
Baishui Yao Township, Guiyang County, organized the theme activity of "Nourishing the Heart and Growing with the Future" to care for children

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment News, June 29 (Correspondent Huang Zheng) From June 25th to 26th, the Baishui Yao Township Government of Guiyang County, together with the County Civil Affairs Bureau, the Procuratorate of the County Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Women's Federation and other units, carried out the theme activity of "Moistening the Heart and Growing with the Future, Caring for the Future Together", and walked into the three central schools of Yangliu, Baishui and Huaquan to carry out condolence activities.

Baishui Yao Township, Guiyang County, organized the theme activity of "Nourishing the Heart and Growing with the Future" to care for children

Each unit not only gave warm condolences to the children and distributed "micro-wish" condolences, but also carefully organized and carried out intimate exchange lectures, and invited senior prosecutors to give the children a vivid legal knowledge class. Subsequently, the three inspirational college student representatives who participated in the event respectively told their touching stories of working hard in a difficult environment, breaking out of the cocoon and serving the country.

Baishui Yao Township, Guiyang County, organized the theme activity of "Nourishing the Heart and Growing with the Future" to care for children

Yao children who received condolences.

"It's great that the government can organize such an event, and the children are also inspired and educated, and I believe that they will definitely be more ambitious, more law-wise, and psychologically healthier, and will also inspire us to carry out our work in the future," said the children's director of Qibu Village, Baishui Yao Township. ”

Baishui Yao Township, Guiyang County, organized the theme activity of "Nourishing the Heart and Growing with the Future" to care for children

Students at Whitewater Central School watched an inspirational short video made by an orphan.

The person in charge of the organizer of the event said that he hoped to care for the left-behind and difficult children in rural areas through such activities, and promote the healthy growth of children's physical and mental health, as well as the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, art and labor.

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