
"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

author:Explorer of the entertainment industry
"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

In the drama "Wind Chaser", the Magnolia Award nominations starring Wang Yibo and Wang Yang are as exciting as the plot in the TV series! The different fates of the two of them in the nomination sparked a feverish discussion and public opinion storm among fans.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

First of all, let's take a look at Wang Yibo.

This little brother's popularity has soared since "Chen Qingling", and fans have followed his plot all the way, from Wei Wuxian in "Chen Qingling" to Li Xiaoyao in "Wind Chaser", each character is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

This time the Magnolia Award nomination, Wang Yibo lived up to expectations and won the Best Actor nomination, fans are so happy, all kinds of screen blessings and carnivals, it's about to blow up Weibo! Everyone said that this time Magnolia must be won, and they must give him the most shining stage!

However, there was a bit of an episode on Wang Yang's side.

As another leading actor in "The Wind Chaser", Wang Yang's performance cannot be underestimated, and his acting skills and character building in the play are also highly recognized.

But just after the nominations were announced, he was not shortlisted for Best Actor, which made some fans a little disappointed and puzzled.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

After all, the characters in the play are also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and fans feel that he should also have a place, but unfortunately he failed to do so this time.

When the list of nominees for the Magnolia Award was announced, Wang Yibo's fans were about to fry! Everyone believes that as the leading actor in "The Wind Chaser", his performance is absolutely first-class, both in terms of acting skills and popularity, he is enough to be shortlisted for Best Actor.

So when he finally failed to enter the nomination list, the disappointment of fans can be described as overflowing, and all kinds of distressed and unconvincing emotions emerged on social platforms.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

Some fans said that this is a problem with the selection mechanism! They believe that some awards may focus more on traffic and influence than on real acting and quality of work.

Therefore, for a powerful actor like Wang Yibo who was not shortlisted, they felt a little incomprehensible, and even felt that it was unfair treatment.

Some fans also deliberately compared the performances and works of other finalists, believing that Wang Yibo's strength is obviously not inferior to any of them.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

There are also some fans who are questioning the judges' perspective and standards.

They feel that there may be subjective factors in the selection process, which leads to insufficient or biased evaluation of Wang Yibo's acting skills and works.

This kind of doubt and questioning makes them doubt the fairness of the entire award, and believe that there should be a more transparent and open selection process, so that all outstanding actors can get a fair chance.

The crew and directors are not soft at all in the face of this turmoil! They immediately issued a public statement expressing their support and recognition for Wang Yibo and Wang Yang.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

The statement particularly emphasized that the outstanding performance of the two actors in "The Wind Chaser" cannot be ignored, and their professionalism and superb acting skills are worthy of recognition.

The crew said that for the nomination results, the selection criteria will be further explored and reflected on to ensure that future selections are more fair and objective.

In addition, the crew also thanked the fans for their love and support for "The Wind Chaser".

They said that the voice and attention of fans are an important driving force for the success of the series, and they will continue to strive to bring high-quality works to the audience in the future.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

And Wang Yibo and Wang Yang also expressed their hearts through their personal Weibo afterwards.

Wang Yibo posted on Weibo to thank fans for their support, and expressed his acceptance and respect for the nomination results, saying: "The award is just the icing on the cake, and the most important thing is that the characters and works are recognized by the audience.

These words immediately aroused the resonance and support of fans, and everyone left messages in the comment area to express their understanding and support for him.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

And Wang Yang also expressed some thoughts and feelings about the nomination results on Weibo, he wrote: "Every actor is paying his true feelings for the role, and the award result is just a reference."

This mature and deep attitude has raised the fans' respect and affection for him to a higher level.

Wang Yang's performance in "The Wind Chaser" can be described as quite eye-catching! The role he plays is deeply loved by the audience, not only his image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but his acting skills are quite online.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

Through his skillful acting skills, Wang Yang vividly shows the inner world and emotional changes of the character.

From the control of the scene to the expression of emotions, he can show it with ease, making the audience feel as if they are in the plot and empathize.

At the same time, Wang Yang's performance in the play also reflects his deep understanding and portrayal of the role.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

He not only simply performs the external image of the character, but also vividly shows the complexity and inner contradictions of the character through delicate performance techniques.

This in-depth character creation makes him stand out in the eyes of the judges, and it is worth mentioning that his acting skills are in stark contrast to Wang Yibo's performance in the play.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

Wang Yibo's performance in the play is also undoubted, and his role interpretation is also loved and recognized by fans.

However, judges may pay more attention to the complexity and emotional layering of the characters when judging.

In this regard, Wang Yang was able to better show the inner world and emotional changes of the character through his deep understanding of the role and excellent acting skills, which won the recognition of the nomination.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

Wang Yang's role in "The Wind Chaser", Shen Tunan, can be described as a highlight of this drama! Let's take a closer look at his character characteristics and acting highlights, and see how he shows the depth and charm of his role.

First of all, the role of Shen Tunan is not simple! He is a character full of complex inner world, not only a superficial image, but also a character with a rich heart and experience.

Through his superb acting skills, Wang Yang vividly expressed Shen Tunan's emotional level and inner contradictions.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

Whether it is facing challenges in life or emotional twists and turns, he can use the deep emotions of his soul and delicate acting skills to interpret the role very real and moving.

The impact of this incident on the crew, actors and fan base of "Wind Chaser" is self-evident.

The crew has received more attention and discussion, and the actors' performances and award controversy have made this drama even more popular.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

The emotions of the fans also sparked deep reflection and discussion on the fairness of the awards, which is a challenge and reflection for the entire industry.

Now, everyone is looking forward to the final results of the Magnolia Awards! Who will win the prize? Is it Wang Yang's Shen Tunan or other candidates? Fans are also looking forward to a fair and just result, hoping that the judges can give each candidate the recognition and affirmation they deserve.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

In short, although this turmoil has been up and down, it has also made people pay more attention to the drama "Wind Chaser" and every actor involved in it.

"The Wind Chaser" Magnolia Award Ceremony was deflated Audience: Don't rise to drama

I hope that this event can promote the fairness and transparency of the award selection in the industry, and I also look forward to the crew and actors going more and more smoothly on the road of acting in the future, and creating more excellent works to bring more surprises and touches to our audience!

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