
How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

author:Open-minded Maple Leaf eRt

Large military transport aircraft play an extremely important role in modern warfare, they are not only a symbol of a country's military strength, but also a key tool for rapid response and strategic deployment. A country's strong strategic air transport capability means that it can quickly mobilize troops and materials in the event of war or crisis, which plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining national security and responding to emergencies.

From a historical point of view, large military transport aircraft have played a vital role in many large-scale local wars since World War II. During the Gulf War, the U.S. military used its C-5 Galaxy and C-17 Global Overlord and other large transport aircraft to quickly deploy a large number of troops and equipment to battlefields far from its homeland. This kind of rapid deployment capability not only greatly shortens the preparation time for war, but also increases the suddenness of war

How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

◎The number of U.S. Air Force transport aircraft counted by Flight International 2019 Global Air Force is for reference only In terms of transport aircraft for conventional military transport missions, the U.S. Air Force's active transport aircraft are mainly composed of four series: C-12 "Huron" series, C-130 "Hercules" series, C-17A "Globemaster" and C-5M "Galaxy". It constitutes a very complete fixed-wing transport aircraft system. ◎U.S. Air Force C-17/KC-10 Mixed Formation Elephant Herd Walk In terms of specific numbers, the total number of C-12 series transport aircraft is 26, the total number of C-130 series transport aircraft is 311, the total number of C-17A transport aircraft is 222, and the total number of C-5M transport aircraft is 52, accounting for 88% of the total number of active transport aircraft of the US Air Force, which is an important cornerstone of the global deployment of the US military. Among them, the C-130J, C-17A and C-5M are mainly equipped with active units of the US Air Force, with a total of 289 aircraft. The transport aircraft of the US Air Force Chinese National Guard are mainly C-130H/J and C-17A, with a total of 193 units. It is worth mentioning that the U.S. Air Force Reserve Command is also in charge of 96 transport aircraft of various types, and in addition, Davis Monthill Air Force Base also has hundreds of transport aircraft of various types, which can be quickly opened and put into use during the war.

How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

As one of the most powerful air forces in the world, the size and capabilities of the U.S. Air Force transport aircraft have always been an important part of its strategic advantage. According to the 2019 U.S. Air Force Yearbook1, the U.S. Air Force has a whopping 660 active transport aircraft, and if you include transport aircraft from other services, the total reaches a staggering 940. This number is not only far ahead in the world, but also reflects the absolute superiority of the US Air Force in strategic projection capabilities.

The U.S. Air Force's transport fleet consists of a variety of aircraft types, including the C-12 Huron, C-5 Galaxy, C-17 Global Overlord, and C-130 Hercules. These types cover various fields from short-range light to long-range strategic transportation, forming a fixed-wing transport aircraft system with a clear division of labor and close cohesion. The C-12 Huron series is primarily used for short-range light transport missions, while the C-130 Hercules series is known for its superior medium-range tactical transport capabilities. The C-17 Global Overlord and C-5 Galaxy represent the U.S. Air Force's capabilities in medium- and long-range strategic transportation, respectively.

How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

As the core aircraft of the U.S. Air Force's strategic projection, the C-5 Galaxy is known for its superior transport capabilities. Its maximum transport mass reached 130 tons, the maximum take-off weight was 375 tons, and the maximum range was more than 10000 km. With a full load, the C-5 Galaxy is capable of flying 5,526 kilometers and achieving global coverage. This transport capability allows the C-5 Galaxy to deliver large items including main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, helicopters, fighter jets, and more to various regions of the world, making it one of the most powerful military transport aircraft in the world today.

The C-17 Global Overlord is favored for its transport capacity of 77 tons and high flight speed. Compared with the C-5 Galaxy, the C-17 Global Overlord has significant advantages in strategic flexibility and rapid reaction capabilities. It can be quickly deployed to battlefields around the globe to provide the necessary logistical support and material supply for the U.S. military.

How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

In addition to these workhorses, the U.S. Air Force also has other auxiliary transport models, such as the C-12 Huron, which, although smaller in transport capacity, play an irreplaceable role in specific tactical environments. The diversity and complementarity of these transport aircraft together constitute a powerful strategic air transport capability of the US Air Force.

The transport aircraft of the US Air Force are superior not only in quantity, but also in quality and technology. These transport aircraft are equipped with advanced navigation systems, communication systems, and autonomous control systems, and are able to adapt to complex and changeable battlefield environments. With the development of science and technology, future transport aircraft will be more intelligent and information-based, with better stealth performance and higher flight speed, so as to improve their survivability and maneuverability on the battlefield.

How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

In a side-by-side comparison, the US Air Force has significantly more transport aircraft than other countries. For example, the total number of Russian transport aircraft in the same period was 401, while the Chinese had less than 200. This numerical superiority makes the U.S. Air Force's rapid response and strategic deployment capabilities on a global scale unparalleled.

To sum up, the US Air Force's transport fleet occupies a leading position on a global scale due to its size, quality, and capabilities. These transport aircraft are not only an important part of the strategic forces of the US Air Force, but also the key to achieving rapid response and strategic deployment. As the international situation continues to change, the transport aircraft of the US Air Force will play an increasingly important role in future military competition.

How big is the C5 transport plane? Only when you put it together with An 225 did you understand what a Big Mac is

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