
Fushou snail industry shady exposed! Traders dare to take the risk of posing as snails to sell

author:Siya tweets

Have you ever tasted a delicious snail? But are you really eating pure snails? The Pai News team conducted an in-depth investigation and found that the popular Fushou snail on the market is experiencing an unprecedented food safety crisis! Traders use illegal means to buy a large number of wild snails, and sell them to unsuspecting consumers as snails. This article will reveal the dark side of the Fushou snail industry chain for you.

Fushou snail industry shady exposed! Traders dare to take the risk of posing as snails to sell

In recent years, with the increase in market demand for Fushou snails, some traders have begun to purchase a large number of wild snails in order to maximize profits, and these wild snails have not undergone any supervision and inspection, and there are serious food safety hazards. These illegal traders have even set up private farms near some farms and rivers to frequently catch snails.

In order to be able to obtain a higher selling price, traders sell these wild snails to consumers as real snails. They use a variety of methods to conceal the true identity of the snails, such as using dye to make them look similar in color to the snails, or freezing them before selling them to disguise their original taste. Such fraud not only misleads consumers, but also seriously jeopardizes food safety.

Fushou snail industry shady exposed! Traders dare to take the risk of posing as snails to sell

These counterfeit snails pose a high food safety risk. The growth environment of wild snails is complex, and rivers and ponds may be affected by industrial pollution and other factors, carrying various harmful substances. In addition, some traders used illegal drugs when catching snails in the wild, further exacerbating food safety problems. Long-term consumption of such counterfeit snails will bring potential risks to the health of consumers.

Fushou snail industry shady exposed! Traders dare to take the risk of posing as snails to sell

Food safety is an important issue that everyone should be concerned about. As consumers, we need to be vigilant about the food we buy, choose reputable sales channels to buy snails, and ensure that our table is safe. At the same time, government departments should also strengthen supervision and crack down on the illegal purchase and sale of wild-caught snails.

Ensuring food safety is related to everyone's health. Let's work together to make a difference start with me and contribute to food safety!

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