
[Food security - Shidian in action] "for" the rain to take precautions and eliminate hidden dangers, and take multiple measures to ensure food security

author:Ink Shidian

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and disaster relief and the requirements of provinces, cities and counties on flood prevention work, the County Development and Reform Bureau and grain and oil companies have taken active actions to take multiple measures to conscientiously do a good job in flood prevention and grain protection, and go all out to ensure food security.

[Food security - Shidian in action] "for" the rain to take precautions and eliminate hidden dangers, and take multiple measures to ensure food security

Attach great importance to and strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. The County Development and Reform Bureau adheres to the principle of "people first, life first", firmly establishes the concept of safe development, builds a solid bottom-line thinking and limit thinking, strengthens risk awareness with the mental state and responsibility of "always rest assured", attaches great importance to flood prevention work, pays close attention to various flood prevention measures, and earnestly implements the responsibility of safe flood control.

[Food security - Shidian in action] "for" the rain to take precautions and eliminate hidden dangers, and take multiple measures to ensure food security

Strictly enforce work discipline and strengthen on-duty duty. Strictly implement the system of on-duty duty and information reporting, and strictly investigate the behavior of leaving the post without permission and failing to perform duties on the job; During the flood season, 24-hour communication should be maintained, and the flood situation should be handled and reported as soon as possible, so as to prevent safety accidents during the flood season.

[Food security - Shidian in action] "for" the rain to take precautions and eliminate hidden dangers, and take multiple measures to ensure food security

Increase the intensity of inspections and do a good job in the rectification and implementation of potential safety hazards. The County Development and Reform Bureau organized the grain and oil company to investigate the potential safety hazards of the ditches, roofs, low-lying land, courtyard walls, and rental warehouses of the Yongfu Grain Depot, and check whether the roof leakage was repaired in time, whether the drainage ditches in the reservoir were cleaned and dredged, so as to ensure that the drainage was unimpeded, especially in the low-lying areas of the reservoir area, and prepare for flood control in advance. Rectify the potential safety hazards found in a timely manner.

[Food security - Shidian in action] "for" the rain to take precautions and eliminate hidden dangers, and take multiple measures to ensure food security

Improve emergency plans and prepare sufficient flood control materials. Enrich the emergency rescue team in a timely manner, improve the emergency plan, implement the allocation of sandbags, water baffles, drainage pumps, rain gear and other flood control equipment, conduct a comprehensive inspection of all kinds of emergency materials in a strict and meticulous manner, standardize material management, ensure that the quantity and quality of emergency materials meet the requirements, and truly achieve "sufficient preparation and good storage" at ordinary times, and can be transferred and used at critical times, so as to build a safety barrier to protect the lives and property of the masses.

In the next step, the County Development and Reform Bureau will adhere to the principle of "rather be prepared than used, and be unprepared when unavailable", combine the management and use of emergency disaster response materials, further strengthen the reserve materials, and urge the reserve warehouse to make real efforts to improve the emergency support capacity, and always be prepared to prevent disasters and grab major risks, so as to win the tough battle of flood control, so as to achieve standardized management, timely response and efficient guarantee.

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