
Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

author:Happiness Fukuda
Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

A snail that looks similar to a snail

Due to the parasites carried

There are many types and quantities

Improper consumption or endangerment of human health

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

(Click Don't Touch, Don't Eat!) There are as many as 6,000 parasites in the body! Looks like this →read more)


Disease control departments and experts in many places

Constant reminders to the public

It is not recommended to consume snails

But driven by profit

The smell of the snail is changing

has been a number of vendors

Quietly "delivered" to the table

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

▲Near the Peace Bridge in Hanshou County, the frozen meat of Fushou snails displayed by "snail dealers".

June 28th

This is reported by a media investigative report

Some companies "camouflage" Fushou snails as snail meat

Manufactured food products are sold to consumers

This matter has attracted widespread attention

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

According to the surging news in Hunan, Chongqing and other places unannounced investigation, found that the price of Fushou snails caught from the wild is extremely low, and the price difference between snails and ring snails is several times.

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

▲In the Fushou snail processing factory in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Town, female workers quickly screen piles of Fushou snail meat on the table.

At a processing plant in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, a fishy smell fills the room with color steel tiles, and several female workers sit around a table that quickly sifts through piles of snail meat, some with pink soft debris.

Workers shovel the sifted snail meat into plastic baskets, weigh it, and then send it to the cold storage, waiting for the manufacturer's truck to pull away the whole box.

"Fushou snails, how many or how many you want. Ten tons, twenty tons, whatever you want. The person in charge of the processing plant said that in recent years, the number of snails has decreased, and there are more and more snails in wild waters, and the shelled snails are easy to see.

As soon as the incident was exposed, it sparked heated discussions in the society, and many netizens said, "Make money in a good way, don't joke about the health of consumers", and some netizens sighed that it was too scary, "From now on, all kinds of snails will not be eaten as long as they can't see the shell."


Two of the companies involved were seized

It was in the afternoon of the same day

The location of the company involved

Hanshou County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

Issuance of information circulars

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

The reason why Fushou snails have been repeatedly paid attention to

with it in vivo

"Angiostrongyloides cantonensis".

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

After infection, people will have symptoms of meningoencephalitis such as fever, severe headache, nausea, vomiting, and nuchal rigidity, and in severe cases, neurological abnormalities may occur, and even cause coma and death.

In fact, for more than a decade, Fushou snails have caused many food safety incidents.

According to Xinhua News Agency and other media reports, in 2006, the cold snail meat operated by two restaurants in Beijing Shu Kingdom Romance Restaurant contained the larvae of Angiostrongyloides cantonensis, causing consumers to suffer from Angiostrongyloidiasis.

The incident became a major foodborne disease incident in Beijing, causing a total of 160 infections, and many places across the country once stopped selling Fushou snails.

In addition, in 2017, a woman accidentally ate a snail from a food stall, causing parasites to invade her brain.

At that time, after being exposed on social platforms, a number of media paid attention to it and made further popular science, suggesting that raw or semi-raw Fushou snails may be at risk of being infected with parasites, and they are not limited to the species of Fushou snails, and some freshwater aquatic products may also exist.

How to distinguish between a snail and a snail?

Guess what

Which plate is the Fushou snail?

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!
Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

Answer: The plate on the right

Although the appearance is similar

But look closely

There are many differences between the two

In simple terms

Remember the four-word mantra

Yellow, brittle, flat, large

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

Color: The color of the snail is yellowish, and the snail is blue-brown.

Shell mouth: Fushou snail shell is thin and brittle, the screw mouth is large, the shell mouth has no black frame edge, and the snail shell mouth has a black frame edge.

Shape: The vertebral tail of the snail is flat and short, and the vertebral tail of the field snail is long and pointed.

Size: Adult snails are larger than field snails.

How to distinguish the meat of a snail without a shell?

Actually, it's not difficult, it still depends on the color

The flesh of the snail is yellowish-brown.

The overall snail meat is white, cyan or blue-gray.

Cooked snail meat can also be distinguished

The key is to look at the size -

Fushou snails are large and have two pairs of antennae.

The snail has only one pair of antennae.

I suspect that I have eaten a snail by mistake

What to do?

1. Seek medical attention in time: Once symptoms such as headache and fever appear, you should seek medical attention immediately and be diagnosed by a professional doctor.

2. Save the sample: Keep the leftover food properly so that the doctor can check and analyze it.

3. Symptomatic medication: According to the type of parasite infected, the doctor will prescribe corresponding drugs for treatment. Antiparasitic drugs can help remove specific parasites from a person's body.


These foods tend to hide parasites

Except for Fushou snails

Uncooked crayfish, bullfrogs

Ingredients such as marine fish may also contain parasites

Always take care when consuming

Use Fushou snails to sell as snails? Latest Bulletin: Sealed!

How to prevent parasites in your life?

1. Do not mix cutting boards and knives for handling raw and cooked food, and should be sterilized immediately after use.

2. Cut your nails frequently, wash your hands before and after eating, and prevent diseases from entering the mouth.

3. If you have a pet at home, you should check and deworm the pet regularly.

Xiaofu reminded

Food safety is no small matter

Everyone is enjoying the delicious food

Be sure to pay attention!


Edit | Lao Ziyin

Proofreading | Gu Zao, Wei Ding, Wang Jianjiao, Nie Xiang

Proofreading | Yang Sha

Executive Producer | Yu Zhiguo

Source of information | The Paper, Guangdong Disease Control, Shenzhen Health Commission, National Emergency Management

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