
Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately

author:Shiba Bay

Recently, the media's "secret visit to the Fushou snail industry chain" has attracted attention.

According to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province, on June 28, the surging news reported that after the two enterprises of Hanshou County Xiangyuan Special Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. and Hongtai Food Factory used Fushou snails to pretend to be snail meat sales, Hanshou County attached great importance to it, acted quickly, and immediately set up a joint law enforcement team led by the County Market Supervision Bureau, county public security, environmental protection and other departments rushed to the scene, and the joint law enforcement team has seized the enterprises involved, and sealed all finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials on the spot. The public security organs have summoned the legal person of the enterprise involved in the case. Follow-up handling in accordance with laws and regulations will be promptly reported to the public.

Hanshou County will consciously accept the supervision of public opinion, learn lessons, draw inferences from one case, and immediately carry out a special action related to the illegal sales of Fushou snails in the county, comprehensively investigate hidden dangers, fill loopholes, severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations, further standardize the production and operation behavior of practitioners, and effectively ensure the food safety of the people.

Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately

Previously reported

According to reports, a processing factory in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Town, Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province, mainly sells shelled frozen meat of Fushou snails, with a sales volume of several hundred tons a year, mainly to restaurants and prefabricated vegetable factories. The person in charge of the processing plant said, "Fushou snails, how many or how many." Ten tons, twenty tons, whatever you want. ”

In recent years, disease control departments in many places have called for it not to eat Fushou snails.

According to statistics

A snail contains parasites

There are as few as 3,000

Up to 6,000 of them

Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately

A lot of snails in the body

There are parasites such as Angiostrongylus cantonensis

If it is not fully cooked at the time of cooking

After eating, the parasite can easily enter the body

May damage nerve tissue

In severe cases, dementia and even death can occur

In addition, the snail is very reproductive

It can lay eggs 20-40 times a year

The annual spawning capacity is 3-50,000 eggs

It can spread quickly, and it is hybrid

Once it breaks out

It will destroy the surrounding ecosystem

April-June and August-October

It is the peak period for spawning and hatching of snails

If you find it, deal with it immediately

In this way, it will not multiply and spread over a large area

Parents should strictly prohibit their children from playing alone in the river

Don't be curious about this pink snail egg

And go and play with the snail eggs

How to distinguish a snail from a snail?

Some people also said that Fushou snails and field snails are very similar, so how should you tell the difference between the two?

Although Fushou snails and field snails look a little similar, there is still a big difference when you look closely. The size of the snail is much larger than that of the snail, more than several times that of the snail, and the tip of the tail is very short, which appears to be more round, and the shell is thinner.

(1) From the point of view of appearance, usually the size of the snail will be much larger than that of the snail, and the color is yellowish;

(2) The tail of the snail is relatively short and flat, and the shell is thin and brittle, while the tail of the snail is longer and sharper, and the shell is hard.

(3) The eggs of the snail are bright red or pink.

User Comments:

If you like to eat snails, you must be careful

Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately
Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately
Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately
Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately
Fushou snails are disguised as field snails and sold! Just reported: Sealed! Urgent reminder, don't eat indiscriminately

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