

In the early days of the base, the scientists and officers and soldiers still lived in tents, but when the wind and sand were blowing, the tents were uprooted and torn to pieces.

There was no shelter, so everyone started digging cellars and sleeping.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

There are no laboratories, so scientists do high-temperature experiments under the scorching sun and low-temperature experiments in the middle of the night in the cold winter, and when there is a lack of food, scientists pick wild vegetables and elm trees to satisfy their hunger.

At the beginning, the Malan nuclear weapons base was called the "21st Experimental Training Base of the General Armament Department", which is also the origin of the "Malan Blossom 21".

The code name also changed from "Unit 0673" at the beginning, to "Unit 8203", and then to "Unit 8980".

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Information source: China Military Network, the link is attached at the end of the article

The entire Malan base is divided into three areas, one is the "Hongshan Nuclear Weapons Research Center", which is also the core part of Malan.

All scientists are working hard and researching here, working hard and silently to overcome one world problem after another and build a nuclear bomb.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

The other two are the "test zone" and the "nuclear explosion zone", which are said to be 300 kilometers away from the base, where Chinese scientists conducted 45 nuclear bomb experiments.

Because of the special nature of the base, the clandestine delivery of nuclear weapons from the Red Hill production site to the nuclear test site before each nuclear test is the most tricky.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

In addition to the various kinds of transportation that occur during the transportation of hundreds of kilometers, in order to maintain secrecy, the deployment of guards for each experimental transportation is guaranteed in accordance with the highest national standards.

It is precisely in this way that scientists can be guaranteed to research with peace of mind.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Development, rebirth

For two whole years, countless scientists have devoted all their resources to the nuclear bomb incident, dedicating their youth, life, and children and grandchildren to the cause, which is the brilliant and ordinary life of countless Malan base workers.

In this land, the great "Two Bombs and One Star Spirit" and "Malan Spirit" were born successively.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Source: China Youth Daily, link attached at the end of the article

From the early days of creation to the successful launch of the atomic bomb, Cheng Kaijia, a meritorious academician of the Republic of China, Lu Min, Yang Yusheng, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 29 generals came out.

They spontaneously formed a nuclear weapons force, leaving a deep footprint on the mainland's national defense science and scientific research work.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

At the August 1st party in 1992, Mao Amin sang "New Malan" affectionately, and the song expressed the sadness of Malan people and the spirit and loneliness of dedicating their lives to scientific research.

sang emotionally on stage, and tears flowed down the stage, this is not pity, but a high admiration for those scientific research workers.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

General Lin Junde, a scientific research worker who selflessly contributed to the Malan base, and a Malan man who was still sorting out materials in the last 72 hours of his life.

He dedicated his life to this barren Gobi Desert, and his last wish before dying was to "be buried in Malan", which was his last thought as a Malan and the place where his dream began.

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base

Someone once interviewed people who worked at the Malan base and asked them if they regretted that they had lost all their youth in Malancheng.

But they said that they never regretted it, and they were proud because they built our own "fighting bomb" for the motherland!

In 1992, Mao Amin sang this song, revealing to the world that China's top-secret military base is a top-secret military base


1. Lanzhou Internet Police: "Exclusive Exploration of the Most Famous Secret City - Malan Base", 2018-5-14

2. Beijing Daily: "Malan Thunder - Revealing the Secret of China's Nuclear Test Base", 2017-8-22

3. "This well-known nursery rhyme is actually the secret language of the mainland's first atomic bomb!" 》,2023-10-16

4. China Youth Daily: "Malan Base: Hard Work to Do Earth-shattering Things, Selfless Dedication to Be an Incognito Celebrity", 2023-2-16

5. China Military Network: "There is a place called Ma Lan", 2022-9-15

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