
The secret behind the Magnolia Award: why is the "powerful faction" more favored?

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The secret behind the Magnolia Award: why is the "powerful faction" more favored?

This year's Magnolia Award was announced, and Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award again, but traffic stars such as Zhao Liying and Tang Yan failed to do so. What is the reason behind this? Why does the Magnolia Award prefer "powerful factions" rather than "traffic stars"? Today, let's explore this interesting topic together!

Tradition VS Trendy: The Magnolia Awards

The secret behind the Magnolia Award: why is the "powerful faction" more favored?

As a heavyweight award in the domestic film and television industry, the Magnolia Award has attracted much attention every year. In recent years, we can observe that the Magnolia Awards are more inclined to choose those recognized "powerful" actors, rather than those high-profile "traffic stars". This choice actually reflects the Magnolia Award's adherence to traditional acting skills and recognition of powerful actors.

The glory of the "powerful faction": the honor of Hu Ge and Zhou Xun

The secret behind the Magnolia Award: why is the "powerful faction" more favored?

Hu Ge's wonderful performance in "Langya Bang" won the Magnolia Award, and Zhou Xun also won the Directors Guild Award for Actress and Magnolia Award for his outstanding performance in other works. Behind these honors is the preference and recognition of the Magnolia Award for powerful actors.

The regret of traffic stars: the loss of Zhao Liying and Tang Yan

The secret behind the Magnolia Award: why is the "powerful faction" more favored?

Compared with powerful actors such as Hu Ge and Zhou Xun, traffic stars such as Zhao Liying and Tang Yan have been repeatedly frustrated at the Magnolia Awards. Although they are in the spotlight on the screen, it may be difficult to win the Magnolia Award because of their status as "traffic stars". This situation has made many fans feel sorry.

Magnolia Considerations: Avoiding Controversy and Risk

The secret behind the Magnolia Award: why is the "powerful faction" more favored?

When selecting the winners, the Magnolia Award should not only look at the actor's performance in the current work, but also consider his future work performance. If a "traffic star" award is given, but his future work does not perform well, it may have a negative impact on the reputation of the Magnolia Award. Therefore, the Magnolia Awards are more inclined to choose those who are widely recognized as "powerful" actors to reduce controversy and risk.

In-depth analysis: Why does the Magnolia Award favor "powerful faction"?

It is no coincidence that the Magnolia Award favors "powerful factions". On the one hand, the "powerful" actors are more superb in acting skills, can better interpret the role, and bring deep emotion to the audience. On the other hand, "powerful" actors are also more recognized in the industry, and their awards help promote the development of the film and television industry.

Editor's Message:

The selection method of the Magnolia Award ensures the authority and fairness of the award to a certain extent, but it also makes some potential new actors lose the opportunity to show themselves. We look forward to the Magnolia Awards focusing more on innovation and diversity in future selections, providing a stage for more talented actors to compete on a level playing field." At the same time, we also hope that those actors who have been neglected by the Magnolia Award will not be discouraged, continue to work hard to improve their acting skills and expressiveness, and believe that they will definitely stand on that eye-catching podium in the future!

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