
"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

author:Pumpkin with a poisonous tongue

Undefinable, unquestionable, T0 version has been updated again...

If you promise to buy me a gift and you regret it, then I'll have to go to the police uncle to judge you.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

Here's the thing...

On the 24th, the Macau Judicial Police received a call that a woman said that she had been raped by a man who was traveling with her, and then the local police quickly investigated the matter.

I thought this was a just plot of "the man under the head is punished by the law, and the girl has to protect herself outside", but I didn't expect to lift a stone and shoot myself in the foot.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

After the police investigation, it was found that the two met on the Internet at the beginning of the month, and came to Macau for tourism on the 21st, and they stayed together at a hotel in Cotai, Macau.

Make a point, "stay in the hotel together".

As of the time of the report, the two had had a relationship twice of their own free will, and they had traveled together before the report, and there were no abnormalities, and the woman's body did not have any injuries after examination.

To put it simply, the woman reported a false police.

Someone is going to ask, "Are you full?" Why do you want to report a false police? ”

According to the little fairy, this is because the man promised to buy her a bag and gave her 6,000 yuan to shop, but he regretted it afterwards.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

If it is in the mainland, everyone may say, "Isn't it just a false police report, wouldn't it be good to criticize and educate?" ”

After all, many fairies always say on the Internet, "sexual consent can be withdrawn", today I am not yesterday's me, yesterday I promised, today I can not agree.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

But Macau doesn't seem to talk about this logic, so things go in an unexpected direction for the little fairy.

According to the Macau Daily News, the Macau police charged the woman with false accusations and transferred them to the procuratorate. Under local law, false accusations can carry a prison sentence of up to three years.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

I don't know when it started, when it comes to "little fairy alarm", netizens' first reaction will be to think of some very strange cases.

For example, there is a girl who plays 110 on the badminton court and says that she was "stolen". As a result, when the police arrived, they found out that her so-called "stolen" meant that she had been "stolen from the backcourt" on the court, and she spilled the ball before she received it.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

Another 21-year-old female international student called the police when she was studying in Singapore, saying that she had been raped by her boyfriend and that she had used violence to restrict her personal freedom.

As soon as they heard that foreigners had encountered such a big case, the local police attached great importance to it and sent 19 people, including policemen, doctors and social workers, to participate in the investigation.

The police asked her three times in a row if she had really been raped by her boyfriend, and she answered "yes" all three times.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

After the results of the investigation came out, everyone was dumbfounded: it turned out that the so-called "place where the rape took place" was the house that the girl shared with the man, and the reason why she called the police was because she had an awkward quarrel with her boyfriend and wanted to "give him some color".

Ironically, this girl even defended herself, saying that she had just turned 21 years old and was mentally immature.

She also stressed that she did not cause harm to society, but only caused some harm to the victims.

"Just", "That's it"?

In the end, the Chinese girl was sentenced to six weeks in prison.

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

Why did a simple and small case in Macao immediately attract huge attention to us?

Because the same women falsely accuse men, our side seems to be more willing to go through mediation, make peace with the mud, and engage in criticism and education, at best, which can reduce a lot of disputes, avoid the expansion of conflicts, and indeed contribute to social harmony.

On a large scale, because the benefits of false accusations are not equal to the risks, some people are becoming more and more casual when initiating false accusations.

Even so, some people are still not satisfied. In an interview with foreign media, a well-known anti-China feminist can even say that "China's law protects sexual harassment and sexual assault because it requires you to have evidence."

"Falsely accusing my boyfriend of rape", I didn't expect the police to be used to it this time......

So much so that someone once falsely accused more than 10 people of "raping themselves", and when the woman was caught, several of the people she falsely accused had been wrongfully sentenced to prison and ruined for life.

The more you look at this kind of example, the more you see "normal" things happening elsewhere, it's no wonder that people think it's fresh.

It's just sad to say that what everyone thinks is fresh is a normal common sense: it turns out that it is really responsible to falsely accuse others.