
The special line for helping farmers is opened! Ankai buses have been transformed into "vegetable" trucks

author:Bus information network

The "small wheels" of the bus carry the "great people's livelihood". In order to effectively solve the problem of difficulty for people in the suburbs to enter the city, public transport enterprises around the country give full play to the advantages of their own public transport resources, with the purpose of public transport benefiting the people and rural revitalization, so that rural areas and cities, livelihoods and people's livelihood can go in both directions, and open a number of special bus lines to help farmers.

Nowadays, the "special line to help farmers" carried by Ankai buses not only unblocks the "last kilometer" of vegetable farmers selling vegetables, but also opens up the channels for agricultural products to enter the city, carrying the daily life of countless people, which is not only a fast channel connecting the countryside and the city, but also a vivid practice of enriching the people and integrating urban and rural development.

Grab the "fresh" bus, and it is convenient and fast to go into the city to sell vegetables

The bus is connected to livelihood at one end and people's livelihood at the other. For vegetable farmers, a bus is not only a means of travel to enter the city "early", but also a "conveyor belt of agricultural products" in their hands, which not only broadens the path for farmers to increase their income and get rich, but also allows citizens to grab "fresh" fruits and vegetables.

The special line for helping farmers is opened! Ankai buses have been transformed into "vegetable" trucks

At 5 o'clock in the morning every day, vegetable farmers in Sanshigang Township, Luyang District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, either carrying baskets, bags, or carrying burdens, gathered early at the bus stop of Beisangang Grain Station to wait for the bus. They have to catch the first bus of the No. 300 bus "Helping Farmers" in the early morning to transport their home-grown fresh fruits and vegetables such as peppers, lettuce, tomatoes to the urban vegetable market for sale.

In order to make it more convenient for vegetable farmers to go to the city to sell vegetables, from August 2023, on the basis of field research and passenger flow survey, combined with the actual situation that the first and second buses of the 300 bus line are often full, the bus departure frequency will be encrypted, the original single-shift morning bus will be adjusted to a double-shift morning bus, and the peak departure interval will be shortened to 3 minutes.

The special line for helping farmers is opened! Ankai buses have been transformed into "vegetable" trucks

It is understood that the main force of the 300 bus line is the Ankai G9 bus, which adopts a full-load body structure and is driven by pure electricity, which is stable and comfortable. It has excellent performance in energy saving, emission reduction, and driving mileage, and the car adopts a low floor and large channel design, which can be placed in a flat basket, and it is more convenient for people to get on and off the car.

After the opening of the "special line to help farmers", vegetable farmers have said that now they go to the city to sell vegetables, there are buses, and it is really convenient to travel! As of the end of March this year, the No. 300 bus "agricultural assistance line" has added more than 240 additional agricultural assistance flights in addition to the normal operation plan, serving more than 16,000 vegetable farmers in total.

Warm-hearted connection, people's income and worry-saving and effort-saving

This year's government work report emphasizes that "focus on promoting farmers' income and strengthening rural industries to enrich the people" and "promote the two-way flow of various factors to form a new pattern of urban-rural integrated development". The "special line for helping farmers" opened by Hefei City realizes the warm connection between "vegetable garden" and "vegetable basket".

The special line for helping farmers is opened! Ankai buses have been transformed into "vegetable" trucks

Not only Hefei, at present, many places across the country have focused on the problem of vegetable farmers' "difficult to travel", and explored many similar transportation lines according to local conditions, providing convenience for vegetable farmers to sell goods in the city, in Lu'an, Ankai G9 has once again turned into a "vegetable" car, connecting the 201 bus "vegetable farmer line", so that vegetable farmers can "lift their feet" to sell vegetables in the city more worry-free.

In order to further help the market popularity of agricultural products, Fuyang Public Transport Group will take the lead in 2022, relying on its own unique advantages and combining the rural characteristics of the three districts of Fucheng to carefully build 5 "rural revitalization lines". Among them, Ankai G6 bravely takes on the important task of carrying "goods" by virtue of its small size, large capacity, ultra-flexible and other advantages, and has become a special bus that can sightsee, deliver goods, and be used for display.

The special line for helping farmers is opened! Ankai buses have been transformed into "vegetable" trucks

To help farmers get benefits, we must first sharpen their tools. Ankai Bus tailors the "fast dry support micro-specialized" travel solution, and builds a series of product matrix covering G6, G7, G9 to E6, E9, etc., to meet the travel needs of urban and rural travel, intercity travel, community travel, urban travel, tourism and sightseeing, smart travel and other full-scene travel.

In the future, Ankai Bus will continue to look forward to market changes, and actively promote the development of urban-rural integration and rural revitalization by continuously enriching the product matrix, so that it is convenient for villagers to travel and enter the city, and it is also convenient for citizens to go out and travel.