
It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

author:Force wave observation

On the road to containing China in the United States, science and technology is the only important area in which the mainland is currently at a disadvantage. In addition to suppressing sanctions against China in the field of chips, the United States has also continued to target artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) technology, and even extended the unilaterally concocted "China threat" to the field of AI and linked it to nuclear weapons.

But the funny thing is that the United States racked its brains to "package" sanctions against China in various fields, but American politicians did not unify even the most basic smear rhetoric.

It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

According to media reports, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell named China when participating in an event held by a U.S. think tank, saying that the United States has been "painstakingly" trying to have a strategic dialogue with China on the nuclear issue over the years, and that China and the United States, as countries at the forefront of science and technology, should understand that the field of AI poses severe challenges to military command and control, especially in the nuclear field.

Campbell's remarks are clearly aimed at colluding the so-called "China threat" with the AI field, so as to arouse the attention and worry of the international community, and finally force China to sit at the negotiating table.

It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

At the same day's meeting, however, another White House National Security Council executive, Tarun Chabra, said that China had "not agreed" to negotiations on limiting its nuclear arsenal.

He also stressed that the U.S. position on the nuclear issue and AI is clear, and autonomous systems should not be involved in any decision to launch nuclear weapons, a view that many U.S. allies basically agree, but China rejects.

Of course, according to the consistent style of politicians in the White House, they throw out an issue and result that is inappropriate for China, but do not explain the process, transfer all the contradictions to China, and achieve the goal of distracting China from public opinion.

It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

In response to the confusing stance of US politicians, both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense of the mainland have repeatedly and clearly responded that the United States has the largest number of nuclear weapons in the world, and on the premise of promoting denuclearization, it still invests a huge amount of money to upgrade the "three-in-one" nuclear strike system, develop low-yield nuclear weapons, and lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.

The US side has been constantly hyping up China's "unwillingness" to negotiate on nuclear arms control, but in fact it is just trying to find an excuse for its own expansion of nuclear forces.

Furthermore, whether it is legally or illegally possessing nuclear weapons, China is the only country in the world that has pledged not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, and its national defense strategy is mainly defense-oriented, especially in the nuclear field, which has always maintained stability and predictability, which is far from being comparable to "double standard" countries like the United States.

It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

Moreover, nuclear arms control negotiations should be based on equality, the United States has more than 5,500 nuclear warheads, although China's number has not been announced, but China's number of nuclear warheads does not exceed 600, 10 times the gap between China, but it frequently asks China to limit the development of nuclear weapons.

Last year, the spokesman of the mainland Foreign Ministry asked Zeng Baqi whether the United States was trying to draw China into nuclear disarmament talks was preparing to reduce its nuclear weapons to the same number as China, or whether China would increase its nuclear weapons to the same level as the United States.

The United States was speechless and unable to respond positively.

It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

In fact, China and the United States launched a track II dialogue on the nuclear issue in March this year, and the US side still hyped up the "Chinese nuclear threat" and linked the field of AI with nuclear arms control.

In June, the United States test-fired two Minuteman-3 intercontinental ballistic missiles on the 4th and 6th respectively, although the test launch did not carry a nuclear warhead, the US Air Force also stressed that the test launch had nothing to do with the current complicated geopolitical situation, and aimed to demonstrate the "combat readiness" of the United States under the premise that people were worried about the outbreak of World War III.

The Minuteman 3 ICBM has been in service for a long time, and its comprehensive performance is about to fall out of the world's first echelon, but the United States is keen to provoke wars abroad, coupled with the economic recession, which has led to a serious delay in the development of the next generation of Sentinel ballistic missiles in the United States, so the Minuteman will not be retired until at least 2030.

It's about nuclear weapons! The United States suddenly attacked and forced China to the negotiating table, and the loser of this round of confrontation has been decided

In order to obtain more data on nuclear weapons, the United States also conducted a subcritical nuclear test before two successive test launches. The reason why it is "subcritical" is that it uses the necessary materials for nuclear weapons--- highly enriched uranium, but because of other limitations, these materials can simulate the most realistic nuclear explosion effect without a chain reaction, so as to obtain more accurate data to help the United States update its nuclear weapons.

Therefore, if the United States continues to hype up China's nuclear weapons and nuclear arms control negotiations, but it itself has carried out dangerous nuclear tests one after another, and if it really wants to talk about the "nuclear threat", then the United States is the one who should be blamed the most.

However, no matter how provocative the United States is, once a nuclear war starts, the loser is already doomed. A consensus of the international community on nuclear war is: "A nuclear war cannot be fought and cannot be won", with the current global nuclear power yield, once a nuclear war is started, it will be the end of all mankind, and the earth may not have much problem, but the destruction of mankind is doomed, which is the main reason why the United States does not dare to take action against Russia.

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