
Qinggang Village, Yudong Township: Build a new pattern of grassroots governance in "moisturizing things silently".

author:Zhenxiong Media

Walking into Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, there are clean and tidy rural roads, warm and simple villagers, and neighbors talk and laugh with each other...... A new picture of a harmonious and beautiful countryside comes into view.

In recent years, Yudong Township has focused on the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, shouldered the responsibility, innovated the working mechanism, boldly explored and practiced, refined experience and practices, promoted the overall improvement of the work from point to point, and continuously enhanced the people's sense of happiness and security. "We must strive to resolve contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level and in the bud, and guide villagers to express their interests and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests through rational and legal channels." Zhao Jianhua, secretary of the general party branch of Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, is discussing a new path of grassroots governance with the "two committees" of the village.

Qinggang Village, Yudong Township: Build a new pattern of grassroots governance in "moisturizing things silently".

"Zhang Li is not hotly discussed, contradictions and disputes do not leave the village ......" this is the village rules and regulations on the wall of Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, all along, the village "two committees" will fully integrate the village rules and regulations into the daily life of the masses, guide the masses to establish a civilized and healthy life concept, let the village customs and civilization infiltrate the hearts of the people, and effectively promote the construction of villagers' autonomy capacity, not only "about" out of the new trend of civilization, but also gradually "regulate" the good habits of the masses, and solve the problem of grassroots governance.

In Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, you can often see the grid members and party members mediating contradictions and disputes, they always go to the scene to understand the situation for the first time, and help the villagers mediate the contradictions and disputes by moving them with emotion and knowing with reason, so as to truly achieve "people walk in the grid, and things are done in the grid". Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, continues to improve the normalized investigation of the grid, adheres to and develops the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, establishes a five-level grid unit of township, village, group, party member and masses, divides the village into grid units, sets up a mass service team of party members, clarifies the posts and responsibilities of unemployed party members, and sets up various posts such as social security maintenance, dispute mediation, changing customs and customs, flood control and early warning, etc., to do a deep and detailed normalized investigation of contradictions and disputes, and effectively find out the contradictions, disputes and instability risks and hidden dangers in the jurisdiction, and ensure that the contradictions and problems are placed in a clear place. And through the monthly family safety risk assessment meeting, contradiction and dispute investigation meeting, convene the villager team leader and grid member to collect contradiction and dispute information, and establish and improve the "Contradiction and Dispute Investigation Registration Ledger".

Qinggang Village, Yudong Township: Build a new pattern of grassroots governance in "moisturizing things silently".

Grid normalization is just a microcosm of innovative grassroots governance. In recent years, Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, has been exploring new methods of grassroots governance to further improve the strength of the team. With the party branch as the carrier, the old party members take the lead, give full play to the role of the "villagers' deliberation committee", "courtyard dam consultation" and "two representatives and one member", and set up a voluntary patrol team composed of township, village, group cadres, public welfare post personnel, and villager representatives to carry out normalized patrols, and at the same time sign a legal service agreement with the lawyers of Yunnan Aoyang (Zhenxiong) Law Firm, work together, give full play to the advantages of the legal profession, and normalize the work of rule of law publicity, legal consultation, and legal services. Earnestly help resolve the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems of the masses in the area of the rule of law. "As a party member, after many conflicts between neighbors have been resolved by us, the village style in the village has improved, the people have improved, the neighbors have also united, (getting along) are very harmonious, and life is also very happy and happy." Talking about the changes in the village in recent years, Lang Xuehua, an unemployed party member, couldn't help but sigh.

Qinggang Village, Yudong Township: Build a new pattern of grassroots governance in "moisturizing things silently".

In order to further unblock channels and know public opinion, Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, has improved and improved the position guarantee, through the establishment of a comprehensive management room for investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, to create an intelligent rural governance platform based on "small probes", with 79 synchronous probes, covering 15 villager groups, improving the level of rural security, synchronously expanding video AI functions, and combining terminal + cloud AI monitoring to effectively monitor key road sections, key areas, and key groups; Build a fitness culture square, speech and pavilion that integrates party building, rule of law, clean government, and ideology, and guide the masses to act in accordance with the law, find the law when encountering problems, and rely on the law to solve problems; Build an incentive mechanism based on the "home of party members", "green family" and "law-abiding home", and formulate "three types" of family evaluation standards, and guide the masses to develop for the better through commendation and publicity in the whole village.

"There are more people in my neighborhood who buy things at my house, we are old, and the surrounding villagers believe what we say, and we often take the initiative to mediate where there are disputes and contradictions. Now the neighbors are also very harmonious, and everyone is law-abiding. Zhang Shuxue, a representative who was commended by the law-abiding home, often took the initiative to participate in the mediation of contradictions and disputes in grassroots governance, drove neighborhood harmony with "old" faces, guided the masses to adjust their mentality to the level of solving problems together with cadres, and ensured that the masses "can sit down, listen, and understand".

Qinggang Village, Yudong Township: Build a new pattern of grassroots governance in "moisturizing things silently".

Zhao Jianhua, secretary of the general party branch of Qinggang Village, Yudong Township, introduced: "The village has established a five-level grid commissioner (system) of township, village, group, party member and mass to actively carry out investigation and resolution work; Establish a deputy head of our village for rule of law, actively popularize the law, and do a good job in legal publicity and legal aid work; Establish a monitoring center to restore mass disputes and effectively protect the safety of the people's property. Through the implementation of these measures, we have indeed achieved that major matters do not leave the village and small things do not go out of the group. ”

Yudong Township earnestly focuses on the blocking points, difficulties and hot issues in the grassroots governance work, deeply practices the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, adheres to multi-party participation and multi-linkage joint investigation, and creates a social governance community in the new era where everyone is responsible, everyone is responsible, and everyone enjoys, integrates into community grassroots governance in "moisturizing things silently", continuously guides and encourages the masses to actively participate in social governance, and builds a new pattern of grassroots governance of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Reporter: Luo Wei, Gong Rui, Lin Shaobo

Web editor: Wen Qinghua

First instance: Chen Xin

Second trial: Chen Lin

Third trial: Cheng Hong

Submission email|[email protected] Zhenxiong County Financial Media Center


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