
Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

author:Seiten Goshi

Text/Editor丨Qingtian Imperial History


OMG! Wang Sicong actually said that he had no money, is this still the same Principal Wang who used to be on Weibo?

A few days ago, the chat records of Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming were exposed by Huang Yiming on the Internet. On the chat record, Huang Yiming reached out to Wang Sicong to ask for his daughter's milk powder money, but Wang Sicong directly said that he had no money and refused.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

This has made many netizens launch a "hatred of the rich" mentality. How could Wang Sicong have no money? Wang Sicong used to be the "national husband", known as the man that all Chinese girls want to marry. Wang Jianlin's biological son and the successor of Wanda Group. Even the pocket money that Wang Jianlin gave to Wang Sicong can kill us ordinary people.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie


Speaking of Wang Jianlin, we have to mention his Wanda Group.

Wanda Group is a giant multi-field investment group founded by Wang Sicong's father, Wang Jianlin. From the very beginning, the transformation began after making a lot of money through real estate in the old city renovation project in Dalian.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

At that time, Wanda started the "Beijing Street" renovation project in Dalian. Because this project involves a large number of residents and is difficult to renovate, no company is willing to accept it. So Wang Jianlin led Wanda to take the initiative to take over this problem, carried out the reform of "transcending the times" in the construction of houses, successfully earned the first pot of gold and took root in Dalian.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

After that, Wanda developed real estate across regions and went to Guangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing and other places for large-scale real estate development, and Wanda also developed rapidly at this time, rapidly growing into a national real estate company in China.

So Wanda began its own transformation.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Real estate has an end after all, and Wanda held the "Zunyi Conference" in 2000, which can be called Wanda's way forward. Although real estate is profitable, it has a very visible bottleneck, and it is very difficult to break through, so it is better to transform into a business.

Commercial real estate can establish a brand, and can not only make profits, but also have long-term operating returns, and it will continue to appreciate, which makes Wanda from the original simple reliance on real estate, into real estate and business two roads.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Facts have proved that Wang Jianlin's meeting is very far-sighted, and Wanda's achievements in Wanda Plaza are very dazzling.

Wanda Plaza began in Changchun, Northeast China, and the first Wanda Plaza is very different from the buildings we see now, it is just a single building, just like the shopping mall in our hometown. But then Wanda Plaza was very successful.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

2005 was the real rise of Wanda Plaza. Located in the center of the city, Wanda Plaza has a "commercial complex" in itself, which has everything to eat, drink and play. Moreover, the surrounding supporting facilities are also very complete, and luxury hotels, high-end apartments, office buildings, etc. have also brought huge passenger flow to it.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Since then, Wanda has continued to expand, and now Wanda Plaza can be seen in almost every city, and Wanda has also invested in hotels, amusement parks, resorts, and film companies. Wait a minute

There is another interesting fact about the construction of the playground. When Shanghai Disney settled in, Wang Jianlin encircled and suppressed Disney, and even proudly said: Disney will not make money within five years. Now, five years later, Wanda itself is in jeopardy.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Wanda Pictures is a giant in the film industry. Basically, Wanda Plaza will be equipped with Wanda Film and Television, and the movie screens in the world account for the most.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Wanda's peak was in 2017, and at this time, Wanda also blossomed in various ways, whether it was real estate, movies, sports, or many fields, it was the first in China or even the world. Wang Jianlin also won the richest man in China with a net worth of $33 billion. The second place is Jack Ma and Ma Huateng.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Seeing that Wanda Group is so powerful, Wang Sicong also said that he has no money to give Huang Yiming, is this Wang Sicong talking nonsense? Actually, there are certain reasons for this.

The Wanda Group mentioned above is actually a story a few years ago. Now Wanda Group is going downhill.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Wanda Group is currently seeking to transform again. A large number of assets, such as Wanda Plaza, are being sold to solve the debt crisis. In the past year, Wanda Group has sold at least nine Wanda Plazas, and has also sold assets such as Wanda Pictures to ease financial pressure.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Wang Jianlin even "withdrew" from Wanda in May 2024. A majority stake in Wanda has now been injected by Hong Kong-based private equity firm PAG and a number of investment companies into Dalian Sundameng Commercial Management Co., Ltd., with a total of 60% of the shares.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

This means that the core of Wanda Commercial and its control has undergone significant changes. Moreover, Wang Jianlin transferred all his shares in Wanda Group to China Ruyi.

The decline of Wanda Group can be seen from a very early stage, and it is very telling to refer to Wang Sicong's entrepreneurial road alone.


Wang Sicong first founded an app called Panda Live, and in 2015, Panda Interactive Entertainment, the parent company of Panda Live, was established in Shanghai. The founder is Wang Sicong, with a registered capital of 20 million yuan.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

At that time, the live broadcast industry was very prosperous, and multiple live broadcast platforms were emerging at the same time. For example, we now see tiger teeth and betta fish. and the people who have gone out of business, the battle flag, and so on. It can be described as a "hundred broadcast war", and everyone is competing for the bowl of rice in the live broadcast industry.

However, the Chinese market is indeed limited, and the content of live broadcasts at that time was generally games, shows, etc., while League of Legends, the largest game product at that time, was basically the content of all platforms.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

And some big game anchors are the existence of various platforms scrambling to win over. For example, League of Legends anchor PDD, who turned out to be a professional player in League of Legends, broadcast live on Battle Flag after retiring. But then when I switched to fighting fish, because of the popularity, the betta server collapsed directly.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

According to the top list data, PDD's live gift income in 2019 was 107.14 million yuan. It can be said that the live broadcast platform is very bleak without the drainage of big anchors, and Wang Sicong's panda also failed under the fierce market competition at that time.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

And the last straw was because an anchor organized online gambling during the live broadcast. A slot-like item called the "Burst Machine" is used.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

After being reported by users, it caused a lot of sensation in the market. After that, Panda's next round of financing failed, and the Panda platform was unable to sustain itself, and announced that it would stop operating the following year.

At that time, Douyu and Huya both received the support of Tencent, and eventually supported in the market. Up to now, there are only two remaining live broadcast platforms on the market, Huya and Douyu.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

But then after the rise of Douyin, Kuaishou, and bilibili, the simple live broadcast also seemed very pale and powerless.

Wang Sicong's entrepreneurial failure can be described as a small microcosm of Wanda.


But as the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how down-and-out the Wanda Group is, it will not be reduced to the point that it doesn't even have money for children's milk powder.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Wang Sicong has had scandals with many female Internet celebrities, but Huang Yiming was the first to give birth to Wang Sicong's child.

Huang Yiming, as a trainee who once participated in the talent show "Youth with You 2", now publicly announced that he gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock and gave birth to Wang Sicong's child, which made netizens eat a big melon.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming's public opinion battle on the Internet is also very interesting. One is the boss child of the business empire, and the other is a youthful female star. The contrast between them makes people eat melons with relish.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

Huang Yiming's attitude is also very interesting, and when he first posted the chat record with Wang Sicong on the Internet, he was accused by netizens of being hot. Huang Yiming responded resolutely, he didn't want to rub Wang Sicong's popularity, he just wanted to talk about it.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

After that, his attitude changed 180 degrees in the live broadcast. said confidently: "What's wrong with me rubbing off on my child's father's traffic and making some money?" ”

This can't help but make people laugh.

Laughing crazy! Huang Yiming posted the chat record with Wang Sicong in 2023, netizen: Wang Sicong didn't lie

I hope that Wang Sicong can give his daughter a flash of "milk powder money" as soon as possible, or let Huang Yiming gain popularity on the Internet, after all, people work very hard, and watching gossip news can also ease the mood.