
The university recruited librarians with a salary of 1,700 yuan, and the staff responded: There are many applicants

author:Military Atmosphere

For many people, finding a job that is both easy and stable is a dream goal. However, in reality, the simpler the job, the lower the pay, which makes many people have reservations about this type of work. Recently, the recruitment notice of the library of Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology has attracted widespread attention on the Internet.

The college plans to recruit two librarians who will be responsible for daily work such as book borrowing, reading order maintenance, equipment and facility maintenance, and other tasks assigned by the library. Applicants must meet the requirements of being under 45 years old, college degree or above, and work in the form of labor dispatch and enjoy social insurance. Working hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., as well as night shifts.

The university recruited librarians with a salary of 1,700 yuan, and the staff responded: There are many applicants

However, the most striking thing is the salary level of the job. The monthly salary is only 2,210 yuan, and after deducting five insurances and one housing fund, the actual income is about 1,700 yuan. And this job requires working shifts throughout the year, including winter, summer, and holidays. For many people, this level of salary does not seem to match the intensity of work, and it is even difficult to maintain basic living expenses.

Surprisingly, however, the job posting attracted thousands of applicants. This phenomenon has sparked widespread discussion and speculation. Some people question the actual value of the job, arguing that the pay is too low and the work is too heavy to be worth applying. However, there are also people who believe that it is already a blessing to have a stable job in the context of great employment pressure, so they are willing to choose this job.

The university recruited librarians with a salary of 1,700 yuan, and the staff responded: There are many applicants

In fact, library jobs do have a certain appeal to many job seekers. First of all, the library, as a temple of knowledge, provides a comfortable and quiet working environment. Working here, you can get access to a wealth of library resources and constantly enrich your knowledge reserve. Secondly, the library work is relatively stable and has a high sense of professional security. In today's society, there is a lot of pressure on employment, and having a stable job has become the pursuit of many people. In addition, library work also has a certain sense of social responsibility and mission, and can contribute to the cause of social culture and education.

Of course, we also need to conduct an objective analysis of the salary level and work intensity of this job. Although the salary is low, it is relatively reasonable considering the nature and requirements of library work. At the same time, although the work intensity is high, it is also to ensure the normal operation of the library and the reading experience of readers. Therefore, when choosing this job, we need to weigh and choose according to our actual situation and career planning.

The university recruited librarians with a salary of 1,700 yuan, and the staff responded: There are many applicants

Overall, although the recruitment notice of the library of Wuhan University of Science and Technology has attracted widespread attention and discussion, it has also allowed us to see the reality and challenges of the job market. When choosing a job, we need to consider a variety of factors, including salary level, work intensity, work environment, career prospects, etc. At the same time, we also need to maintain a positive attitude and optimistic attitude, and constantly look for suitable job opportunities and development space for ourselves. Only in this way can we remain invincible in the highly competitive job market.

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