
Xian deposed misbelievingly, and the complete pacification of the Suiwang family - the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion'

author:Bohu 42

In October of the fourth year of King Jing of Zhou (516 BC), with the support of the Jin army, King Jing of Zhou, who was exiled in Diquan, raised the 'Wang Shi' in the name of the 'Son of Heaven' to crusade against the 'rebel ministers' who had usurped the throne of the Wang Dynasty; on November 11, Wang Shi (in fact, most of the Jin army) captured Gongdi on the periphery of Luoyi, and the princes and their henchmen in the city of Luoyi were in a state of panic.

After that, Zhao Boying took the opportunity to lead some of his cronies to launch an "uprising" in the royal capital, and drove the "usurped son of heaven" Wang Zichao, as well as most of the relatives of the Zhao clan, as well as the party feathers of the Wang Dynasty (Mao Bode), Yin Xin (Yin Wengong), Nangong Yan (Nangong Ji people) and others of the Wang Dynasty, forced them to leave Wangji and went into exile in the "land of Jingchu" (in the territory of Chu).

Xian deposed misbelievingly, and the complete pacification of the Suiwang family - the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion'

When the prince and his henchmen were expelled from the city by the anti-water Zhao Boying, they were unwilling to fail like this, so in line with the idea that I won't let you feel better, the prince took away all the precious books and archives that the Zhou royal family had kept for hundreds of years and brought them to the state of Chu for resettlement (since then, since then, the Zhou royal family has never been able to show its transcendent status and patriarchal majesty as a symbol of the cultural system, almost the same as the 'tabula rasa heaven' in later generations).

After successfully expelling the prince's party and his party, Zhao Boying hurried to the corpse field and personally went to greet King Zhou Jing, the real son of heaven, and then formed an alliance with Liu Yu and Shan Qi in the corpse field. On November 23, under the heavy protection of the Jin army, King Jing of Zhou entered Chengzhou (the eastern city of the king's capital), and the next day he made an oath with the doctors in the Xianggong (the palace where King Xiang of Zhou lived).

Seeing that the Son of Heaven had successfully entered the royal capital, and the prince's party had also been expelled to the state of Chu, the main generals of the Jin army, Zhizheng and Zhao Ying, who were ordered to come to the 'King of Qin', led the main force of the Jin army to withdraw and return to China, leaving only the Jin doctor Cheng Gong to lead a small part of the Jin army to continue to defend in Chengzhou to prevent the prince from attacking the remnants of the party.

On the fourth day of December in the fourth year of King Jing of Zhou (516 BC), King Jing of Zhou finally entered the Zhuang Palace (the palace where King Zhuang of Zhou lived and the main hall of the palace); Since King Jing of Zhou was driven out of the royal capital and exiled to Diquan in June of the first year of King Jing of Zhou (519 BC), after three and a half years, King Jing of Zhou finally returned to his own palace of Yuyi, which was once occupied by the prince's dynasty, and became a veritable 'Tianzi of Zhou' (of course, this title is not much to show off now).

With the expulsion of the prince dynasty into exile and the smooth return of King Jing of Zhou to the royal capital, the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion', which lasted for four years and caused turmoil and war in the Zhou royal family, finally came to an end (but it was not completely over. )

Xian deposed misbelievingly, and the complete pacification of the Suiwang family - the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion'

In addition, Zhao Boying, who betrayed and expelled the prince's dynasty and welcomed King Zhou Jing back to the royal capital, did not get a good end - in March of the seventh year of King Zhou Jing (613 BC), King Zhou Jing killed Zhao Boying and his fellow party 'son of Yuan Bolu' in the royal capital on the grounds of 'participating in the rebellion of the prince's dynasty and causing trouble to the royal family', and wiped out his family.

And Yin Xin (Yin Wengong, also known as Yin Gu), a sworn friend of the prince's dynasty, fled back after fleeing to Chu with the prince's dynasty, originally thinking that King Zhou Jing would continue to reuse him; But this time, in the post-mortem liquidation of King Zhou Jing, Yin Xin was killed along with Zhao Boying and Yuan Bolu's son.

When Yin Xin left the prince's dynasty and fled back to the royal capital from Chu to restore the throne, a woman from Wang Ji met him on the outskirts of Chengzhou and unceremoniously rebuked him, saying:

"You have instigated others to cause trouble in your own country, and you have committed an accident, and you have fled, and after a few days you have come back as if nothing had happened; You, a person, can you survive three years after doing such a thing? ”

Things are exactly as this woman said, after Yin Xin returned to the royal capital, only three years later, he was killed by King Zhou Jing.

Xian deposed misbelievingly, and the complete pacification of the Suiwang family - the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion'

Just when he was forced to leave Luoyi and went into exile in Chu with many valuable classics, the prince dynasty, who was angry and unwilling to be defeated, wrote a lengthy and cumbersome 'letter of condemnation' to the princes of the world, accusing Shan Qi, Liu Yu and others of 'doing chaos and abolishing the establishment', and complaining about himself;

"Once upon a time, my ancestor King Wu defeated the Yin Dynasty (Shang Dynasty), King Cheng settled the Quartet, and King Kang rested with the people; King Cheng and King Kang not only divided their half-brothers as princes as a barrier to the Zhou family, but also humbly said: "I cannot bear the merits of King Wen and King Wu alone, and (the brothers) are still for the descendants of the Zhou family, and once they (the successor Son of Heaven) put the royal family in danger because of immorality and corruption, (the feudal princes) can save him." ”

When it came time for King Yi, because he was riddled with a bad disease, the princes did not go all over the famous mountains and rivers in the territory to pray for the health of King Yi. When King Li was on the throne, his heart was perverse and tyrannical, and the people couldn't bear it, so they let him live in Yidi to recuperate (the people of the country rioted), and the princes left their original positions and participated in the political affairs of the royal family (Zhou, Zhao Gonghe). Later, because King Xuan was a man of knowledge and ambition, the princes returned the throne to him. When it came to King You, the Son of Heaven was in a coma, and God did not bless the royal family, so King You lost his throne and Zong Zhou perished.

Later, King Xi (Zhou Wang, one said to be the uncle of King Zhou Ping, the other said to be a brother) violated the Mandate of Heaven, and the princes abolished him and set up an heir (King Zhou Ping), so the royal family also moved the capital to Jia Jun (Cheng Zhou). This is all due to the contribution of the princes and brothers to the royal family. When he arrived at King Hui, the heavens did not let the Zhou room be stable, which caused the decadence (prince decadence) to have a bad heart, which affected the uncle belt (prince belt). King Hui and King Xiang took refuge and left the capital. At this time, there were brother countries, Jin and Zheng, all of whom came to support the Son of Heaven and drive away the rebels to stabilize the royal family. This is due to the fact that the princes and brothers can obey the orders of King Cheng and King Kangxian.

In the sixth year of King Ding (the sixth year of King Ding of Zhou, 601 BC), the state of Qin descended a demon and said: "Zhou will have a bearded son of heaven, who can complete his duty, make the princes obedient and enjoy the country, and the two generations of the son of heaven have kept their duty; After that, there will be people in the royal family who covet the throne, and the princes will not plot for the royal family, and they will be affected by the disaster of turmoil. "Later, King Ling (King Ling of Zhou, the grandfather of the prince and King Jing of Zhou, and the father of King Jing of Zhou) was born, he grew a beard when he was born, and he was very intelligent and holy, and he did not do anything evil to the princes after he ascended the throne. And King Ling and King Jing (King Jing of Zhou, the father of the Prince Dynasty and King Jing of Zhou) can start and finish well.

The reason why the royal family is in turmoil now is caused by Shan Qi and Liu Di (i.e., Liu Yu) disturbing the world and acting perversely, and they also said: 'What is the rule on which the first king (King Zhou Mourning) ascended the throne? As long as I want to set up whomever I want in my heart, who will dare to come and crusade against us? In this way, they and their henchmen created strife and civil strife in the royal family, embezzled without satisfaction, coveted without limits, consistently blasphemed ghosts and gods, abandoned the criminal law, violated and violated the original covenant, flouted the law and etiquette, and slandered the last words of the former king (King Jing of Zhou) (making the prince dynasty his heir).

However, the Jin State had no way, praised Shan Qi and Liu Yu, and endlessly indulged their behavior. Now I am in turmoil, fleeing to the land of thorns, and have not yet found a home. If one or two of my brothers and nephews (referring to the princes, Zhou Tianzi generally called the princes with the same surname uncles and brothers, and the princes with different surnames uncles or nephews) obeyed the laws of the heavens, did not help the cunning and treacherous, obeyed the orders of the former king (King Zhou Jing), did not incur the punishment of heaven, removed my worries and planned for me, then this is my wish. I dare to use this to fully disclose my inner thoughts and the orders of the former king (King Jing of Zhou), and I hope that the princes will seriously consider it.

Once upon a time, the king of the first king (King Jing of Zhou) said: 'If the queen has no concubine, she chooses the eldest (among the princes) to be the crown prince; If they are of the same age, they are chosen according to their virtue, and those who are of equal virtue are chosen according to divination. 'The Son of Heaven does not favor, and the minister is selfless, this is a system handed down from ancient times. Empress Mu (Queen Jing of Zhou) and Prince Shou died at an early age, and the Shan and Liu families particially set up younger people (King Mourning of Zhou, King Jing of Zhou), which was a practice of violating the orders of the previous kings; Brothers, all the princes who are older than me or less than me, consider which side they are to obey. ”

Xian deposed misbelievingly, and the complete pacification of the Suiwang family - the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion'

Although this 'condemnation' of the Wang Zi Dynasty was very well written and extraordinary, the princes who received the letter and the scholars and doctors who knew its contents did not think so, and some people (Lu Guo's doctor Min Ma's father) also sarcastically said to the Wang Zi Dynasty:

"The words are used to enforce the ritual system, and what the court (prince) did was indeed against the orders of King Jing; He alienated the big country (Jin State) again, and wholeheartedly wanted to seize the heir and be the Son of Heaven, which was too rude; What's the use of his writing, no matter how good it is? ”

When the prince fled to the state of Chu, it coincided with the death of King Ping of Chu and the succession of King Zhao of Chu, and the monarchs and ministers of the state of Chu were very polite to the prince who came to take refuge with a large number of books and ritual vessels, and let him and his entourage and cronies live in the state of Chu; And the prince lived in the Chu State for eleven years (one said that the prince lived in Yingdu, and the other said that he lived in Wandi, that is, Nanyang).

In the winter of the fourteenth year of King Jing of Zhou (506 years ago), a fierce battle broke out between Wu and Chu, and King Wu led the army of Chu with Wu Zixu and Sun Wu as the main generals, and the Wu army won five battles and five victories, and directly attacked the Chu capital Ying, the king of Chu Zhao fled in embarrassment, and the state of Chu was almost destroyed.

At this time, King Jing of Zhou, who had always been concerned about the exile of the prince dynasty in the Chu state, took advantage of the good opportunity of the almost defeat of the Chu state and had no time to take care of it, and sent someone to sneak into the land of Chu and stabbed the half-brother and sworn enemy Wang Zichao, but there was a big matter in his heart. But the clerk still left an omission - Dan Pian, one of the prince's henchmen, escaped in the assassination and later sneaked back to Chengzhou.

In the sixteenth year of King Jing of Zhou (spring of 504 BC), the prince who returned to Cheng Zhou suddenly became troubled with the help of Yu Dang Danpian in Zheng State, and united with the Zheng army to capture the six towns of Zhou, such as Fengdi, Slippery, Xumi, Negative Millet, Fox Man, and Quewai, and King Jing of Zhou had to escape from the royal capital and temporarily live in Guyi (the name of Zhouyi), and then Dan Pian led the prince to occupy the old department of the royal capital; The dignified Zhou Tianzi was driven out of the royal capital by just one exile, and the decline of the Zhou family can be seen.

On November 23 of the seventeenth year of King Jing of Zhou (503 years ago), because the Jin State sent a doctor to lead an army to aid the royal family, defeated the Danpian party and recovered the royal capital, so King Jing of Zhou returned to the royal capital from Guyin under the welcome of Shan Wu Gong (son of Shan Yi and Shan Mu Gong Shan Qi) and Liu Huan Gong (name unknown, son of Liu Wengong Liu Yu), and re-entered the royal capital on the fifth day of December.

Xian deposed misbelievingly, and the complete pacification of the Suiwang family - the 'Prince's Dynasty Rebellion'

In February of the eighteenth year of King Jing of Zhou (502 BC), Duke Shan Wu and Duke Liu Huan were ordered by King Jing of Zhou to send troops to attack the Danpian Party (the last remnant of the Prince Dynasty), and successively captured Gucheng (Mengjin, Henan) and Yili guarded by Danpian's henchmen; In March, Duke Shan Wu and Duke Liu Huan sent troops to attack Jiancheng and Yudi, eliminating the last Dan Pian Yu Party and stabilizing the royal family.

At this point, the 'Rebellion of the Prince's Dynasty', which began in the 25th year of King Jing of Zhou (520 BC) and lasted for 18 years, was completely pacified.

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